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Modeling and analysis of a prey-predator system incorporating fear, predator-dependent refuge, and cannibalism

Using a mathematical model to simulate the interaction between prey and predator was suggested and researched. It was believed that the model would entail predator cannibalism and constant refuge in the predator population, while the prey population would experience predation fear and need for a predator-dependent refuge. This study aimed to examine the proposed model's long-term behavior and explore the effects of the model's key parameters. The model's solution was demonstrated to be limited and positive. All potential equilibrium points' existence and stability were tested. When possible, the appropriate Lyapunov function was utilized to demonstrate the equilibrium points' overall stability. The system's persistence requirements were specified. The circumstances of local bifurcation that could take place close to the equilibrium points were discovered. Numerical simulations were run to validate the model's obtained long-term behavior and comprehend the effects of the model's key parameters in order to confirm our analytical conclusions. It has been observed that the system may have numerous coexistence equilibrium points, leading to bi-stable behavior. The fear rate reduces the multiplicity of the equilibrium point and converts the bi-stable situation into a stable case, which stabilizes the system (1) up to the top particular value.

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 04 2022
Journal Name
Communications In Mathematical Biology And Neuroscience
Stability and bifurcation of a prey-predator system incorporating fear and refuge

It is proposed and studied a prey-predator system with a Holling type II functional response that merges predation fear with a predator-dependent prey's refuge. Understanding the impact of fear and refuge on the system's dynamic behavior is one of the objectives. All conceivable steady-states are investigated for their stability. The persistence condition of the system has been established. Local bifurcation analysis is performed in the Sotomayor sense. Extensive numerical simulation with varied parameters was used to explore the system's global dynamics. A limit cycle and a point attractor are the two types of attractors in the system. It's also interesting to note that the system exhibits bi-stability between these 2 types of attractors.

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
The Fear Effect on a Food Chain Prey-Predator Model Incorporating a Prey Refuge and Harvesting
Abstract<p>In this paper, we investigate the impact of fear on a food chain mathematical model with prey refuge and harvesting. The prey species reproduces by to the law of logistic growth. The model is adapted from version of the Holling type-II prey-first predator and Lotka-Volterra for first predator-second predator model. The conditions, have been examined that assurance the existence of equilibrium points. Uniqueness and boundedness of the solution of the system have been achieve. The local and global dynamical behaviors are discussed and analyzed. In the end, numerical simulations are confirmed the theoretical results that obtained and to display the effectiveness of varying each parameter</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
Communications In Mathematical Biology And Neuroscience
Effects of fear and refuge strategy dependent on predator in food web dynamics

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 03 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Applied Mathematics
Order and Chaos in a Prey-Predator Model Incorporating Refuge, Disease, and Harvesting

In this paper, a mathematical model consisting of a prey-predator system incorporating infectious disease in the prey has been proposed and analyzed. It is assumed that the predator preys upon the nonrefugees prey only according to the modified Holling type-II functional response. There is a harvesting process from the predator. The existence and uniqueness of the solution in addition to their bounded are discussed. The stability analysis of the model around all possible equilibrium points is investigated. The persistence conditions of the system are established. Local bifurcation analysis in view of the Sotomayor theorem is carried out. Numerical simulation has been applied to investigate the global dynamics and specify the effect

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
Communications In Mathematical Biology And Neuroscience
The dynamics of a delayed ecological model with predator refuge and cannibalism

This study has contributed to understanding a delayed prey-predator system involving cannibalism. The system is assumed to use the Holling type II functional response to describe the consuming process and incorporates the predator’s refuge against the cannibalism process. The characteristics of the solution are discussed. All potential equilibrium points have been identified. All equilibrium points’ local stability analyses for all time delay values are investigated. The system exhibits a Hopf bifurcation at the coexistence equilibrium, which is further demonstrated. The center manifold and normal form theorems for functional differential equations are then used to establish the direction of Hopf bifurcation and the stability of the per

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 05 2022
Journal Name
Applied Nanoscience
RETRACTED ARTICLE: The impact of fear on a stage structure prey–predator system with anti-predator behavior

A prey-predator interaction model has been suggested in which the population of a predator consists of a two-stage structure. Modified Holling's disk equation is used to describe the consumption of the prey so that it involves the additional source of food for the predator. The fear function is imposed on prey. It is supposed that the prey exhibits anti-predator behavior and may kill the adult predator due to their struggle against predation. The proposed model is investigated for existence, uniqueness, and boundedness. After determining all feasible equilibrium points, the local stability analyses are performed. In addition, global stability analyses for this model using the Lyapunov method are investigated. The chance of occurrence of loc

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 28 2023
Journal Name
The Impact of Fear on a Harvested Prey–Predator System with Disease in a Prey

A mathematical eco-epidemiological model consisting of harvested prey–predator system involving fear and disease in the prey population is formulated and studied. The prey population is supposed to be separated into two groups: susceptible and infected. The susceptible prey grows logistically, whereas the infected prey cannot reproduce and instead competes for the environment’s carrying capacity. Furthermore, the disease is transferred through contact from infected to susceptible individuals, and there is no inherited transmission. The existence, positivity, and boundedness of the model’s solution are discussed. The local stability analysis is carried out. The persistence requirements are established. The global behavior of th

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 30 2024
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
The Impact of Fear and Anti-Predator Behavior on the Dynamics of Stage-Structure Prey–Predator Model With a Harvesting

In this paper, an ecological model with stage-structure in prey population, fear, anti-predator and harvesting are suggested. Lotka-Volterra and Holling type II functional responses have been assumed to describe the feeding processes . The local and global stability of steady points of this model are established. Finally, the global dynamics are studied numerically to investigate the influence of the parameters on the solutions of the system, especially the effect of fear and anti-predation.

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Publication Date
Fri May 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
The Dynamics and Analysis of Stage-Structured Predator-Prey Model Involving Disease and Refuge in Prey Population
Abstract<p>Start your abstract here the objective of this paper is to study the dynamical behaviour of an eco-epidemiological system. A prey-predator model involving infectious disease with refuge for prey population only, the (SI_) infectious disease is transmitted directly, within the prey species from external sources of the environment as well as, through direct contact between susceptible and infected individuals. Linear type of incidence rate is used to describe the transmission of infectious disease. While Holling type II of functional responses are adopted to describe the predation process of the susceptible and infected predator respectively. This model is represented mathematically by </p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Tue Feb 27 2024
Journal Name
Mathematical Modelling Of Engineering Problems
Dynamics of a Fractional-Order Prey-Predator Model with Fear Effect and Harvesting

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