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Letter to the Editor “Challenges of Meeting Cerebrovascular Surgery Demands in Low-and Middle-Income Countries: An Experience from Iraq”
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Publication Date
Sun Jul 17 2022
Journal Name
Pharmacy Education
Students' experience and evaluation of community pharmacy internship in Iraq
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Background: Pharmacy internship programmes are driven by most developed countries to outweigh the ongoing growth in the pharmacy career which encourages pharmacists to play a significant role as healthcare providers.    Objectives: This study examines pharmacy students' perception, satisfaction, challenges, and limitations with the internship curriculum.    Method: A cross-sectional study was conducted using an online survey with different elements to examine students' perceptions of various aspects.    Result: Most students reported a positive impression regarding their internships, however, they were less satisfied with the allowance for filling prescriptions and compounding also, the college's follow-up was inadequate. F

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Publication Date
Fri May 01 2020
Journal Name
Indonesian Journal Of Electrical Engineering And Computer Science
Smart grid in the context of industry 4.0: an overview of communications technologies and challenges
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The recent advances in technology, the increased dependence on electrical energy and the emergence of the fourth industrial revolution (Industry 4.0) were all factors in the increased need for smart, efficient and reliable energy systems. This introduced the concept of the Smart Grid (SG). A SG is a potential replacement for older power grids, capable of adapting and distributing energy based on demand. SG systems are complex. They combine various components and have high requirements for real time reliable operation. This paper attempts to provide an overview of SG systems, by outlining SG architecture and various components. It also introduces communication technologies, integration and network management tools that are involved in SG sys

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 15 2022
Journal Name
Alustath Journal For Human And Social Sciences
The Intersectionality in I’ve Been Meaning To Tell You: A Letter to My Daughter: A Post-Colonial Perspective
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Intersectionality is a concept that focuses on social inequality towards black people and provides an analytical instruments for creating social justice issues in such a way in order to depict how social marginalization, or privilege occurs differently in various social positions. It does this by focusing on the interaction of multiple systems of oppression. Intersectionality is used to examines how the social factors; race, gender, and class can affect the people’s life especially the immigrants, black people, and refuges. This article will depicts how blacks in Canada are segregated and distinguished from white race. David Chariandy’s I’ve Been Meaning To Tell You: A Letter to My Daughter 2018 is analyzed through Kimberle Crenshaw

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 15 2002
Journal Name
Alustath Journal For Human And Social Sciences
The Intersectionality in I've Been Meaning to Tell You: A Letter to My Daughter: A Post-Colonial Perspective
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Intersectionality is a concept that focuses on social inequality towards black people and provides an analytical instruments for creating social justice issues in such a way in order to depict how social marginalization, or privilege occurs differently in various social positions. It does this by focusing on the interaction of multiple systems of oppression. Intersectionality is used to examines how the social factors; race, gender, and class can affect the people’s life especially the immigrants, black people, and refuges. This article will depicts how blacks in Canada are segregated and distinguished from white race. David Chariandy’s I’ve Been Meaning To Tell You: A Letter to My Daughter 2018 is analyzed through Kimberle Crenshaw

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 22 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Mechanism of Using of Income Tax in Achievable of Economic Targets in Iraq
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The present study is concerned with the role of income tax in implementing economic goals in Iraq and treating the problems and pitfalls in the Iraq economy.

The study also aims at investigating the role of income tax in attracting promising favorite effects into economy.

The study was performed on data covering the period (2003 - 2012) with respect to the variables of (income tax, oil profits) as independent variables and (private consuming expenditure, private investmental expenditure, and standard figure of prices) as dependent variables. To analyze these data, a number of statistical descriptive and analytical techniques were used such as (percentage, standard variance, mediums, F test, T test and SPSS). It has been c

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 06 2013
Journal Name
Creative Construction Conference 2013
The challenges of governing public private partnership in Iraq infrastructure projects
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Public-private partnership (PPP) has been used over the past 20-30 years by governments in developed countries to meet the public demand for infrastructural services. In Iraq, the PPP concept is comparatively new to the Government of Iraq (GoI), where the government has historically taken most of the responsibility for providing public services. There are few PPP projects in Iraq. However, the number is increasing. Recently the Iraqi market has experienced a number of attempts of PPP in different sectors, especially after the new investment law in 2006. The aim of this paper is to evaluate the investment environment in Iraq and to indicate the main factors affecting PPP in particular for infrastructure projects. Some literature review and

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 03 2013
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
An attempt to Stimulate lipids for Biodiesel Production from locally Isolated Microalgae in Iraq
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Two locally isolated microalgae (Chlorella vulgaris Bejerinck and Nitzschia palea (Kützing) W. Smith) were used in the current study to test their ability to production biodiesel through stimulated in different nitrogen concentration treatments (0, 2, 4, 8 gl ), and effect of nitrogen concentration on the quantity of primary product (carbohydrate, protein ), also the quantity and quality of lipid. The results revealed that starvation of nitrogen led to high lipid yielding, in C. vulgaris and N. palea the lipid content increased from 6.6% to 40% and 40% to 60% of dry weight (DW) respectively.Also in C. vulgaris, the highest carbohydrate was 23% of DW from zero nitrate medium and the highest protein was 50% of DW in the treatment 8gl. Whil

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Evaluation The Efficiency And Effectiveness of The Iraq stock Exchange -An Empirical Study From July 2004 to March 2008–
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 The aim of this study was to provide an overall assessment to the efficiency of the Iraq stocks exchanges (ISE) through specifying well –known models .First, Fama's efficient market hypothesis as a contrary concept to the random walk hypothesis, was performed and it has been found that ISE follows the random process, so the price of the shares can't be predicated on the basis of past information. Second,we use a multifactor model, which so named multiple regression, to explore the link between ISE  and the main economic indicators. our empirical analysis finds that every weak associations exists between major ISE measures and main economic indicators.

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Deposit insurance system and its role in financial security for the period (2010-2018) Study the experiences of Selected countries with reference to Iraq
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Founding a System to secure deposits and protecting the depositors is considered one of the important and exchanged subjects out there in the banking system/field in Iraq at the current time, and the reason behind the exchange and spread of this subject is due to the financial crisis of which the banking sector is suffering from and the stumbling of many banks, those factors have had led to the insecurity of the depositors and their mistrust towards banks, thus, it is necessary to create a system to secure deposits in which depositors would be compensated for the losses caused by the banks' failures. in addition, it could be a countermeasure system which maintains the banking stability, protects the rights of depositors and gains

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Publication Date
Tue Jul 01 2008
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
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Keys for 22 species representing ten genera Thripidae collection carried out during 1999-2001 in different localities in the middle of Iraq. Of them four species are described as new to science, Frankliniella megacephala sp. nov; Retithrips bagdadensis sp. nov; Chirothrips imperatus sp. nov; Taeniothrips tigridis sp. nov; Another thirteen species are recorded for the first time in Iraq; Thrips meridionalis (Pri.); Microcephalothrips abdominils (Crawford); Scolothrips pallidus (Beach); Scritothrips mangiferae Pri.; Frankliniella tritici Bagnall; Frankliniella schultzie Trybom; Frankliniella unicolor Morgan; Retithrips aegypticus Mar

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