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Using CRF Tool for Analyzing the Resilience of Cities
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The new sustainable development goals set by the UN include a goal of making cities inclusive, safe, sustainable, and resilient. Cities are growing at huge rates, and conditions of deteriorating QOL̛s are increasing in the form of poor access to services, and slums are remarkable, especially in the cities of the Middle East; hence, the research problem can arise from a lack of knowledge regarding the in determination of a way to assess the resilience of cities to develop mechanisms that will improve the quality of urban life. In this study, a tool called CRF has been applied for the assessment of the city's resilience principles of health and quality of life, economics and social, infrastructure and environmental systems, and the principles of governance and strategic leadership. The research aims to determine the efficiency of Kufa City in achieving the principles of resilience according to the CRF. The research is based on the descriptive analytical method. The research concluded that the city of Kufa achieves low levels of some indicators of resilience, especially on the imposition of security and the rule of law, transportation, and communications, and achieves reasonable rates of resilience regarding opportunities for creating a sustainable economy and achieving basic needs. 

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2011
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Multilayer Perceptron for analyzing satellite data
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Different ANN architectures of MLP have been trained by BP and used to analyze Landsat TM images. Two different approaches have been applied for training: an ordinary approach (for one hidden layer M-H1-L & two hidden layers M-H1-H2-L) and one-against-all strategy (for one hidden layer (M-H1-1)xL, & two hidden layers (M-H1-H2-1)xL). Classification accuracy up to 90% has been achieved using one-against-all strategy with two hidden layers architecture. The performance of one-against-all approach is slightly better than the ordinary approach

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 29 2024
Journal Name
International Journal Of Safety And Security Engineering
Urban Safety is a Tool for Containing Slums to Reach a Sustainable Urban Structure
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Many cities suffer from the large spread of slums, especially the cities of the Middle East. The purpose of the paper is to study the reality of informal housing in Al-Barrakia and the most important problems that it suffers from. The paper also seeks to study the presence or absence of a correlation between urban safety indicators and urban containment indicators as one of the methods of developing and planning cities. This can be achieved through sustainable urban management. The slums are a source of many urban problems that threaten the security and safety of the residents and represent a focus for the concentration of crimes and drugs. The paper seeks to answer the following question: How can urban safety be improved through urban cont

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Optimization of Locations for Bioswales Stormwater Management Using BMP Siting Tool - Case Study of Sulaymaniyah City-KRG-Iraq
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Today, urban Stormwater management is one of the main concerns of municipalities and stakeholders. Drought and water scarcity made rainwater harvesting one of the main steps toward climate change adaptation. Due to the deterioration of the quality of urban runoff and the increase of impermeable urban land use, the treatment of urban runoff is essential. Best Management Practice (BMP) and Low Impact Development (LID) approaches are necessary to combat climate change consequences by improving the quantity and quality of water resources. The application of Bioswales along urban streets and roadways can reduce the stress on water resources, recharge groundwater and prevent groundwater pollution. While Sulaymaniyah City has a

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Publication Date
Sun May 02 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Rationalization of costs by using the tool of the quality function deployment: / applied research in the State Company for Textile and Leather Industries
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The research aims to apply one of the techniques of management accounting, which is the technique of the quality function deployment on the men's leather shoe product Model (79043) in the General Company for Textile and Leather Industries by determining the basic requirements of the customer and then designing the characteristics and specifications of the product according to the preferences of the customer in order to respond to the customer's voice in agreement With the characteristics and technical characteristics of the product, taking into account the products of the competing companies to achieve the maximum customer satisfaction, the highest quality and the lowest costs. Hence, the importance of research has emerged, which indicat

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Historical Value of Dickens’s A Tale of Two Cities
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In "historical" fiction, characters that never really existed, give expression to the impact of historical events on the people who really did live through them. The result is not history, as an accurate record of actual events, but fiction in which an earlier age is rendered through the personal joys and sufferings of characters. This paper
aims at investigating the historical realities presented in Dickens’s A Tale of Two Cities.

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
The affective factors on the urban growth for the port cities (analytical study of the growth of the Um Qasr city))
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In this paper, the relationship between urban growth, land use, site availability, and impacts on the general appearance of the city generated by functional characteristics of port cities were analyzed. Various data were used to identify patterns of land use change and city growth and expansion. The research aims to analyze the impact of the port on the growth of the city, study the urban growth of the city of Umm Qasr and predicting the growth trends, and to identify the most influential factors in this growth. The study dealt with the concepts of urban growth and the factors that characterize the growth of port cities and the current situation of the city. The practical part included the mechanisms used by the researcher to analyze the

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 31 2022
Journal Name
American Journal Of Economics And Business Management
Measuring and Analyzing the Factors Affecting the Behavior of Government Spending in Iraq Using the Co-Integration Test for the Period 2000-2020
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Government spending is the tool that the state uses to achieve its various goals. The research aims to identify the most important determinants of government spending in Iraq and to indicate the type and nature of the relationship between government spending and its determinants, which will contribute to understanding the movement of government spending. The results of the co-integration test using the border test methodology showed that the variables of population growth and oil prices have a long-term effect on government spending while inflation is not significant in the long run, and that 47% of the equilibrium imbalance (short-term imbalance) in government spending in the previous period (t-) can be corrected in the current period (t)

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 13 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Survey In Fisheries Sciences
Spectrum Analyzing X-ray Data Image (FITS) Using Ds9 Program
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n this study, data or X-ray images Fixable Image Transport System (FITS) of objects were analyzed, where energy was collected from the body by several sensors; each sensor receives energy within a specific range, and when energy was collected from all sensors, the image was formed carrying information about that body. The images can be transferred and stored easily. The images were analyzed using the DS9 program to obtain a spectrum for each object,an energy corresponding to the photons collected per second. This study analyzed images for two types of objects (globular and open clusters). The results showed that the five open star clusters contain roughly t

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 30 2023
Journal Name
Al-mustansiriyah Journal Of Science
Seasonal Optimum Tilt Angle of Solar Panels for 100 Cities in the World
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Solar energy is the most abundant renewable energy source. This energy can be converted directly into electricity using solar panels. The fixed tilt solar panels are the most practical and the most widely installed throughout the world. Optimum tilt angle calculation has the advantage that it does not use expensive solar trackers. This research calculates the seasonal optimum tilt angle of solar panels for 17 cities in Iraq and 83 cities in 83 countries distributed around the world. Solar Panel Angle Calculator program was used in calculating the optimum tilt angles from vertical. The optimum tilt angle varies between 6° and 112° throughout the year. This angle for winter, spring/ autumn and summer seasons are found to be between

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 31 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Analyzing the reality of the Iraqi market for securities in light of financial globalization
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The Iraqi market for securities in light of financial globalization faces real challenges at the local and international levels, which were reflected in their shadows on the overall economic reality, which imposed the necessity of making fundamental changes in terms of form and content, and from here stems the research problem in the ability of the Iraqi stock market to adapt to the transformations Financial imposed by financial globalization in light of the weakness of the economic structure and its position in the global economy. The research starts from the hypothesis that the Iraqi market for securities in light of financial globalization has an important and significant role in the economic field, through its role in stimula

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