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Preparation and Characterization of Electrodeposited Cadmium and Lead thin Films from a Diluted Chloride Solution
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Publication Date
Wed Nov 11 2020
Journal Name
Sys Rev Pharm
Recent Development In Oxine Complexes AndTheirMedical Application: A Review
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This review is concluded of 8-Hydroxyquinline (8HQ) compound and derivatives which has a very significant interests with a strong fluorescence , furthermore the relationship between divalent metal ions and characteristic of chelating . In the same way coordinated features have increase of its organic action and inorganic behavior by giving many samples of compounds which are a good chelating agents ligands with more capable of forming very stable complexes.Therefore, the role of (8HQ) is not limited on complexes only but its applications in different fields so this review will focus on demonstration preparation methods and properties of (8HQ) derivatives with their complexes and applications, hopefully that we will cover a part of scientifi

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 31 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Kufa For Mathematics And Computer
Hiding a Secret Message Encrypted by S-DES Algorithm
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Nowadays, it is quite usual to transmit data through the internet, making safe online communication essential and transmitting data over internet channels requires maintaining its confidentiality and ensuring the integrity of the transmitted data from unauthorized individuals. The two most common techniques for supplying security are cryptography and steganography. Data is converted from a readable format into an unreadable one using cryptography. Steganography is the technique of hiding sensitive information in digital media including image, audio, and video. In our proposed system, both encryption and hiding techniques will be utilized. This study presents encryption using the S-DES algorithm, which generates a new key in each cyc

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 29 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Fractal Image Compression Using Block Indexing Technique: A Review
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Fractal image compression depends on representing an image using affine transformations. The main concern for researches in the discipline of fractal image compression (FIC) algorithm is to decrease encoding time needed to compress image data. The basic technique is that each portion of the image is similar to other portions of the same image. In this process, there are many models that were developed. The presence of fractals was initially noticed and handled using Iterated Function System (IFS); that is used for encoding images. In this paper, a review of fractal image compression is discussed with its variants along with other techniques. A summarized review of contributions is achieved to determine the fulfillment of fractal ima

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 01 2013
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
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    Morphological and phonological studies of fungal pathogen infecting alfalfa weevil Hypera postica (Gyllenhal) indicating that infection has been shown to develop along two distinct physiological lines, each culminating in the production of either conidial or resting spores, in host cadavers which are morphologically distinct. The percent of infection and epizootic development appeared to be dependent on host density. Farther evidence to entail proper correlation between conidia and resting spores suggest that these two forms of spores are stages in the development of one pathogen.

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
A Heuristic Approach to the Consecutive Ones Submatrix Problem
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Given a matrix, the Consecutive Ones Submatrix (C1S) problem which aims to find the permutation of columns that maximizes the number of columns having together only one block of consecutive ones in each row is considered here. A heuristic approach will be suggested to solve the problem. Also, the Consecutive Blocks Minimization (CBM) problem which is related to the consecutive ones submatrix will be considered. The new procedure is proposed to improve the column insertion approach. Then real world and random matrices from the set covering problem will be evaluated and computational results will be highlighted.

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
Rawal Medical Journal
Obesity in COVID-19 patients is a complex interaction
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Objective: To assess role of obesity in Covid-19 patients on antibodies production, diabetes development, and treatment of this disease. Methodology: This observational study included 200 Covid-19 patients in privet centers from January 1, 2021 to January 1, 2022. All patients had fasting blood sugars and anti-Covid-19 antibodies. Anthropometric parameters were measured in all participants. Results: The patients were divided into two groups according to body weight; normal body weight (50) and excess body weight (150). There was a significant difference between them regarding age. Diabetes mellitus developed in 20% of normal weight patients while 80% of excess weight patients had diabetes (p=0.0001). Antibodies production (IgM and

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Phonological Metathesis in Iraqi Arabic Dialect: A Synchronic Perspective
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Phonological metathesis can be defined as an alternation in the normal sequence of two sounds under certain conditions. The present paper is intended to give a detailed synchronic description of phonological metathesis in Iraqi Arabic dialect. For data collection, the researchers have adopted two naturalistic techniques, viz., observation and notes taking. A synchronic analysis is carried out to provide some evidence that describe the sequential change of phonological metathesis in the dialect under investigation. Such sequential changes of metathesized sounds are presented and tabulated. The study concludes with the following finding that this process is not limited to cases where two consonant sounds are transposed, but three consonant

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 06 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Al-qadisiyah For Computer Science And Mathematics
Pixel Based Techniques for Gray Image Compression: A review
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Currently, with the huge increase in modern communication and network applications, the speed of transformation and storing data in compact forms are pressing issues. Daily an enormous amount of images are stored and shared among people every moment, especially in the social media realm, but unfortunately, even with these marvelous applications, the limited size of sent data is still the main restriction's, where essentially all these applications utilized the well-known Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG) standard techniques, in the same way, the need for construction of universally accepted standard compression systems urgently required to play a key role in the immense revolution. This review is concerned with Different

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 06 2009
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
A note on an –module with -pure intersection property
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Let be a ring. Given two positive integers and , an module is said to be -presented, if there is an exact sequence of -modules with is -generated. A submodule of a right -module is said to be -pure in , if for every -Presented left -module the canonical map is a monomorphism. An -module has the -pure intersection property if the intersection of any two -pure submodules is again -pure. In this paper we give some characterizations, theorems and properties of modules with the -pure intersection property.

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 30 2014
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Limping in twenty years old male A Case Report
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Background: Osteoid osteoma(OO) is a relatively common benign skeletal neoplasm of unknown etiology that is composed of osteoid and woven bone, usually seen in adolescent and young males Although, the clinical, radiological and scintigraphic features of OO have been well described, these features may be misleading or altered in the cases of lesser trochanter of the femur which is relatively uncommon location for OO with a few number of cases reported up to date.Case Presentation: We report a case of a 20-year-old man who presented with painful limpThe pain had begun six months earlier and was made worse by walking and by exercise., with normal initial X-rays .The diagnosis was made after six months when typical Computed tomography, magne

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