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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Treatment of the Common Carp (Cyprinus carpio) Infected with Monogenetic Treatodes by Using some Plant Extracts
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A series of experiments were conducted for the first time in Iraq to evaluate the efficiency of five plant leaves extracts (Ibicella lutea, Nerium oleander, Clerodendron inerme, Allium cepa and Eucalyptus spp.) in treating the common carp (Cyprinus carpio) infected with monogenetic trematodes of genera Dactylogyrus. Five different concentrations of such extracts were used to bathe fishes for 5,10,15,20 and 25 minutes. A concentration of 15% A. cepa for 25 minutes of bath exposure was affective in trematode eradication. Extracts of both Eucalyptus and N. oleander at a concentration of 10% each were also affective for ten minutes exposure. Extracts of C. inerme had no any effect on such parasites. On the otherhand, extracts of 1. hitea caused

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Plant Archives
A novel finding of il-9 genetic polymorphism (rs17317275) and serum level in rheumatoid arthritis patients infected with CMV
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RA is a complex chronic disease, primarily affects the lining of the synovial joints and can cause progressive disability, premature death, and socioeconomic burdens. The clinical manifestations of symmetrical joint involvement include arthralgia, swelling, redness, and even limiting the range of motion. The pathogenesis is not known therefore the study included Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is one of systemic inflammatory diseases that characterized by a progressive disabling course. The study included patients suffering from RA and as healthy controls. immunological and genetic factor were evaluated in each subject by using serum level of cytokine and genetic factor. The etiopathology of the disease is not well known for this reason the study

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Scopus (3)
Publication Date
Sat Jan 13 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Statistical Analysis of Mortality and Morbidity Due to Traffic Accidents in Iraq
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Undoubtedly, Road Traffic Accidents (RTAs) are a major dilemma in term of mortality and morbidity facing the road users as well as the traffic and road authorities. Since 2002, the population in Iraq has increased by 49 percent and the number of vehicles by three folds. Consequently, these increases were unfortunately combined with rising the RTAs number, mortality and morbidity. Alongside the humanitarian tragedies, every year, there are considerable economic losses in Iraq lost due to the epidemic of RTAs. Given the necessity of understanding the contributory factors related to RTAs for the implementation by traffic and road authorities to improve the road safety, the necessity have been a rise for

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 13 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Statistical Analysis of Mortality and Morbidity Due to Traffic Accidents in Iraq
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Undoubtedly, Road Traffic Accidents (RTAs) are a major dilemma in term of mortality and morbidity facing the road users as well as the traffic and road authorities. Since 2002, the population in Iraq has increased by 49 percent and the number of vehicles by three folds. Consequently, these increases were unfortunately combined with rising the RTAs number, mortality and morbidity. Alongside the humanitarian tragedies, every year, there are considerable economic losses in Iraq lost due to the epidemic of RTAs. Given the necessity of understanding the contributory factors related to RTAs for the implementation by traffic and road authorities to improve the road safety, the necessity have been a rise for this research which focuses into

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 18 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
A Hybrid Method of Linguistic and Statistical Features for Arabic Sentiment Analysis
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          Sentiment analysis refers to the task of identifying polarity of positive and negative for particular text that yield an opinion. Arabic language has been expanded dramatically in the last decade especially with the emergence of social websites (e.g. Twitter, Facebook, etc.). Several studies addressed sentiment analysis for Arabic language using various techniques. The most efficient techniques according to the literature were the machine learning due to their capabilities to build a training model. Yet, there is still issues facing the Arabic sentiment analysis using machine learning techniques. Such issues are related to employing robust features that have the ability to discrimina

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Scopus (18)
Crossref (5)
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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2016
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Science
Genetic--Based Face Retrieval Using Statistical Features
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Publication Date
Sun Mar 06 2011
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Numeral Recognition Using Statistical Methods Comparison Study
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The area of character recognition has received a considerable attention by researchers all over the world during the last three decades. However, this research explores best sets of feature extraction techniques and studies the accuracy of well-known classifiers for Arabic numeral using the Statistical styles in two methods and making comparison study between them. First method Linear Discriminant function that is yield results with accuracy as high as 90% of original grouped cases correctly classified. In the second method, we proposed algorithm, The results show the efficiency of the proposed algorithms, where it is found to achieve recognition accuracy of 92.9% and 91.4%. This is providing efficiency more than the first method.

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 17 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Detect The Infected Medical Image Using Logic Gates
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   This paper determined the difference between the first image of the natural and the second infected image by using logic gates. The proposed algorithm was applied in the first time with binary image, the second time in the gray image, and in the third time in the color image. At start of proposed algorithm the process  images by applying convolution to extended images with zero to obtain more vision and features then enhancements images by Edge detection filter (laplacion operator) and smoothing images by using mean filter ,In order to determine the change between the original image and the injury the logic gates applied specially X-OR gates . Applying the technique for tooth decay through this comparison can locate inj

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 09 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Correction of Non-Uniform illumination for Biological Images Using Morphological Operation Assessing with Statistical Features Quality.
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Non Uniform Illumination biological image often leads to diminish structures and inhomogeneous intensities of the image. Algorithm has been proposed using Morphological Operations different types of structuring elements including (dick, line, square and ball) with the same parameters of (15).To correct the non-uniform illumination and enhancement biological images, the non-uniform background illumination have been removed from image, using (contrast adjustment, histogram equalization and adaptive histogram equalization). The used basic approach to extract the statistical features values from gray level of co-occurrence matrices (GLCM) can show the typical values for features content of biological images that can be in form of shape or sp

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 30 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Using a hybrid SARIMA-NARNN Model to Forecast the Numbers of Infected with (COVID-19) in Iraq
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Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an acute disease that affects the respiratory system which initially appeared in Wuhan, China. In Feb 2019 the sickness began to spread swiftly throughout the entire planet, causing significant health, social, and economic problems. Time series is an important statistical method used to study and analyze a particular phenomenon, identify its pattern and factors, and use it to predict future values. The main focus of the research is to shed light on the study of SARIMA, NARNN, and hybrid models, expecting that the series comprises both linear and non-linear compounds, and that the ARIMA model can deal with the linear component and the NARNN model can deal with the non-linear component. The models

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