لقد أثارت فكرة القانون الطبيعي اهتمام الفقهاء والفلاسفة في الشرق والغرب ، القدامى منهم والمحدثون وشيدوا نظريات وأقاموا مناقشات حول فكرة القانون الطبيعي والطبيعة والعقل الطبيعي مما جعل هذه الفكرة تبدو إحدى المعطيات الأساسية للفكر الإنساني والتي لا يمكن تجاوزها في إي وقت أو في إي مكان. يبدو إن مفهوم القانون الطبيعي وان كان يعد من اعرق المفاهيم الفلسفية إلا انه يعد واحد من تلك المفاهيم التي وان احتفظت بجوهرها على مر العصور إلا إن مضمونها قد خضع لتطور كبير، ومن هنا تنطلق فرضية بحثنا الموسوم بـ( مبادئ القانون الطبيعي وتطوره في الفكر السياسي الغربي) من إن فكرة القانون الطبيعي تعد من أكثر الأفكار إثارة للجدل وذلك بسبب التبدل الذي طرأ على المفهوم التقليدي لفكرة القانون الطبيعي
The article aims to study the crisis of political change from three Phases . The first focuses on the crises of political legitimacy and democratic postponement, as fundamental issues in analyzing the phenomenon of power struggle through the dialectic between the concept of historical legitimacy and institutional fragility from the beginning of statehood in 1962 to the stage of multi-partyism and the cessation of the electoral process in the 1990s. While the second focuses on the question of the monopoly of power in the post-terrorism and national reconciliation according to considerations Political, social and security measures to prolong the life of the regime and avoid the demands of political change brought about
... Show MoreThis study aims at identifying how Baghdad Municipality employs public relations in law enforcement operations and the role played by the Municipality in communication and communicating with the public, raising their awareness and educating them to not abuse public property. As for the research tools, the researcher used the questionnaire as a data collection tool in addition to an analytical description of the means and methods of communication for public relations on Baghdad Municipality Facebook page.
The research comes out with a set of result; the most important of which are:
The means through which citizens learned about the existence of campaigns to impose the law an eliminate violati
This research shows the following points:
1-Features of the life of Imam Suyuti
2-First, the goals of public education: Educational Thought at the Imam Suyuti through Second, Third, special education goals: classification of science, Fourth, meaning he has the mind, Fifth: World Literature, VI: Literature learner
3-was informed of the Islamic Educational Thought Media, worked as science and teaching.
4-wrote in the human soul and away from the world and its desires, and how to deal with this self-way educational so based on a book of the year, and longer Mqamath of the most important books in the field of the human soul, edema tradition because he sees that the mind found in order to think about the verses
... Show MoreAbstract Rationality and freedom are fundamental elements of Western modernity. Although modern and contemporary Islamic thought has established its intellectual foundations on the fundamentals of intellectual thought that are at the core of its Islamic intellectual system, at the same time many of its intellectual products have been a response In spite of the fact that this Islamic intellectual response stands out from Western modernity as a negation or a positive attitude. The Islamic intellectual response differed in determining its position on Western modernity, depending on the nature of the historical stage that was The Islamic nation, as well as the nature of the challenge posed by Western civilization to other nations and other c
... Show Moreالعلمانية في الفكر الصهيوني المعاصر
The subject of divine attributes is one of the most important Islamic tenets, which must be
To stand up to its accuracy and multiplicity unlike the difference of speech, which led the teams to disbelieve
The other, when they were engaged in the issue of divine attributes, but they are agreed and assembled on
That God is one in himself and his qualities and actions. It is not similar to Himself and does not have two qualities of sex
One . It has no similar or real similarity between its qualities and the qualities of the creatures, as well as the acts of God
God is one in His actions and does not share it with anyone, and they have based their consensus on belief
In the unity of God and the unification of Raboubiya and t
Tribute in Islamic economical system was considered one of the matters that took great importance where there put for it many jurisdictions that organize its work and the tribute was considered one of the permanent income for the state and the tribute had direct benefits for the life of the people where with the increasing differences in the
Prof.Dr. Yassin Khudair
Baghdad University
Faculty of Islamic Sciences
Department of Fundamentals of Religion
تُمثل عملية صنع القرار السياسي في الكويت بمراحلها وآلياتها ومؤسساتها، معياراً على مدى تقدم النظام السياسي ونجاحه في تقدم الدولة. كذلك هي معيار لمستوى قوة تجذّر الديمقراطية بين الفرد الكويتي في المجتمع، ونتاج توازن التفاعل ما بين المؤسسات السياسية مع مؤسسات الدولة الرسمية والغير رسمية، اعتماداً على القانون لا على الأهواء والمصالح القبلية والعشائرية، لتأسيس دولة مؤسسات قبل دولة أفراد.