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Prey fear of a specialist predator in a tri-trophic food web can eliminate the superpredator
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We propose an intraguild predation ecological system consisting of a tri-trophic food web with a fear response for the basal prey and a Lotka–Volterra functional response for predation by both a specialist predator (intraguild prey) and a generalist predator (intraguild predator), which we call the superpredator. We prove the positivity, existence, uniqueness, and boundedness of solutions, determine all equilibrium points, prove global stability, determine local bifurcations, and illustrate our results with numerical simulations. An unexpected outcome of the prey's fear of its specialist predator is the potential eradication of the superpredator.

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Proposed Face Detection Classification Model Based on Amazon Web Services Cloud (AWS)
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One of the most important features of the Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud is that the program can be run and accessed from any location. You can access and monitor the result of the program from any location, saving many images and allowing for faster computation. This work proposes a face detection classification model based on AWS cloud aiming to classify the faces into two classes: a non-permission class, and a permission class, by training the real data set collected from our cameras. The proposed Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) cloud-based system was used to share computational resources for Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) to reduce redundant computation. The test system uses Internet of Things (IoT) services th

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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Proposed Face Detection Classification Model Based on Amazon Web Services Cloud (AWS)
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One of the most important features of the Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud is that the program can be run and accessed from any location. You can access and monitor the result of the program from any location, saving many images and allowing for faster computation. This work proposes a face detection classification model based on AWS cloud aiming to classify the faces into two classes: a non-permission class, and a permission class, by training the real data set collected from our cameras. The proposed Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) cloud-based system was used to share computational resources for Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) to reduce redundant computation. The test system uses Internet of Things (IoT) services through our ca

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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Wed Mar 30 2022
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The Holy Totem in Qur’an, a study in the light of sociolinguistics
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The sacred totem is one of the social phenomena that occupied the ideas of researchers, and took up a wide area of ​​their research, and it is one of those phenomena that emerged from one of the translations of the Tabu; Who took a psychological and anthropological analysis   Because it is one of the social practices, and the main focus of it is the human group and its source is religion. Therefore, this research came with demands, the first of which is to give a semantic concept of the Tommy sanctuary, and then the analytical aspect by standing on the sacred things in the Qur’anic text that God Almighty sanctified, and the third requirement is to examine what people have sanctified, as an analysis of the verses that have

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 06 2009
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effect of food on growth and fecundity Brine Shrimp Artemia spp. laboratory Conditions
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This in order to test the effect of food on growth and fecundity, two kinds of food have been used the algae Scendesmus quadricaudae and fresh water shrimp powder. For two generations, growth and productivity have been followed up. The fresh water shrimp has been noticed as a food better than algae, because it caused recording, for the two generation higher length rate for the weeks of experiment. The individuals length rate at the end of the forth week reached 9.35 and 9.48 mm for the first generation and second generation respectively. The average length weekly increase rate for the first and second generations individuals feeding on dried shrimp was higher through the first and second week compared to what was recorded when feeding alga

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The role of academic leadership practices in activating the human capital / A field research of a Iraqi universities sample / Baghdad
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The aims of this study to diagnose the role of the (relationship and impact) Academic driving practices dimensions (model the way, inspire a shared vision, challenge the process, enable others to act, encourage the heart ) in the activation of human capital (investment and development) for (knowledge, skills, expertise, creative and training capabilities) in a sample of university professors in Baghdad city(Baghdad University, Al Mustansiriya University, University of Technology). (367 )samples were distributed to (232 at the University of Baghdad, 97 at Al-Mustansiriya University and 38 at the University of Technology). The goals of descriptive analytical method research have been used, questionnaire has been a main tool for dat

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2021
Journal Name
Caspian Journal Of Environmental Sciences
Numerical response of predator chrysoperla mutata maclachlan to varying densities of lipaphis erysimi (Kalt.)
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Scopus (1)
Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Develop Bactra system to determine Mutagens in the Environment, Food III: use emulators nitrogenous bases 5 - Bromeuruasil
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The results show that the compound affects the rest of the living cells after treatment for 15 minutes The influence Almtafr has had the effect BU less than the effect of NTG in the case of the registration of every of Struptomaysan resistance and rifampicin, although the first attribute more responsive

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Biotechnology Research Center
Molecular screening of the entA gene of Enterococcus faecium isolated from Food and clinical sources
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Background: The microbial production of substances that have the potency to suppress the growth of other microorganisms is probably one of the prevalent defense strategy developed in nature, microorganisms produce a variable bunch of microbial defense systems, which include antibiotics, metabolic by-products, lytic agents, bacteriocins and others. Objective: The purpose of the present study was to isolate and identify Enterococcus faecium isolates then detecting its ability of carrying the gene responsible for enterocin production in this species. Materials and methods: Out of 50 samples from different sources (food and clinical sources) were collected for the Enterococcus faecium isolation, and the isolated bacteria Enterococ

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 01 2001
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
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A collection of 118 specimens of Iraqi phasianid birds belong to four species was examined
for haematozoa. Results show that 21.2% of them were infected with one or more of four
species of blood parasites; Haemoproteus danilewskyi, H. santosdiasi, Plasmodium sp. and
microfilaria. Haemoproteus danilewskyi is reported here for the first time in Iraq.

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Publication Date
Fri Aug 30 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
A Cognitive Linguistic Study of the English Preposition 'in'
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The present study aims at analyzing the polysemy of the English preposition in from the cognitive linguistic (CL) point of view using Evans' and Tyler's approach (2003). The perplexity faced by Iraqi second language learners (L2) due to the multi-usages of this preposition has motivated the researcher to conduct this study. Seventy-six second year university students participated in this experimental study. The data of the pre-test and post-test were analyzed by SPSS statistical editor. The results have shown the following: First, a progress of more than (0.05≤) has been detected as far as students' understanding of the multiple usages of the preposition in is concerned. Second, the results of the questionnaire have s

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