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Wrapper and Hybrid Feature Selection Methods Using Metaheuristic Algorithms for English Text Classification: A Systematic Review

Feature selection (FS) constitutes a series of processes used to decide which relevant features/attributes to include and which irrelevant features to exclude for predictive modeling. It is a crucial task that aids machine learning classifiers in reducing error rates, computation time, overfitting, and improving classification accuracy. It has demonstrated its efficacy in myriads of domains, ranging from its use for text classification (TC), text mining, and image recognition. While there are many traditional FS methods, recent research efforts have been devoted to applying metaheuristic algorithms as FS techniques for the TC task. However, there are few literature reviews concerning TC. Therefore, a comprehensive overview was systematically studied by exploring available studies of different metaheuristic algorithms used for FS to improve TC. This paper will contribute to the body of existing knowledge by answering four research questions (RQs): 1) What are the different approaches of FS that apply metaheuristic algorithms to improve TC? 2) Does applying metaheuristic algorithms for TC lead to better accuracy than the typical FS methods? 3) How effective are the modified, hybridized metaheuristic algorithms for text FS problems?, and 4) What are the gaps in the current studies and their future directions? These RQs led to a study of recent works on metaheuristic-based FS methods, their contributions, and limitations. Hence, a final list of thirty-seven (37) related articles was extracted and investigated to align with our RQs to generate new knowledge in the domain of study. Most of the conducted papers focused on addressing the TC in tandem with metaheuristic algorithms based on the wrapper and hybrid FS approaches. Future research should focus on using a hybrid-based FS approach as it intuitively handles complex optimization problems and potentiality provide new research opportunities in this rapidly developing field.

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 30 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
In Situ Gelling Formulation of Naproxen for Oral Sustained Delivery System

Naproxen is non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, which has antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effect. It is extensively bound to plasma albumin, and exhibits gastric toxicity, so it may be more efficient to deliver the drug in its sustained release dosage form and adequate blood level is achieved. Three liquid formulations with in situ gelling properties have been assessed for their potential for the oral sustained delivery of naproxen . The formulations were dilute solutions of: (a) pectin; (b) gellan gum and; (c) sodium alginate, all containing complexed calcium ion that form gels when these ions are released in the acidic environment of the stomach . The viscosity of the sols and drug release were measured, and was found to be depende

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 12 2016
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Wireless Networks
Low communication cost (LCC) scheme for localizing mobile wireless sensor networks

In recent years, the number of applications utilizing mobile wireless sensor networks (WSNs) has increased, with the intent of localization for the purposes of monitoring and obtaining data from hazardous areas. Location of the event is very critical in WSN, as sensing data is almost meaningless without the location information. In this paper, two Monte Carlo based localization schemes termed MCL and MSL* are studied. MCL obtains its location through anchor nodes whereas MSL* uses both anchor nodes and normal nodes. The use of normal nodes would increase accuracy and reduce dependency on anchor nodes, but increases communication costs. For this reason, we introduce a new approach called low communication cost schemes to reduce communication

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Publication Date
Sat May 30 2020
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Comparative Study for Optoelectronic Properties of Zn (Te, Se) Solar Cells

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Publication Date
Mon May 31 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Multi-criteria Decision Making on the Best Drug for Rheumatoid Arthritis

The theory of Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) was introduced in the second half of the twentieth century and aids the decision maker to resolve problems when interacting criteria are involved and need to be evaluated.  In this paper, we apply MCDM on the problem of the best drug for rheumatoid arthritis disease. Then, we solve the MCDM problem via -Sugeno measure and the Choquet integral to provide realistic values in the process of selecting the most appropriate drug. The approach confirms the proper interpretation of multi-criteria decision making in the drug ranking for rheumatoid arthritis.

