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The major goal of this research was to use the Euler method to determine the best starting value for eccentricity. Various heights were chosen for satellites that were affected by atmospheric drag. It was explained how to turn the position and velocity components into orbital elements. Also, Euler integration method was explained. The results indicated that the drag is deviated the satellite trajectory from a keplerian orbit. As a result, the Keplerian orbital elements alter throughout time. Additionally, the current analysis showed that Euler method could only be used for low Earth orbits between (100 and 500) km and very small eccentricity (e = 0.001).

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Publication Date
Mon May 24 2021
Journal Name
Awej For Translation & Literary Studies
Embodied Oppression and Psychological Trauma: The Subjugation of O-lan's in Pearl Buck’s Novel the Good Earth

Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The Impact of Accounting Thought Direction of Fair value on the Relevance: An Applied Study of a Sample of the Listed Banks Listed in the Iraqi Stock Exchange

In accounting studies, more than one method is used to measure income and balance sheets elements. One of these methods is called the fair value, which use to determine the assets and liabilities ad it includes the benefits or self-satisfaction ability. This paper aims to focus on the importance of fair value as a basis of accounting measurement and its effects to achieve the relevant characteristics by using the equation is used by (Kythreotis) in his research, And Also , Editing this equation depending on the financial data and information of Iraqi Banks as a case.

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 19 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Validity of 3D Reconstructed Computed Tomographic Image in Using Craniometrical Measurements of the Skull for Sex Differentiation (An Iraqi Study)

Background: The skull offers a high resistance of adverse environmental conditions over time, resulting in the greater stability of the dimorphic features as compared to other skeletal bony pieces. Sex determination of human skeletal considered an initial step in its identification. The present study is undertaken to evaluate the validity of 3D reconstructed computed tomographic images in sex differentiation by using craniometrical measurements at various parts of the skull. Materials and Method: 3D reconstructed computed tomographic scanning of 100 Iraqi subject, (50 males and 50 females) were analyzed with their age range from20-70 years old. Craniometrical linear measurements were located and marked on both side of the 3D skull images.

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2019
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Reverse Engineering Representation Using an Image Processing Modification

In the reverse engineering approach, a massive amount of point data is gathered together during data acquisition and this leads to larger file sizes and longer information data handling time. In addition, fitting of surfaces of these data point is time-consuming and demands particular skills. In the present work a method for getting the control points of any profile has been presented. Where, many process for an image modification was explained using Solid Work program, and a parametric equation of the profile that proposed has been derived using Bezier technique with the control points that adopted. Finally, the proposed profile was machined using 3-aixs CNC milling machine and a compression in dimensions process has been occurred betwe

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
the challenges of accounting measurement of intangible assets of create additional value for the company and ways to address them

   This research seeks to shed light on what you add intangible assets of benefit to the company and this antagonize pause for consideration because it makes the company in a good competitive position stimulates the rest of the companies to acquire those assets.

   That many companies have achieved competitive advantages in the market do not even achieved monopolies increased the value and reaped extraordinary profits as a result of those assets which requires the need to be measured to determine the extent to which contribution in the emergence of the value added to the value of the company on the one hand and to make the presentatio

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 30 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Geological Journal
Depositional Environment of the Ibrahim Formation and Determining the Oligocene-Early Miocene Boundary in Eastern Iraq

The aim of this study is to investigate the sedimentation environments and diagenetic processes of the Ibrahim Formation (Oligocene-early Miocene) in Zurbatiya, eastern Iraq. The Ibrahim Formation is comprised mostly of clayey micrite and skeletal grains composed of planktonic foraminifera, calcispheres, radiolaria, and benthic foraminifera. Glauconite and pyrite were documented in some restricted zones of this formation; they reflect quiet and reducing conditions. Radiolaria were identified in Late-Oligocene which was not known previously at this age regionally in carbonate formations of the Arabian Plate (AP). Mudstone, wackestone, and planktonic foraminiferal wackepackstone are the main microfacies that are affected by dissolutio

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 30 2024
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Determining the Relationship between the Crescent Visibility Factors and the Coordinates of the Sun and Moon

The study of the relationship between the coordinates of the sun and the moon with the crescent visibility factors has not been previously treated in a detailed and accurate way in  research and previous studies, despite its religious importance. Accordingly, this paper aims to study the relationship between the crescent visibility factors (age, lag time, elongation (ARCL), arc of vision or relative altitude (ARCV), relative azimuth (DAZ), and crescent width (W), with coordinates of the sun and the moon), and how it varies during the day of the crescent's observation. In this paper, Matlab programs were designed to calculate the ecliptic sun and moon coordinates (λ, β) and in the presence of all perturbation impacts (planets), th

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Thu Dec 31 2015
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Simulation the Radiation Zone of Al-Mussaib Power Plant by Using Monte Carlo Method

The temperature distributions are to be evaluated for the furnace of Al-Mussaib power plant. Monte Carlo simulation procedure is used to evaluate the radiation heat transfer inside the furnace, where the radiative transfer is the most important process occurring there. Weighted sum of gray-gases model is used to evaluate the radiative properties of the non gray gas in the enclosure. The energy balance equations are applied for each gas, and surface zones, and by solving these equations, both the temperature, and the heat flux are found.

   Good degree of accuracy has been obtained, when comparing the results obtained by the simulation with the data of the designing company, and the data obtained by the zonal method. In

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Publication Date
Tue Apr 01 2014
Journal Name
International Journal Of Scientific & Engineering Research
Transition properties of γ-ray Emitted from levels in 90Mo using 𝝈 𝑱 method

The δ-mixing ratios have been calculated for several γ-transitions in 90Mo using the 𝛔 𝐉 method. The results are compared with other references the agreement is found to be very good .this confirms the validity of the 𝛔 𝐉 method as a tool for analyzing the angular distribution of γ-ray. Key word: population parameter, γ-ray transition, 𝛔 𝐉 method, multiple mixing ratios.

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 30 2004
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Simulation the Radiation Zone of Al-Mussaib Power Plant by using Monte Carlo Method

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