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Reservoir Model and Production Strategy of Mishrif Reservoir-Nasryia Oil Field Southern Iraq
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Nasryia oil field is located about 38 Km to the north-west of Nasryia city. The field was discovered in 1975 after doing seismic by Iraqi national oil company. Mishrif formation is a carbonate rock (Limestone and Dolomite) and its thickness reach to 170m. The main reservoir is the lower Mishrif (MB) layer which has medium permeability (3.5-100) md and good porosity (10-25) %. Form well logging interpretation, it has been confirmed the rock type of Mishrif formation as carbonate rock. A ten meter shale layer is separating the MA from MB layer. Environmental corrections had been applied on well logs to use the corrected one in the analysis. The combination of Neutron-Density porosity has been chosen for interpretation as it is close to core porosity. Archie equation had been used to calculate water saturation using corrected porosity from shale effect and Archie parameters which are determined using Picket plot. Using core analysis with log data lead to establish equations to estimate permeability and porosity for non-cored wells. Water saturation form Archie was used to determine the oil-water contact which is very important in oil in place calculation. PVT software was used to choose the best fit PVT correlation that describes reservoir PVT properties which will be used in reservoir and well modeling. Numerical software was used to generate reservoir model using all geological and petrophysical properties. Using production data to do history matching and determine the aquifer affect as weak water drive. Reservoir model calculate 6.9 MMMSTB of oil as initial oil in place, this value is very close to that measured by Chevron study on same reservoir which was 7.1 MMMSTB. [1] Field production strategy had been applied to predict the reservoir behavior and production rate for 34 years. The development strategy used water injection to support reservoir pressure and to improve oil recovery. The result shows that the reservoir has the ability to produce oil at apparently stable rate equal to 85 Kbbl/d, also the recovery factor is about 14%.

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 01 1990
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
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Littoral and benthic invertebrates from Roundwood Reservoir System were sampled. Oligochaetes and molluscs were the dominant organisms in the littoral and benthic areas Trichopterans and chironomids were the most abundant insect groups. Scuba diving samples reinforced that view. Other groups of macroinvertebrates were poorly represented. Vertical and horizontal hauls of zooplankton revealed that there were twelve species of zooplankton present. Daphnia hyalina Leydig and Bosmina coregoni Baird were the two dominant species.

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 30 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Petrophysical Properties of an Iraqi Carbonate Reservoir Using Well Log Evaluation
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This research was aimed to determine the petrophysical properties (porosity, permeability and fluid saturation) of a reservoir. Petrophysical properties of the Shuiaba Formation at Y field are determined from the interpretation of open hole log data of six wells. Depending on these properties, it is possible to divide the Shuiaba Formation which has thickness of a proximately 180-195m, into three lithological units: A is upper unit (thickness about 8 to 15 m) involving of moderately dolomitized limestones; B is a middle unit (thickness about 52 to 56 m) which is composed of dolomitic limestone, and C is lower unit ( >110 m thick) which consists of shale-rich and dolomitic limestones. The results showed that the average formation water

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 05 2023
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Citric Acid Production: Raw Material, Microbial Production, Fermentation Strategy and Global Market: Critical Review
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Citric acid is an essential ingredient for the manufacture of (12) key industrial chemicals. Citric acid use is increasing steadily with a high annual growth rate as a result of the development of ever more sophisticated applications. Citric acid is widely utilized in the food and pharmaceutical industries due to its low toxicity when compared to other acidulous. Other uses for citric acid can be found in cleaning supplies and detergents. Based on information from a review of the literature, Citric acid production substrates and methods for surface fermentation, submerged fermentation, solid-state fermentation, and international market expansion are all covered in the current review study. Finally, there is still much to learn about the

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 29 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Determination of Reservoir Hydraulic Flow Units and Permeability Estimation Using Flow Zone Indicator Method
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   Reservoir characterization plays a crucial role in comprehending the distribution of formation properties and fluids within heterogeneous reservoirs. This knowledge is instrumental in constructing an accurate three-dimensional model of the reservoir, facilitating predictions regarding porosity, permeability, and fluid flow distribution. Among the various methods employed for reservoir characterization, the hydraulic flow unit stands out as a widely adopted approach. By effectively subdividing the reservoir into distinct zones, each characterized by unique petrophysical and geological properties, hydraulic flow units enable comprehensive reservoir analysis. The concept of the flow unit is closely tied to the flow zone indicator, a cr

