لقد أثارت فكرة القانون الطبيعي اهتمام الفقهاء والفلاسفة في الشرق والغرب ، القدامى منهم والمحدثون وشيدوا نظريات وأقاموا مناقشات حول فكرة القانون الطبيعي والطبيعة والعقل الطبيعي مما جعل هذه الفكرة تبدو إحدى المعطيات الأساسية للفكر الإنساني والتي لا يمكن تجاوزها في إي وقت أو في إي مكان. يبدو إن مفهوم القانون الطبيعي وان كان يعد من اعرق المفاهيم الفلسفية إلا انه يعد واحد من تلك المفاهيم التي وان احتفظت بجوهرها على مر العصور إلا إن مضمونها قد خضع لتطور كبير، ومن هنا تنطلق فرضية بحثنا الموسوم بـ( مبادئ القانون الطبيعي وتطوره في الفكر السياسي الغربي) من إن فكرة القانون الطبيعي تعد من أكثر الأفكار إثارة للجدل وذلك بسبب التبدل الذي طرأ على المفهوم التقليدي لفكرة القانون الطبيعي
Local food samples investigated for the presence of pathogenic bacteria. Hash meat sample was used to isolate Escherichia coli and chicken meat (poultry) was used to isolate Salmonella typhi. Biochemical tests and API20E system used in order to identify these isolates. Two natural vinegar samples (dates & apple cider) were used in order to study its antibacterial activity against the two tested bacteria. Disc diffusion method was used, the results showed that two vinegar samples have antibacterial activity against the two tested bacteria. Date vinegar showed inhibition zone 19mm against E. coli & 9mm against S. typhi, while Apple cider vinegar showed diameter of inhibi
... Show Moreالديمقراطية في الفكر الاسلامي المعاصر وعلاقتها بنظرية الشورى
مجلة العلوم الاقتصادية والإدارية المجلد 18 العدد 69 الصفحات 318- 332 |
The present paper sheds light on irony as one of the most important and most common linguistic phenomena in modern linguistics, in general ,and in discourse in particular, whether it is (political, literary, journalistic, etc.). When irony is used correctly or positively, it paves the way for the speaker to gain the approval of other parties participating in the dialogue and dissolve barriers between them. It is a simple multi-functional linguistic style and an expression of one’s meaning by using language that normally signifies the opposite according to the context and the situation. Therefore, it is necessary to study its characteristics, define its functions and traces the extent of
... Show MoreIn this paper we suggest new method to estimate the missing data in bivariate normal distribution and compare it with Single Imputation method (Unconditional mean and Conditional mean) by using simulation.
Abstract Globalization dominated in the last decade of the twentieth century and the eve of the third millennium over economic,politics,psychology,culture,communications and information sciences,it's a historical phenomenon refer to many important transitions in humanitarian life.It foxes on that state has illusion its historical role in the psychologist,economic and political buldings. Globalization issue and its influence in North Korea put a spotlight on political,economic and cultural situations,the political system resists any change with many limitations on political freedoms,human rights and political multiplicity.Libralism trends and free market are so weaken when it comparing within the bad economic situation of the coun
... Show MoreParties as active units in this process in order to work must have access to sources of funding in order to maintain their political presence in society and participate in the process of electoral competition, To win the election, bolstering the huge role that money has played in influencing the principle of equality among contestants in the elections. Those who own money will have a greater chance of winning the elections while less competitive opportunities for others who do not own the money or what they own does not give them the competitive ability to win elections. From this point of view, controlling political finance through legal regulation and institutional, media and popular monitoring has become an important requirement
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النظام السياسي اليمني : دراسة في المتغيرات الداخلية
العوامل المؤثرة في نشأة النظام السياسي الامريكي