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2017
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Optics & Laser Technology
Finite element thermal analysis for PMMA/ laser direct joining

This work is concerned with building a three-dimensional (3D) ab-initio models that is capable of predicting the thermal distribution of laser direct joining processes between Polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) and stainless steel 304( ANSYS® simulation based on finite element analysis (FEA) was implemented for materials joining in two modes; laser transmission joining (LTJ) and conduction joining (CJ). ANSYS® simulator was used to explore the thermal environment of the joints during joining (heating time) and after joining (cooling time). For both modes, the investigation is carried out when the laser spot is at the middle of the joint width, at 15 mm from the commencement point (joint edge) at traveling time of 3.75 s. Process par

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Technologies And Materials For Renewable Energy, Environment And Sustainability: Tmrees19gr
Characteristics measurement of Baghdad University radio telescope for hydrogen emission line

The aim of this paper is to measure the characteristics properties of 3 m radio telescope that installed inside Baghdad University campus. The measurements of this study cover some of the fundamental parameters at 1.42 GHz. These parameters concentrated principally on, the system noise temperature, signal to noise ratio and sensitivity, half power beam width, aperture efficiency, and effective area. These parameters are estimated via different radio sources observation like Cas-A, full moon, sky background, and solar drift scan observations. From the results of these observations, these parameters are found to be approximately 64 K, 1.2, 0.9 Jansky, 3.7°, 0.54, and 3.8 m2 respectively. The parameters values have vital affect to quantitativ

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
The Numerical Analysis for Electrical Streamer Discharge Behaviour in Transformer Oil

      In this paper, a numerical analysis was carried out using finite element method to analyse the mechanisms for streamer discharges. The hydrodynamic model was used with three charge carriers equations (positive ion, negative ion and electron) coupled with Poisson equation to simulate the dynamic of streamer discharge formation and propagation. The model was tested within a 2D axisymmetric tip-plate electrodes configuration using the transformer oil as the dielectric liquid. The distance between the electrodes was fixed at 1 mm and the applied voltage was 130 kV at 46 ns rising time. Simulation results showed that the time has a clear effect on the streamer propagation along the symmetry axis. In addition, it was observed that t

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 30 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Small Binary Codebook Design for Image Compression Depending on Rotating Blocks

     The searching process using a binary codebook of combined Block Truncation Coding (BTC) method and Vector Quantization (VQ), i.e. a full codebook search for each input image vector to find the best matched code word in the codebook, requires a long time.   Therefore, in this paper, after designing a small binary codebook, we adopted a new method by rotating each binary code word in this codebook into 900 to 2700 step 900 directions. Then, we systematized each code word depending on its angle  to involve four types of binary code books (i.e. Pour when , Flat when  , Vertical when, or Zigzag). The proposed scheme was used for decreasing the time of the coding pro

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 15 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Mechanical Engineering
Corrosion Resistance Enhancement for Low Carbon Steel by Gas Phase Coating

Corrosion Resistance Enhancement for low carbon steel is very important to extend its life service, the coating process is one of the methods which can using to achieve this, and it's the most important in surface treatments to improve the properties of metals and alloys surfaces such as corrosion resistance. In this work, low carbon steel was nitrided and coated with nano zinc using gas phase coating technical, to enhance the resistance of corrosion. The process included adding two layers. The first, a nitride layer, was added by precipitating nitrogen (N) gas, and the second, a zinc (Zn) layer, was added by precipitating Zn. The process of precipitating was carried out at different periods (5, 10, and 15 minutes). Scan electron mi

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 01 2021
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Civil Engineering Journal
Evaluating the Friction Characteristics of Pavement Surface for Major Arterial Road

The performance of the pavement in terms of vehicle safety and tire wear is affected by the friction behavior of the pavement. To highlight the main characteristics that affect the production of better friction resistance of the pavement surface in this work. The micro-texture and macro-texture of the asphalt surface of Baghdad Airport highway were studied using two methods: (sand patch method and the British pendulum test). The sand patch was examined by drawing sand grains of a specific volume, while the micro-texture was analyzed using a BPT under dry and wet surface conditions. All data obtained from the two examinations were analyzed and modelled statistically using SPSS 25 software. Results show that skid resistance of pavemen

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