In this paper the concept of (m, n)- fully stable Banach Algebra-module relative to ideal (F − (m, n) − S − B − A-module relative to ideal) is introducing, we study some properties of F − (m, n) − S − B − A-module relative to ideal and another characterization is given
Let R be a commutative ring with identity, and let M be a unitary left R-module. M is called special selfgenerator or weak multiplication module if for each cyclic submodule Ra of M (equivalently, for each submodule N of M) there exists a family {fi} of endomorphism of M such that Ra = ∑_i▒f_i (M) (equivalently N = ∑_i▒f_i (M)). In this paper we introduce a class of modules properly contained in selfgenerator modules called special selfgenerator modules, and we study some of properties of these modules.
Let M be an R-module. We introduce in this paper the concept of strongly cancellation module as a generalization of cancellation modules. We give some characterizations about this concept, and some basic properties. We study the direct sum and the localization of this kind of modules. Also we prove that every module over a PID is strongly module and we prove every locally strong module is strongly module.
Let R be a commutative ring with unity. In this paper we introduce and study fuzzy distributive modules and fuzzy arithmetical rings as generalizations of (ordinary) distributive modules and arithmetical ring. We give some basic properties about these concepts.
Suppose that A be an abelain ring with identity, B be a unitary (left) A-module, in this paper ,we introduce a type of modules ,namely Quasi-semiprime A-module, whenever is a Prime Ideal For proper submodule N of B,then B is called Quasi-semiprime module ,which is a Generalization of Quasi-Prime A-module,whenever annAN is a prime ideal for proper submodule N of B,then B is Quasi-prime module .A comprchensive study of these modules is given,and we study the Relationship between quasi-semiprime module and quasi-prime .We put the codition coprime over cosemiprime ring for the two cocept quasi-prime module and quasi-semiprime module are equavelant.and the cocept of prime module and quasi
... Show MoreIn this paper, we introduce and study a new concept (up to our knowledge) named CL-duo modules, which is bigger than that of duo modules, and smaller than weak duo module which is given by Ozcan and Harmanci. Several properties are investigated. Also we consider some characterizations of CL-duo modules. Moreover, many relationships are given for this class of modules with other related classes of modules such as weak duo modules, P-duo modules.
In this note we consider a generalization of the notion of extending modules namely supplement extending modules. And study the relation between extending and supplement extending modules. And some properties of supplement extending. And we proved the direct summand of supplement extending module is supplement extending, and the converse is true when the module is distributive. Also we study when the direct sum of supplement extending modules is supplement extending.
Let R be a commutative ring with unity and M be a non zero unitary left R-module. M is called a hollow module if every proper submodule N of M is small (N ≪ M), i.e. N + W ≠M for every proper submodule W in M. A δ-hollow module is a generalization of hollow module, where an R-module M is called δ-hollow module if every proper submodule N of M is δ-small (N δ  M), i.e. N + W ≠M for every proper submodule W in M with M W is singular. In this work we study this class of modules and give several fundamental properties related with this concept