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The environmental planning vision for development of human settlements in marshes by using GIS techniques
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Abstract<p>Marshlands environment in southern Iraq is unique and is considered a habitat of thousands of migratory birds as shelter and a source of livelihood for thousands of people living there. Its environment is characterized by a fragile ecosystem that requires great care and effort to achieve the greatest possible balance and parallelism of development, which necessarily require careful environmental planning that accurately regulates the resources of the environment and therefore, planned the best way to use them. The idea of research for creating the spatial organization of the development of the human settlements and taking into account the environmental aspect by thinking for the planning of development, creating environmental vision for the present and a future that will contribute to organization of human settlements and sustainable spatial development. For achieving that, the research uses Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and the Geographic Information Systems (GIS) as techniques for analyzing and choosing the appropriate zones for development and environmental planning. The research concluded to suggest the environmental sensitivity zones, and the appropriate projects that can be established in these zones as well as evaluated with EIA approaches, and the most important recommendation is the need to commitment by the environmental sensitivity zones map for appropriate development.</p>
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Publication Date
Fri Jan 26 2024
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Estimated the Seasonal Change of Temperature in Iraq Using GIS Techniques
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Global warming is the scientific evidence that air temperatures the near surface of Earth are rising, and that higher temperatures threaten dangerous consequences earth such as drought, disease, floods, lost ecosystems. This aim of this research is analyzed the monthly means of daily values of air temperature in Iraq for the period of 1979 to 2010 by using GIS techniques. Data were obtained from the European Center for Medium-range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF). The initial diagnosis showed that there is no significant increase of maximum values of the mean temperature for the four parts( northern, central, western, and southern ) of Iraq for the four seasons so we compared the area of maximum value of mean temperature which covered it and t

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 24 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Morphology Detection in Archaeological Ancient Sites by Using UAVs/Drones Data and GIS techniques
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    Today, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) or Drones are a valuable source of data on inspection, surveillance, mapping and 3D modelling matters. Drones can be considered as the new alternative of classic manned aerial photography due to their low cost and high spatial resolution. In this study, drones were used to study archaeological sites. The archaeological Nineveh site, which is a very famous site located in heart of the city of Mosul, in northern Iraq, was chosen. This site was the largest capital of the Assyrian Empire 3000 years ago. The site contains an external wall that includes many gates, most of which were destroyed when Daesh occupied the city in 2014. The local population of the city of Mosul has also large

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Environmental study of groundwater in southwest of Baghdad, Yusufiyah using GIS
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Ground water hydrochemical study in Yusufiyah depends upon (25) wells where major cations and anions were obtained as well as trace elements. The hydrochemical properties include the study of (pH, EC, TDS, and TH). The groundwater of the study area is odorless and colorless except the wells (13 and 16) with a salty taste due to the elevated (TDS) concentration in it, where the wells depth ranges between 7-20 meters. Depth of water in these wells was about 25-35 meters above sea level. Groundwater generally flows from east to west and from north east to south west. The resource of groundwater depends upon surface water. Physical specifications are measured in the water samples included temperature, color, taste, odor, pH, electrical condu

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 29 2022
Journal Name
Baltic Journal Of Law & Politics
The Geomorphological Aspects in Diyala Governorate and the Possibility of Investing Them for Tourism Activity According to the Perspective of Sustainable Development Using RS and GIS Techniques
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Diyala Governorate has many unique and diverse geomorphological features that the region enjoys, which are among the attractions for natural tourism, as the natural environment is considered a maker of tourism. The importance of geomorphological aspects as components of natural tourism is due to their association with tourism and entertainment, as a result of the enjoyment of many geomorphological aspects of the beauty of its natural landscape on the one hand, and on the other hand, the association of these manifestations with different types of tourism activity. Any tourist area as it is the main factor for tourist attractions, such as the presence of the Hamrin hills, and sand dunes. Planning for the development of tourism activity in the

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Publication Date
Wed May 10 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
Principles of sustainable environmental design in the rehabilitation of the marshes region.
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The Marshlands cover an area of ​​about 24% of the land area of ​​Iraq, which gives it special importance to the country with its resources, resources and human capabilities, and because the conditions of this region are different from other areas environmentally and living necessitates subject to certain design principles achieve sustainable environmental integration to maintain them from For future generations, the idea of ​​research is crystallized by the interest of environmental organizations and urban designers in planning and establishing special laws to exploit the region environmentally, economically and tourism, especially after the current focus of the country's economic revival. T tourism and begin the development

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 08 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Groundwater Suitability for Agriculture using GIS Techniques in the Lower Part of Lesser Zab River Basin
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Suitability of groundwater for irrigation depends upon many constrains factors, these factors depend upon the dissolved salts during the flow of the recharge of the groundwater beside the aquifer constituents itself, from these factors (EC, SO4-2, Cl-, Na%, and SAR) .The spatial distribution of each constrain factor may show discrepancy from the another, so it is not possible to depend upon one factor. The aim of this work is to present a classification of the groundwater quality for agriculture including all the mentioned five factors, by using Arc GIS which provides tools to serve a purpose to create conceptual model for solving spatial problems. A set of conceptual steps used to build a model for suitability map of groundwater for irr

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 08 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Monitoring of south Iraq marshes using classification and change detection techniques
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Digital change detection is the process that helps in determining the changes associated with land use and land cover properties with reference to geo-registered multi temporal remote sensing data. In this research change detection techniques have been employed to detect the changes in marshes in south of Iraq for two period the first one from 1973 to 1984 and the other from 1973 to 2014 three satellite images had been captured by land sat in different period. Preprocessing such as geo-registered, rectification and mosaic process have been done to prepare the satellite images for monitoring process. supervised classification techniques such maximum likelihood classification has been used to classify the studied area, change detection aft

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 25 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Estimation the best areas of Sun duration hours in Iraq by applying IDW type of interpolation techniques by using GIS program
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In this paper solar radiation was studied over the Iraqi countary land. The best sun duration hours regions (maximum hours) in Iraq were estimated detected by using Geographic information system (GIS Ver. 9.2) program to apply the (Inverse distance weighting) IDW exact interpolation technique depending on the measured data of metrological stations were distributed on the land areas of Iraq. The total area of the best regions was calculated .Excel 2007 program is used in calculation, graphics and comparison the results.

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Environmental awareness in the curriculum and its role in sustainable environmental planning
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                The goal of current research to the definition of environmental awareness in the curriculum and its role in sustainable environmental planning, was the research community official regular educational schools (kindergarten, primary, secondary) for the province of Baghdad - Iraq, the sample consisted search of (100) teacher and a teacher, and what research was descriptive analytical, researchers have selected the right tool for the research procedures (closed) questionnaire, distributed to the research sample, has been used by researchers appropriate statistical methods for procedures including: the weighted average extraction unit paragraph,

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Publication Date
Sat May 05 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
planning and design of a tourist village in the marshes of southern Iraq
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This study analyzes how to make use of the resources in the marshlands of Iraq and how to utilize them, especially after the water returns to these areas and they are revitalized. We take an example of AL- Saheen Marsh and plan an ideal tourist resort there. This example can further expand to include other parts of the marshlands. The resort will utilize the local environment and tourist characteristics as it will have a feel and architectural resemblance to the houses and buildings that are currently built there. In addition the transportation methods will be the same as those used by the locals. Yet the resort will still posses all the facilities required by a modern tourist resort that includes all the services that will make

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