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The Influence of Sucrose on Biomass and Glycosides Content of Callus Cultured from the Leaves of Stevia rebaudiana Berton
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Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni contains diterpenoid steviol glycosides that have no adverse impact on blood sugar levels despite being 300 times sweeter than sugar. This study aimed to investigate the rate of callus induction from stevia leaves and the content of glycosides when changing the sucrose percentage in the culture medium.. Murashige and Skoog (MS) culture medium supported by 4.0 mg/l naphthalene acetic acid (NAA) and 1.0 mg/l benzyl adenine (BA) was used, and different concentrations of sucrose (2, 3, 4, 5 and 6%) were tested .The extraction of glycosides from leaf and callus tissues was performed by using methanol. Extracted glycosides were analyzed by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The results showed significant influences of sucrose on callus initiation. The concentration of 3% sucrose had the highest fresh and dry weight. No callus was induced in the MS medium with a high concentration of sucrose (5% and 6%). However, the highest glycoside content, stevioside and rebaudioside were obtained from callus treated with 4% concentration followed by 3% sucrose the treatment . The highest fresh and dry weight average was obtained with a 3% concentration of sucrose, this treatment also increased the concentration of glycosides in the callus twice as much as in the leaves, and concentrations of 3% and 4% of sucrose gave very similar concentrations of glycosides in callus in terms of being double what was found in the leaves something which may aid in the development of a stevia glycosides based industry.

Publication Date
Sun Oct 08 2023
Journal Name
الدراسات اللغوية والترجمية/translation Studies In Bait Al-hikma
Translating adjectives into Arabic in Chekhov’s story -ward No.6
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Chekhov is well known and perceived in Arab countries. His stories and plays are very popular. They translated it into Arabic by different translators from different languages of the world Many of his stories require new translation solutions to achieve partial, if not complete, equivalence. Chekhov's works are a very difficult subject to analyze and interpret, which is explained by the fact that Chekhov's collections are constantly republished in foreign languages. It is impossible to preserve in translation all the elements of the original text containing historical and national details but, of course, the reader should have the impression that they represent the historical and national situation. When translating, it makes sense to prese

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 06 2022
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Semiotic criteria for analyzing religious symbols in press reports Qantara news site as a model
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The report includes a group of symbols that are employed within a framework that gives a language of greater impact. This research discusses the problem of the semiotic employment of religious symbols in press reports published in the electronic press across two levels: Reading to perceive the visual message in its abstract form, and the second for re-understanding and interpretation, as this level gives semantics to reveal the implicit level of media messages through a set of semiotic criteria on which it was based to cut texts to reach the process of understanding and interpretation.

The report includes a group of symbols that are employed within a framework that gives a language of greater impact. This research discusses the p

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 13 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Reducing False Notification in Identifying Malicious Application Programming Interface(API) to Detect Malwares Using Artificial Neural Network with Discriminant Analysis
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 This paper argues the accuracy of behavior based detection systems, in which the Application Programming Interfaces (API) calls are analyzed and monitored. The work identifies the problems that affecting the accuracy of such detection models. The work was extracted (4744) API call through analyzing. The new approach provides an accurate discriminator and can reveal malicious API in PE malware up to 83.2%. Results of this work evaluated with Discriminant Analysis

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 29 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Microcontroller – Based Spectrum Analyzer
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This work includes design, implementation and testing of a microcontroller – based spectrum analyzer system. Both hardware and software structures are built to verify the main functions that are required by such system. Their design utilizes the permissible and available tools to achieve the main functions of the system in such a way to be modularly permitting any adaptation for a specific changing in the application environment. The analysis technique, mainly, depends on the Fourier analysis based methods of spectral analysis with the necessary required preconditioning processes. The software required for waveform analysis has been prepared. The spectrum of the waveform has been displayed, and the instrument accuracy has been checked.

