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Abstract Introduction: MMP3 plays a crucial role in the process of bone erosion in the pathomechanism of rheumatoid arthritis (RA). It acts by removing the outer osteoid layer, which allows the osteoclasts to tightly connect and carry out the subsequent damage to the underlying bone. MMP3 can trigger the production of other MMPs like MMP-1, MMP-7, and MMP-9, it plays a pivotal role in the remodeling of connective tissues. Aim of the study: to assess the influence of MMP-3 serum levels and single-nucleotide polymorphisms of rs679620 in the rheumatoid arthritis patients' group in comparison to the control group. Subjects: eighty eight samples, 45 rheumatoid arthritis patients after being referred by their treating physician for regular RA test. The remaining 43 samples all represent apparently healthy people. The present study investigated the serum concentration of MMP-3 and rs679620 SNPs in the group of patients with RA, in comparison to the control group. Results: The results indicated a significant elevation in MMP-3 levels in RA patients in comparison to healthy individuals (12.75 ± 0.38 vs. 9.69 ± 0.37) and the findings of rs679620 SNPs appeared that the patient group has a non-significant increase in both allele frequency A and genotype frequency AA when compared to the control group (66.2 vs. 52.2 %; p = 0.172; OR = 1.79 and 35.3 vs. 17.4 %; p = 0.229; OR = 2.59) , but a non-significant decrease in both allele frequency C and genotype frequency CC when compared to the control group (2.94 vs. 4.4 %; p = 1.0; OR = 0.67 and 2.9 vs. 4.3 %; p = 1.0; OR = 0.67), as well as a non-significant decrease in allele frequency G and both genotypes frequency GG and AG when compared to the control group (30.9 vs. 43.5 %; p = 0.233; OR = 0.58, 0.0 vs. 8.7 %; p = 0.159; OR = 0.12 and 61.8 vs. 69.6 %; p = 0.585; OR = 0.71 ). Patients carrying the AA and AG genotype, had significantly higher serum levels of MMP-3 compared to control (P= 0.005 and 0.004) respectively. Conclusion: Rs679620 may influence joint destruction via increase MMP-3 production.

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 15 2015
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Removal of Lead and Chromium From Industrial Wastewater by Locally Citrobacter spp. Isolates
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Biosorption is an effective method to remove toxic metals from wastewaters. In this study biosorption of lead and chromium ions from solution was studied using Citrobacter freundii and Citrobacter kosari isolated from industrial wastewater. The experimental results showed that optimum grwoth temperature for both bacteria is 30oC and the optimum pH is 7 &6 for C. freundii and C. kosari respectively. While the optimum incubation period to remove Pb and Cr for C. freundii and C. kosari is 4 days and 3days respectively. Also the biosorption of Pb and Cr in mixed culture of bacteria and mixed culture of Pb and Cr was investigated. Result indicate that uptake of Cr and Pb for C.freundii, C. kosari and in mixes culture of both bacteria is 58%, 53%

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
Computer Modeling In Engineering & Sciences
A Review and Bibliometric Analysis of the Current Studies for the 6G Networks
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Publication Date
Wed Jun 15 2022
Journal Name
Al-adab Journal
Semantic and stylistic characteristics of the category of the species in modern Russian
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هذه الدراسة مكرسة للخصائص الوظيفية والدلالية المعقدة للفئات اللفظية من التوتر والنوع في اللغة الروسية سيتم الكشف في هذه الدراسة عن السمات الدلالية والأسلوبية للفرق بين الأفعال المكتملة وغير المكتملة، قد تكون الاختلافات مرتبطة بخصائص المعاني المعجمية للكلمات، وكذلك معاني اللواحق المكونة للكلمات) السوابق واللواحق). يعكس استخدام هذه الفئة النحوية في أنماط مختلفة بوضوح تفاصيل كل منها، لأن درجة واقعية ال

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 08 2020
Journal Name
Medical Sciens
COVID-19 clinical characteristics and outcomes in 60 hospitalized Iraqi patients -Case series
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Background: since December 2019, China and in particularly Wuhan, faced an unprecedented an outbreak challenge of coronavirus disease 2019, caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2. Clinical characteristics of Iraqi patients with COVID-19 and risk factors for mortality needed to be shared with the health care providers to improve the overall disease experience. Methods: prospective, single-center study recruited patients with confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection who were admitted to Al-Shifaa Isolation Center / Baghdad Medical City between the mid of March and the end of April 2020 until had been discharged or had died. Demographic data, information on clinical signs, symptoms, at presentation, treatment, have been collected

