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The relationship of Nuclear Decay Methods (alpha and beta) Particles with the Nuclear Deformation for Nuclei inUranium-238 and Thorium -232 Series
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Publication Date
Tue Nov 19 2019
Journal Name
Iranian Journal Of Science And Technology, Transactions A: Science
Systematic Study of the Nuclear Structure for Some Exotic Nuclei Using Skyrme–Hartree–Fock Method
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The ground state charge, neutron, proton and matter densities, the associated nuclear radii and the binding energy per nucleon of 8B, 17Ne, 23Al and 27P halo nuclei have been investigated using the Skyrme–Hartree–Fock (SHF) model with the new SKxs25 parameters. According to the calculated results, it is found that the SHF model with these Skyrme parameters provides a good description on the nuclear structure of above proton-rich halo nuclei. The elastic charge form factors of 8B and 17Ne halo nuclei and those of their stable isotopes 10B and 20Ne are calculated using plane-wave Born approximation with the charge density distributions obtained by SHF model to investigate the effect of the extended charge distributions of proton-rich nucl

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 11 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Nuclear structure study of 20Ne, 24Mg, 28Si and 32S nuclei using Skyrme-Hartree-Fock method
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The Skyrme–Hartree–Fock (SHF) method with the Skyrme
parameters; SKxtb, SGII, SKO, SKxs15, SKxs20 and SKxs25 have
been used to investigate the ground state properties of some 2s-1d
shell nuclei with Z=N (namely; 20Ne, 24Mg, 28Si and 32S) such as, the
charge, proton and matter densities, the corresponding root mean
square (rms) radii, neutron skin thickness, elastic electron scattering
form factors and the binding energy per nucleon. The calculated
results have been discussed and compared with the available
experimental data.

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 15 2020
Journal Name
Modern Physics Letters A
Nuclear matter distributions of neutron rich 6He, 11Li, 14Be and 17B halo nuclei studied by the Bear Hodgson potential
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The radial wave functions of the Bear–Hodgson potential have been used to study the ground state features such as the proton, neutron and matter densities and the as- sociated rms radii of two neutrons halo 6He, 11Li, 14Be and 17B nuclei. These halo nuclei are treated as a three-body system composed of core and outer two-neutron (Core + n + n). The radial wave functions of the Bear–Hodgson potential are used to describe the core and halo density distributions. The interaction of core-neutron takes the Bear–Hodgson potential form. The outer two neutrons of 6He and 11Li interact by the realistic interaction REWIL whereas those of 14Be and 17B interact by the realistic interaction of HASP. The obtained results show that this model succee

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Publication Date
Fri Aug 24 2018
Journal Name
Indian Journal Of Physics
Study of the nuclear deformation of some even–even isotopes using Hartree–Fock–Bogoliubov method (effect of the collective motion)
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In the present research, the nuclear deformation of the Ne, Mg, Si, S, Ar, and Kr even–even isotopes has been investigated within the framework of Hartree–Fock–Bogoliubov method and SLy4 Skyrme parameterization. In particular, the deform shapes of the effect of nucleons collective motion by coupling between the single-particle motion and the potential surface have been studied. Furthermore, binding energy, the single-particle nuclear density distributions, the corresponding nuclear radii, and quadrupole deformation parameter have been also calculated and compared with the available experimental data. From the outcome of our investigation, it is possible to conclude that the deforming effects cannot be neglected in a characterization o

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2017
Journal Name
Research Journal Of Applied Sciences
interaction of alpha particles with Overy tissue
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Nuclear medicine is important for both diagnosis and treatment. The most common treatment for diseases is radiation therapy used against cancer. The radiation intensity of the treatment is often less than its ability to cause damage, so radiation must be carefully controlled. The interactions of alpha particle with matter were studied and the stopping powers of alpha particle with ovary tissue were calculated using Beth-Bloch equation, Zeigler’s formula and SRIM Software also the range and Liner Energy Transfer (LET) and ovary thickness as well as dose and dose equivalent for this particle were calculated by using Matlab language for (0.01-200) MeV alpha energy.

Publication Date
Thu Jan 01 2015
Journal Name
International Journal Of Science And Research (ijsr
Interaction of Alpha Particles with Breast Tissue
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As modern radiotherapy technology advances, radiation dose and dose distribution have improved significantly. As part of a natural evolution, there has recently been renewed interest in therapy, particularly in the use of heavy charged particles, because these types of radiation serve theoretical advantages in all biological and physical aspects. The interactions of alpha particle with matter were studied and the stopping powers of alpha particle with Breast Tissue were calculated by using Beth-Bloch equation, Zeigler's formula and SRIM software, also the Range and Liner Energy Transfer (LET) and Breast Thickness As well as Dose and Dose equivalent for this particle were calculated by using Mat lab language for (0.01-200) MeV alpha ene

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 25 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
The nuclear level density parameter
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The nuclear level density parameter  in non Equi-Spacing Model (NON-ESM), Equi-Spacing Model (ESM) and the Backshifted Energy Dependent Fermi Gas model (BSEDFG) was determined for 106 nuclei; the results are tabulated and compared with the experimental works. It was found that there are no recognizable differences between our results and the experimental -values. The calculated level density parameters have been used in computing the state density as a function of the excitation energies for 58Fe and 246Cm nuclei. The results are in a good agreement with the experimental results from earlier published work.

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 01 2021
Journal Name
Finding Most Stable Isobar for Nuclides with Mass Number (165- 175) against Beta Decay
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In the beta decay process, a neutron converts into a proton, or vice versa, so the atom in this process changes to a more stable isobar. Bethe-Weizsäcker used a quasi-experimental formula in the present study to find the most stable isobar for isobaric groups of mass nuclides (A=165-175). In a group of isobars, there are two methods of calculating the most stable isobar. The most stable isobar represents the lowest parabola value by calculating the binding energy value (B.E) for each nuclide in this family, and then drawing these binding energy values as a function of the atomic number (Z) in order to obtain the mass parabolas, the second method is by calculating the atomic number value of the most stable isobar (ZA). The results show

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2015
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Approvals of the Imam nuclear for Iraqis Through the student platform
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The research was titled: Approval of the Imam of the Nuclear of Iraqis through the curriculum of the students.
The research revolves around the study of the weight of the imam nuclear jurisprudence in which the views of the Iraqi jurists of the Imam Shafi'i agreed through the book of students' approach to the nuclear imam, the research included a brief translation of the nuclear imam, and the definition of his place in the Shafi'i school, and then the definition of Iraqi jurists and then study the jurisprudence The course of research is only three issues, and compared with the views of imams, and the statement of the most correct opinion, and God and the conciliator.

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 22 2016
Journal Name
Brazilian Journal Of Physics
Alpha Decay Preformation Factors for Even–Even 280–316116 Superheavy Isotopes
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