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 28 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
Using GIS to identify hazardous earthquake locations in Iran
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The objective of all planning research is to plan for human comfort and safety, and one of the most significant natural dangers to which humans are exposed is earthquake risk; therefore, earthquake risks must be anticipated, and with the advancement of global technology, it is possible to obtain information on earthquake hazards. GIS has been utilized extensively in the field of environmental assessment research due to its high potential, and GIS is a crucial application in seismic risk assessment. This paper examines the methodologies used in recent GIS-based seismic risk studies, their primary environmental impacts on urban areas, and the complexity of the relationship between the applied methodological approaches and the resulting env

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 01 2013
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
WHAT IS DEMOCRACY? A MEDIA CONCEPT: (Socio-Cultural Linguistic Analysis)
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It is easy to talk about democracy, but it is difficult to practice. We talk about postmodernism, but difficult to be embodied in the ground. Yet, the age of democracy and modernity at the same time prompted the researcher to try to find a media concept for it. It does not mean that this concept has not yet formed. But the rooting of democracy and the approaching of states and groups towards it, made it necessary to by studied again.

The relationship between democracy and the media has made them look like one concept. The existence of one is linked to the existence of the other. The reality is only a linguistic formulation, but the social and cultural aspect is related to democracy origin

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 26 2019
Journal Name
Association Of Arab Universities Journal Of Engineering Sciences
Secure Mobile Sink Node location in Wireless Sensor Network using Dynamic Routing Protocol
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The important device in the Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is the Sink Node (SN). That is used to store, collect and analyze data from every sensor node in the network. Thus the main role of SN in WSN makes it a big target for traffic analysis attack. Therefore, securing the SN position is a substantial issue. This study presents Security for Mobile Sink Node location using Dynamic Routing Protocol called (SMSNDRP), in order to increase complexity for adversary trying to discover mobile SN location. In addition to that, it minimizes network energy consumption. The proposed protocol which is applied on WSN framework consists of 50 nodes with static and mobile SN. The results havw shown in each round a dynamic change in the route to reach mobi

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Publication Date
Sat Aug 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Choosing Appropriate Distribution ‏‎by Minitab’s 17 Software to Analysis System Reliability
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This research aims to choose the appropriate  probability ‎ distribution  ‎‏‎ to the reliability‎        analysis‎ for  an   item through ‎ collected data for operating and stoppage  time of  the case  study.

    Appropriate choice for .probability distribution   is when  the data look to be on or  close the form fitting line for probability plot and test the data  for  goodness of fit .

     Minitab’s 17 software  was used ‎  for this  purpose after  arranging collected data and setting it in the the program‎.


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Publication Date
Sun May 17 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Physical Education
دراسة تحليلية مقارنة، لبعض المتغيرات الكينماتيكية، في أداء مهارة(Nick shot) الأمامية العكسية، بين لاعبي المنتخب العراقي والمصري، للشباب في الإسكواش
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هدفت الدراسة الى التعرف على مستوى استخدام إدارة المعرفة و تكنولوجيا المعلومات لدى القيادات الإدارية تُعدّ لعبة الإسكواش من الألعاب الفردية، وواحدة من ألعاب المضرب، والتي تمتاز بالسرعة والحركة الدائمة في داخل القاعة، ولعل أهم ما يميز هذه اللعبة المتعة التي يشعر بها اللاعبون الممارسون لها، لأنها تجبر ممارسيها على الحركة المستمرة عن طريق تبادل لعب الكرة، وتتميز بالتحدي المباشر، وتتطلب اليقظة والحرص وال

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 02 2024
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Using Sensitivity Analysis in Linear Programming with Practical Physical Applications
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Linear programming currently occupies a prominent position in various fields and has wide applications, as its importance lies in being a means of studying the behavior of a large number of systems as well. It is also the simplest and easiest type of models that can be created to address industrial, commercial, military and other dilemmas. Through which to obtain the optimal quantitative value. In this research, we dealt with the post optimality solution, or what is known as sensitivity analysis, using the principle of shadow prices. The scientific solution to any problem is not a complete solution once the optimal solution is reached. Any change in the values of the model constants or what is known as the inputs of the model that will chan

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