Journal of Physics: Conference Series PAPER • THE FOLLOWING ARTICLE ISOPEN ACCESS Estimate the Rate of Contamination in Baghdad Soils By Using Numerical Method Luma Naji Mohammed Tawfiq1, Nadia H Al-Noor2 and Taghreed H Al-Noor1 Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 1294, Issue 3 Citation Luma Naji Mohammed Tawfiq et al 2019 J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 1294 032020 DOI 10.1088/1742-6596/1294/3/032020 DownloadArticle PDF References Download PDF 135 Total downloads 88 total citations on Dimensions. Turn on MathJax Share this article Share this content via email Share on Facebook (opens new window) Share on Twitter (opens new window) Share on Mendeley (opens new window) Hide article and author information Author e-mails [email protected] Author affiliations 1 College of Education for Pure Science Ibn Al-Haitham, University of Baghdad.- Iraq 2 College of Science, Al-Mustansiriyah University- Iraq Buy this article in print Journal RSS Sign up for new issue notifications Create citation alert Abstract The aim of this paper is to evaluate the rate of contamination in soils by using accurate numerical method as a suitable tool to evaluate the concentration of heavy metals in soil. In particular, 2D –interpolation methods are applied in the models of the spread the metals in different direction.The paper illustrates the importance of the numerical method in different applications, especially nvironment contamination. Basically, there are many roles for approximating functions. Thus, the approximating of function namely the analytical expression may be expressed; the most common type being is polynomials, which are the easy implemented and simplest methods of approximation. In this paper the divided difference formula is used and extended in two dimensions (2D) to evaluate the concentration of metals in soil to estimate the rate of contamination in Baghdad city, Iraq.
This study has been conducted to know the level of microbial ( bacteria and fungi) contamination in 5 types of biscuits from local markets of Baghdad city. Fifty samples (ten sample for each kind of biscuit) were studed,Two are local,others are Iranian,Turkish,and Holandies. The following results have been achieved :1. The highest number of bacteria was 21.6×103 cell/g in Iranian biscuit while the lowest number was 14.3× 103 cell/g in local biscuit No.1 . The highest number of fungi was 16×103 colony/g and the lowest number was 5.3×103 colony/g in the Iranian and the local biscuit No.1,respectively.2. Staphylococcus aureus was the major bacteria appeared at highest level of 100% in Turkish biscuit. The lowest percentage was found in H
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