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Enhancing the mechanical properties of lightweight concrete using mono and hybrid fibers
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Abstract<p>This investigation aims to study some properties of lightweight aggregate concrete reinforced by mono or hybrid fibers of different sizes and types. In this research, the considered lightweight aggregate was Light Expanded Clay Aggregate while the adopted fibers included hooked, straight, polypropylene, and glass. Eleven lightweight concrete mixes were considered, These mixes comprised of; one plain concrete mix (without fibers), two reinforced concrete mixtures of mono fiber (hooked or straight fibers), six reinforced concrete mixtures of double hybrid fibers, and two reinforced concrete mixtures of triple hybrid fibers. Hardened concrete properties were investigated in this study. Generally, mono and hybrid fiber specimens showed a significant increase in the splitting tensile strength compared to the plain specimen while they had a slight improvement in compressive strength and modulus of elasticity. The outcomes of the experimental results illustrated that hybrid fibers had the most significant advanced effect on concrete hardened properties. Moreover; the optimization procedure revealed that the best performance in terms of maximum mechanical properties achieved in the mixture reinforced by hybrid fibers[straight + hooked + glass]. The maximum achieved advantage reached (14.18%), (91.97%), and (36.70%) for compressive strength, splitting tensile strength, and modulus of elasticity respectively.</p>
Publication Date
Thu Jun 29 2017
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The verbal opinions of the Najjar band
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This research is a study in which the researcher follows the al-Najjariya sect, which is attributed to Abi Abdullah al-Hussain bin Muhammad bin Abdullah al-Najjar, who died around (220 AH) and aims to:

1- Finding out the time of the emergence of this sect, and removing the confusion as to whether it was from the origins of the sects, or just an independent sect, or affiliated with one of the famous sects.

2- Standing on the most prominent theological opinions adopted by this sect, and in which of them did the Mu'tazila sect agree, and in which of them did the Sunnis and the community agree.

3- Statement of the most prominent sects that branched out from this sect.

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Publication Date
Sun Aug 23 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The impact of the capital increase in the rate of return on stock price: Applied in the study of a sample of Iraqi banks
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The capital banking foundation stone upon which the bank in the practice of business activities, the more capital a good financial adequacy of the increased bank's ability to grant credit and expand the various activities and provide a safety element for depositors and other sources of funding to achieve profits and increase the trading volume of the shares, causing the rise the rate of return for the shares of banks and have the Central Bank as head of the banking system by issuing instructions capital increase banking, according to the requirements of economic development and increase gross domestic product by supporting investment projects that are financed through banks, the research aims to show the extent of the banks commitment to

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 01 2017
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
The Use of Digital Public – Relations in the Work of Iraqi Universities: A Survey Study of the Workers in the Departments of Public Relations
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the digital public relations aim at make the workers getting the necessary information about the governmental institutions where they work and the enveronment surrounding them. it also tries to let the workers get the special knowlege of tthe publich relations and their jobs like the works of planning , arranging the active communication and executive skills needed in their writing , editing , special art skills for designing , production and technological skills to deal with the computer.
the problem of the research includes some questions as :
1- what are the uses achieved by degetal public relations workers at Iraqi universities (Baghdad, Mustansiriya, and Iraqi)
2- what are the tools used to apply digital public relations

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2014
Journal Name
Int. J. Adv. Res
Antibacterial activity of parsley and celery aqueous extract on the isolated bacteria from children UTI in Erbil city‏
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Publication Date
Fri Sep 01 2017
Journal Name
J Indian Soc Periodontol.
The association between receptor activator of nuclear factor kappa-β ligand and clinical attachment level among waterpipe smoker
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Publication Date
Mon Jul 01 2013
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2013 35th Annual International Conference Of The Ieee Engineering In Medicine And Biology Society (embc)
Protocol for site selection and movement assessment for the myoelectric control of a multi-functional upper-limb prosthesis
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Publication Date
Thu Nov 19 2020
Journal Name
The Iraqi Journal For Information And Documentation Studies
The use of still and animated comics in providing user services in university information institutions: a field study
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Comics is a visual art (Still and motion pictures) it seeks to provide a Training courses are a series of intensive important educational and complementary programs, based on previous foundation experiences. Create to development the participants in aspects of specialization according to the requirements of the educational system to continue developing the previous scienti􀂡c and practical experiences. Personally, or adopted by the trainee institution, where the trainee gets a professional skill certi􀂡cate that contributes to the development his work.Development and Continuous Education Center (DCEC) at the University of Baghdad (UoBaghdad) is a center dedicated to continuing education courses in which the participant is awarded a cert

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 08 2023
Journal Name
مجلة حمورابي للدراسات
adolescents exposure to the specialized satellite channel cartoon network and its relationship to their level of technological culture
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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Physical Education
Designing and Standardizing two Passing tests for the Initial selection of Individuals With Simple Mental Disabilities In Futsal
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The five-a- Side Soccer for people with a minor mental disability has become as important as many other sporting events. Therefore, the researcher considers that the basic skills tests are suited to the level of the tested individuals in terms of their age and mental ability. The technical aspects were adopted as a means of selecting from They are qualified to practice this game in the simplest form, so show the importance of the problem of research through the design and codification of two tests of handling skills belonging to this category and adopted by the training cadres during the selection process. The research community for people with minor mental disabilities determines the male category of the mental and social disability instit

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2019
Journal Name
Al-adab Journal
Lamenting the Father in Modern American Poetry: A Study in Selected Elegies of Mark Strand and Sharon Olds
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Modern American elegy reveals a change in the attitude of mourning from the traditional lamenting approach to some antielegiac attitudes towards the mourned figure. Many American poets have lamented the pass away of the stately figure of the father. However, some poets attack their dead father, and ridiculed him in a poem that is intended to be an elegy, instead of showing passion, homage and love to him. In this regard, two poetic attitudes to the father can be traced in modern American poetry. The first one takes the form of tributes and praise, offering great admiration, compassion, and love for the father. For these poets, a father is an inspiration. The second voice develops some anger and contempt against the patriarchal authority emb

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