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Development of 3D Geological Model and Analysis of the Uncertainty in a Tight Oil Reservoir in the Halfaya Oil Field
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A geological model was built for the Sadi reservoir, located at the Halfaya oil field. It is regarded as one of the most significant oilfields in Iraq. The study includes several steps, the most essential of which was importing well logs from six oil wells to the Interactive Petrophysics software for conducting interpretation and analysis to calculate the petrophysical properties such as permeability, porosity, shale volume, water saturation, and NTG and then importing maps and the well tops to the Petrel software to build the 3D-Geological model and to calculate the value of the original oil in place. Three geological surfaces were produced for all Sadi units based on well-top data and the top Sadi structural map. The reservoir has been divided into 85 sublayers in the vertical direction and 170*143 grid cells in the x-y direction, totalling 2,066,350 grid cells. The Sequential Gaussian Simulation technique is used to fill 3D grid cells with property values in locations far from wells after upscaling the well log data, then distributed across all reservoir zones. The standard original oil in place has been calculated, uncertainty evaluation was used to obtain more accurate results. Model Risk Analysis employs Monte Carlo Simulation to generate the pessimistic, most likely, and optimistic reserve values (P90, P50, and P10). The uncertainty was affected by the oil formation volume factor, oil depth, petrophysical model (porosity, water saturation, and NTG), and reservoir geometric structure (horizons and zones).

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 30 2001
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Analytical Presentation for Constant Terminal Pressure Functions (Reservoir Oil-Well Systems)
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Publication Date
Mon Sep 30 2024
Journal Name
Iraqi Geological Journal
Advanced Technique of Rock Typing Characterization of Mishrif Formation, Amara Oil Field in Southern Iraq
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Reservoir rock typing integrates geological, petrophysical, seismic, and reservoir data to identify zones with similar storage and flow capacities. Therefore, three different methods to determine the type of reservoir rocks in the Mushrif Formation of the Amara oil field. The first method represents cluster analysis, a statistical method that classifies data points based on effective porosity, clay volume, and sonic transient time from well logs or core samples. The second method is the electrical rock type, which classifies reservoir rocks based on electrical resistivity. The permeability of rock types varies due to differences in pore geometry, mineral composition, and fluid saturation. Resistivity data are usually obtained from w

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Determination of the standard cost of raw materials for the activity of extracting crude oil and gas by application in the North Oil Company
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There are many problems facing the economic entities  as a result of its mass production &variation of its products  , the matter which had  increased the need & importance of cost accounting which is regarded a main tool for the managerial control.

The actual costing system is unable to meet the contemporary management needs ,so the Standard costing system appear to provide the management  with required information to perform its functions by the best use& way.

This research aims to determine  the standard cost for the  direct material for oil extraction activity by applying it in the north oil company.

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The importance of direct foreign investment on development of Iraqi oil industry for the period (2003-3010)
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Oil industry played a major role in delineating the course and type o development in both imported and exported Arabic countries alike where its revenues has perform an essential role in forming programs and plans of development on both national and international level in addition to anticipation of future consuming.

Iraq, as an oil producer country with a revenues –based economy depends on oil in building its economy totally including its infrastructure having a the greatest conformed reservoir which make the government budget depends largely on oil revenues where its strategic importance lies in funding all aspects of expenders as it is considered the prime source of foreign currency.  The chall

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 31 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Geological Journal
Reservoir Characterization and Rock Typing of Carbonate Reservoir in the Southeast of Iraq
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Flow unit and reservoir rock type identification in carbonates are difficult due to the intricacy of pore networks caused by facies changes and diagenetic processes. On the other hand, these classifications of rock type are necessary for understanding a reservoir and predicting its production performance in the face of any activity. The current study focuses on rock type and flow unit classification for the Mishrif reservoir in Iraq's southeast and the study is based on data from five wells that penetrate it. Integration of several methods was used to determine the flow unit based on well log interpretation and petrophysical properties. The flow units were identified using the Quality Index of Rock and the Indicator of Flow Zone. Th

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 30 2012
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Increasing of Oil Field Productivity by Implementation of Re-entry Horizontal Injection Well, Case study
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Water flooding is one of the most important methods used in enhanced production; it was a pioneer method in use, but the development of technology within the oil industry, takes this subject toward another form in the oil production and application in oil fields with all types of oils and oil reservoirs. Now days most of the injection wells directed from the vertical to re-entry of full horizontal wells in order to get full of horizontal wells advantages.
This paper describes the potential benefits for using of re-entry horizontal injection wells as well as combination of re –entry horizontal injection and production wells. Al Qurainat productive sector was selected for study, which is one of the four main productive sectors of Sout

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
Chemical Engineering And Processing - Process Intensification
Optimization of a combined electrocoagulation-electro-oxidation process for the treatment of Al-Basra Majnoon Oil field wastewater: Adopting a new strategy
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The performance of a synergistic combination of electrocoagulation (EC) and electro-oxidation (EO) for oilfield wastewater treatment has been studied. The effect of operative variables such as current density, pH, and electrolyte concentration on the reduction of chemical oxygen demand (COD) was studied and optimized based on Response Surface Methodology (RSM). The results showed that the current density had the highest impact on the COD removal with a contribution of 64.07% while pH, NaCl addition and other interactions affects account for only 34.67%. The optimized operating parameters were a current density of 26.77 mA/cm2 and a pH of 7.6 with no addition of NaCl which results in a COD removal efficiency of 93.43% and a specific energy c

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
Chemical Engineering And Processing - Process Intensification
Optimization of a combined electrocoagulation-electro-oxidation process for the treatment of Al-Basra Majnoon Oil field wastewater: Adopting a new strategy
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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
Judicial tools in the development of civil law rules ( France as a model )
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Despite the principle of separation of powers brought by the French Revolution, which entrusted the task of drafting legislation and its amendment to the legislative authority and the task of settling disputes and settling them in the judiciary. However, since that date, the French judiciary has played a major role in the development of French civil law (In spite of all the economic and social developments that have taken place in French society throughout these years) since its promulgation until February of 2016, the date of the Legislative Decree No. 131 of the year 2016 A modification is the largest in the history of the French Civil Code (which was the judicial precedents in which a significant impact), was assisted by the French judic

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 01 2022
Journal Name
Arabian Journal Of Geosciences
Effect of well scheduling and pattern on project development management in unconventional tight gas reservoirs
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The advancements in horizontal drilling combined with hydraulic fracturing have been historically proven as the most viable technologies in the exploitation of unconventional resources (e.g., shale and tight gas reservoirs). However, the number of fractures, well timing, and arrangement pattern can have a significant impact on the project economy. Therefore, such design and operating parameters need to be efficiently optimized for obtaining the best production performance from unconventional gas reservoirs. In this study, the process of selecting the optimal number of fractures was conducted on a section of a tight gas reservoir model (based on data from the Whicher Range (WR) tight gas field in Western Australia). Then, the optimal number

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