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 15 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Effect of Adding NPKZn Fertilizer in Growth and Yield of (Vigna raditia L.)
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Experiment was conducted using clay pots at botanical garden of Department of Biology/ College of Education for Pure Science / Ibn –AL- Haitham, University of Baghdad during the growth season of (2013-2014).The experiment aimed to study the effect of NPK Zn fertilizer in (15-15-15-1)% with the levels 0.2, 0.4, 0.6 grams per five kilograms soil based on (80, 120, 240 kg per Hectare)in some of morphological characters and yield of Vigna radiatia. The results showed a significant increase in plant height, dry weight, biological yield, economic yield, weight of 100 seeds, harvest index, absolute growth rate (AGR) were all increased and amount of output compared with control plants.

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
The tragedies of love and death in the tragedy of Federico Garcia Lorca
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    Federico Garcia Lorca is considered in european and american literary circles as revolutionary symbol of contemporary literature writer through close association with the concerns of his country and the world, and also through the violent propensity to freedom, emancipation and innovation. This personal multi-talent has a significant impact in the spanish literary movement, in particularly, and in world, in general. If Lorca has andalusia blood, is no stranger to contemporary arab man to read to him, and contemplates his experience analyst and literary critic. This research is serious study of this character. There is no doubt the reader will put in front of many facts about personali

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 27 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Historical Paths of the Political Conflict in Iraq and its Development After 3002
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Following the political development in Iraq Since 7112 exposed kind of political traditions about how to manage the conflicts that have different Iraqi powers .That what was clear since the formation of permanent government since in 7112 .
The case of conflict between political powers in administrating Iraq state and the withdrawal of American Forcesintroduces questions:
0-Is it possible that that the beginning of Iraq state building shall ease this conflict and peacemaking in the post-conflict period?
7- To what extent the Iraqi powerswas to manage their disputes in non-military like elections which was held in 7112?
2- What is the range of the extent of the political operation after the American withdrawal?
The important

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 15 2020
Journal Name
Theatrical Play Strategy in Enabling and Constructing the Child's Character: سافرة ناجي جاسم
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  Since the human being knew simulation as an expressive style of expressing himself which developed into dramatic arts that have their aesthetic uniqueness involving their own constructive techniques, the art of the theatre had a pioneering role in the development of the human awareness of himself. That’s why it was and still is in all its aesthetic manifestations a free space for the self –disclosure thus man has been simulated as he is the main theme of the existence and its main wealth. Thus the interest in the child's theatre began, because this theatrical pattern has its effectiveness in the construction of the human self and enabling it to be a productive source for a life that accommodates and elevates the human action t

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Deep Learning-Based Segmentation and Classification Techniques for Brain Tumor MRI: A Review
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Early detection of brain tumors is critical for enhancing treatment options and extending patient survival. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanning gives more detailed information, such as greater contrast and clarity than any other scanning method. Manually dividing brain tumors from many MRI images collected in clinical practice for cancer diagnosis is a tough and time-consuming task. Tumors and MRI scans of the brain can be discovered using algorithms and machine learning technologies, making the process easier for doctors because MRI images can appear healthy when the person may have a tumor or be malignant. Recently, deep learning techniques based on deep convolutional neural networks have been used to analyze med

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 19 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Polymer Research
Design, and synthesis of a plasticizer- Schiff’s bases complexes as additive for polystyrene
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This work involved the successful synthesis of three new Schiff base complexes, including Ni(II), Mn(II), and Cu(II) complexes. The Schiff base ligand was created by reacting the malonyldihydrazide molecule with naphthaldehyde, and the final step involved reacting the ligand with the corresponding metallic chloride yielding pure target complexes. FTIR, 1 H NMR, 13 C NMR, mass, and UV/Vis spectroscopies were used to comprehensively characterize the produced complexes. These substances have been employed in this study to photo-stabilize polystyrene (PS) and lessen the photo-degradation of its polymeric chains. Several methods, including FTIR, weight loss, viscosity average molecular weight, light and atomic force microscopy, and energy disper

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