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The reality of the divorce problem in Iraqi society Reasons, solutions and results
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Praise be to God, who created people from one soul, and made her husband, and prayers and peace be upon His Messenger, Mercy given and the grace given, and on a machine and companions pure. Divorce cases have increased in recent years in a worrying manner, especially since divorce has unforeseen consequences at the individual and social levels. The source of concern stems from the fact that the cohesion and integrity of society starts from a family as it is the cornerstone of the social structure, which is the foundation upon which the large society is based. Marital life may suffer from problems and obstacles that are difficult to solve, so the man presents the divorce of his wife and that the phenomenon of divorce is not a result of it, but it has existed since ancient times and Islamic Sharia is the glue that separated its provisions and was keen to maintain the bond of marriage and prevent the disintegration of the family. Iraq. And that the problem of divorce has become a storm for the family and constitute demolition shovels in the wall of society, especially when it comes to victims of divorce, such as: children who reap the results of what adults do. The problem of research emerged from the phenomenon of divorce spread in society and the question came, what are the reasons for this phenomenon, while the search structure includes Three axes, the first methodology and the second axis, the theoretical background for divorce, the third axis dealt with the research methodology: - In this research we relied on the descriptive approach, in order to obtain scientific results, and then interpret them in an objective manner, in line with the actual data of the phenomenon through data from the Judicial Council Iraqi for the state of divorce either search recommendations from them. Urging universities and government centers to conduct workshops, seminars and conferences to educate young people in choosing the right partner for life. Among the proposals is to conduct a study on the trauma of post-divorce.

Publication Date
Wed Jan 02 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Peculiarity of Colloquial and Popular Vocabulary in a Collection of the Poet Alexi Kaltsof's Letters: Varonech Bazars: Специфика просторечной и диалектной лексики в эпистолярном дискурсе «воронежского прасола» Алексея кольцова
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The paper studies the description of the colloquial and popular vocabulary  used by wholesales tradesmen in Varonech before the Bolshevik Revolution . The vocabulary were used in the personal letters written by the poet and sent to famous poets and critics like Belenisky, kryvesky and Malsheve. And some were sent to his father and his sister. Not only did these letter bear the personal taste, but they represented a literary product reflecting on the poet's impressions, views, ambitions, and opinion in arts, poetry, prose, and theatre. The researcher used about thirty instances of various levels of grammar, style and phonology, all representing colloquial vocabulary used commonly at the time of Alexi&nbsp

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 28 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Teaching Arabic to Non-Native Speakers between Communication and Pragmatics:Qualitative Approach in Light of the Common European Framework of Reference for Teaching Foreign Languages: هداية تاج الأصفياء حسن البصري
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This research is qualitative in nature. It aims to investigate descriptively, analytically, and comparatively the modern AK model represented by the Sudan Open University Series, and the European framework, the common reference for Teaching Foreign Languages, to uncover what was achieved in them in terms of communication and language use. Accordingly, an integrated, multi-media approach has been adopted to enable the production and reception activities, and the spread of Arabic in vast areas of the world. Such a spread helps Arabic language to be in a hegemonic position with the other living languages. The study is based on getting benefit from human experiences and joint work in the field of teaching Arabic to non-Arabic speakers to mee

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
משבר הזהות במודרניזם של יהושע עיון בנובלה " שתיקה הולכת ונמשכת של משורר "* Identity crisis in modernity of Yahoshaa Study of “continuous silence of the poet"
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   המשבר הוא מצב מצוי רב בחברת המדינות אחרי המלחמות  והשינויים הגדולים במאה העשרים, ומשבר הזהות הוא ממשברי המאה העשרים שזכה בהתעניינות רבה בכל תחומי המדעים האנושיים, ומהם תחום הספרות. ובספרות העברית היה הסופר א. ב. יהושע מהסופרים החשובים שהתעניין בנושא הזהות בישות הציונית, הוא התווכח בנושא ביצירותיו, ראיוניו ורוב הכנסים התרבותיים והפוליטיים שנכח אותם, הוא השתמש באסכולה ספרותית מאו

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 02 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Semantics of the Russian Verbs of Destruction in Contemporary Linguistics: Семантический Анализ Глаголов Деструкции Русского Языка В Современной Лингвистике
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The article states that the Russian verbs of destruction belong to the lexical-semantic group of physical impact. They include verbs with the meaning of “damage” and “destroy”. It is emphasized that each of these groups is relatively independent; the cut line between them is fuzzy and arbitrary. It is postulated that when the object is completely destroyed, then the verb has the meaning of “destruction”,  and when the object is partially destroyed, then the  verb has the meaning of “damage”. It is this feature that individualizes the meaning of verbs. The study distinguishes between the groups and the nature of the object as- animate / inanimate. The object of the action of the “destruction” can only be inan

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The Impact of Strategic Management Accounting Techniques on the Reliability of Financial Statements:: The Impact of Strategic Management Accounting Techniques on the Reliability of Financial Statements:
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The objective that the researcher seeks to achieve through this research is to clarify the relationship between strategic management accounting techniques and the reliability of financial statements, and to measure the impact of these techniques as an independent variable with its three dimensions, which are: activities-based cost, target cost, and benchmarking on the reliability of financial statements as a dependent variable. To achieve this objective, the researcher did the following: First: Determine the research problem through the following question: Do strategic management accounting techniques affect the reliability of financial statements in industrial companies listed on the Palestine Exchange? Second: Making the analytical des

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Reducing activity costs under Resource Consumption Accounting: An Applied Research in the MidlandRefineriesCompany-Al Daura Refine
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The research aims to identify the importance of applying resource consumption accounting in the Iraqi industrial environment in general, and oil in particular, and its role in reducing the costs of activities by excluding and isolating idle energy costs, as the research problem represents that the company faces deficiencies and challenges in applying strategic cost tools. The research was based on The hypothesis that the application of resource consumption accounting will lead to the provision of appropriate information for the company through the allocation of costs properly by resource consumption accounting and then reduce the costs of activities. To prove the hypothesis of the research, the Light Derivatives Authority - Al-Dora Refin

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Physical Education
The use of physical exercises of mind (knowledge) to develop the level of performance of the rulers of women's football
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Football from popular task the referees the most important elements this game through this study shows the importance of physical training mental and its effects the level of performance for referees and especially woman referees which entered the game in the newly in our country was used physical exercise mind through films and means to assist through visualization some of the cases do the articles of law and also exercises the evolution of the level of performance of the rulers of woman the research sample 12 of referees certified by the Iraqi central football and referees committee achtbarien was chosen for this study including mental cognitive test approved by the referees committee the second test questionnaire to assess the level of p

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Evaluation of the performance of scheduling The implementation of school buildings projects: (Project of the Ministry of Education No. 1)
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It highlights the importance of construction projects because of its significant role in the development of society, including the buildings FEDE projects to their importance to raise the level of education through the conclusion of the special to implementation and the establishment of schools of contracts at the country level, which requires the completion of the project at less time and within the cost specified and the best quality and may highlight the importance of time on all the elements of what has an important role in setting up the project for various reasons may be the need for the use of schools as soon as possible, but the reality showed exceeded the completion of those schools could be up to 6 years and there are some cont

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 08 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Brucella antibod titres base line in the healthy individuals in haweja city
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152 sera were collected from healthy individuals residing A;-Haweja City were tested for antibody titers for brucella antigens by slide agglutination test

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2016
Journal Name
European Academic Research
Double Victimization for Black Woman in Susan Lori Parks In the Blood
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