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 27 2023
Journal Name
Aip Conference Proceedings
Stability of Kongele earth dam against rapid drawdown of water from reservoir
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ABSTRACT In dam construction stages when an earth embankment has retained a reservoir with constant water surface elevation for a long time, seepage conditions within the embankment will be reach a steady state. If it is necessary to drain the reservoir quickly, the pore-water pressures in the embankment may remain relatively high while the stabling effect of the reservoir's weight along the upstream (U/S) side for the embankment has removed. This process is referring to as "Rapid Drawdown" and may be cause instability in the upstream (U/S) face of the embankment. Kongele dam is one of the proposed earth dams to be implement within the current plan in Iraq. The authors study pore water pressure and the effect of rapid drawdown for the dam d

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Publication Date
Thu Jul 01 2021
Journal Name
Diyala Journal For Pure Science
Survey of Air Quality and Health Risk Assessment Around East Baghdad Oil Field, Iraq
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Air pollution evaluation of the operational processes in the East Baghdad oil field was carried out. The analysis was carried out by ICP-MS technique. Total Suspended Particles (TSP) air load was higher than Iraqi Standards and world international allowable limits of World Health Organization. The mean concentrations of gases carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, in the air were within national and world standards, while the mean concentration of nitrogen dioxide was higher than standard limits. The air of the study area is considered a good quality for CO, CO2 and NO2 with no health effect, while it is hazardous for TSP that have serious risk for people with respiratory disease. The mean concentrations of Cd, Cr, Cu and

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Proceedings Of The 17th Laccei International Multi-conference For Engineering, Education, And Technology: “industry, Innovation, And Infrastructure For Sustainable Cities And Communities”
Type Curve Techniques for Hydraulically Fractured Wells in Tight Gas Reservoir
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Publication Date
Sun Feb 13 2022
Journal Name
Petroleum & Coal
Laboratory-Based Correlations to Estimate Geomechanical Properties for Carbonate Tight Reservoir.
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Rock mechanical properties are critical parameters for many development techniques related to tight reservoirs, such as hydraulic fracturing design and detecting failure criteria in wellbore instability assessment. When direct measurements of mechanical properties are not available, it is helpful to find sufficient correlations to estimate these parameters. This study summarized experimentally derived correlations for estimating the shear velocity, Young's modulus, Poisson's ratio, and compressive strength. Also, a useful correlation is introduced to convert dynamic elastic properties from log data to static elastic properties. Most of the derived equations in this paper show good fitting to measured data, while some equations show scatters

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Effect of Heterogeneity on Recovery Factor for Carbonate Reservoirs. A Case Study for Mishrif Formation in West Qurna Oilfield, Southern Iraq
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Oil recovery could be impacted by the relation between vertical permeability (Kv) and horizontal permeability (Kh) (Kv/Kh). 4816 plugs that have been getting hold of 18 wells of Mishrif formation in the West Qurna oilfield were used. Kv/Kh data provided some scatter, but the mean is ~1. Kv/Kh =1 was used for the Petrel model before upscaling according to the heterogeneity of each layer.

Kv/Kh values for Mishrif Formation in West Qurna Oilfield are 0.8 for relatively homogeneous, 0.4 for heterogeneous rock, and 0.1 for cap rocks (CRII).

   Eclipse TM was used for reservoir simulation. PVT and SCAL data e

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 01 2020
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Reversible and irreversible adsorption of bare and hybrid silica nanoparticles onto carbonate surface at reservoir condition
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Realistic implementation of nanofluids in subsurface projects including carbon geosequestration and enhanced oil recovery requires full understanding of nanoparticles (NPs) adsorption behaviour in the porous media. The physicochemical interactions between NPs and between the NP and the porous media grain surface control the adsorption behavior of NPs. This study investigates the reversible and irreversible adsorption of silica NPs onto oil-wet and water-wet carbonate surfaces at reservoir conditions. Each carbonate sample was treated with different concentrations of silica nanofluid to investigate NP adsorption in terms of nanoparticles initial size and hydrophobicity at different temperatures, and pressures. Aggregation behaviour and the

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