This paper deals with, Bayesian estimation of the parameters of Gamma distribution under Generalized Weighted loss function, based on Gamma and Exponential priors for the shape and scale parameters, respectively. Moment, Maximum likelihood estimators and Lindley’s approximation have been used effectively in Bayesian estimation. Based on Monte Carlo simulation method, those estimators are compared in terms of the mean squared errors (MSE’s).
In this paper, Bayes estimators for the shape and scale parameters of Weibull distribution have been obtained using the generalized weighted loss function, based on Exponential priors. Lindley’s approximation has been used effectively in Bayesian estimation. Based on theMonte Carlo simulation method, those estimators are compared depending on the mean squared errors (MSE’s).
Background: Nicotine addiction is the inevitable result for many smokers. Regardless of control and intervention strategies for smoking cessation, it is important to determine the nicotine dependence score for each smoker.
Objectives: To assess the nicotine dependence by FAGERSTRŐM Test for nicotine dependence (FTND score) and to find out the association of nicotine dependence with some smoking-related comorbidities and with the level of education.
Patients and Methods: This is a cross-sectional study on a total of 200 adult smokers who were attending different departments in Al-Imamain Al-Kadhimain Medical City during the period from April 2019 to October 2019. Demograp
... Show MoreThe research aims to identify the rates of hair loss during pregnancy and lactation and its relation to the rates get some elements motivator urged through the results of the continued failure to meet the need of daily assessments of these elements, which led to the continuation of Hair Loss
Nonmissile penetrating spine injury (NMPSI) represents a small percent of spinal cord injuries (SCIs), estimated at 0.8% in Western countries. Regarding the causes, an NMPSI injury caused by a screwdriver is rare. This study reports a case of a retained double-headed screwdriver in a 37-year-old man who sustained a stab injury to the back of the neck, leaving the patient with a C4 Brown-Sequard syndrome (BSS). We discuss the intricacies of the surgical management of such cases with a literature review.
PubMed database was searched by the following combined formula of medical subjects headings,
Background: Study looking into cardiovascular disorders (CVD) medicines or analgesics cost-saving activities during dispensing process is lacking.
Aim: To determine differences in factors and costs associated with refused CVD medicines or analgesics during dispensing process
Method: This study was approved by Medical Research and Ethics Committee (MREC) (Registration number: NMRR-20-177-53153(IIR)). Participants receiving CVD medicines or analgesics during dispensing process were recruited via convenience sampling technique between February and March 2020 at the Specialist Pharmacy Department of Jerantut Hospital, Malaysia. Refusal to medications and its reasons were asked based on the questionnaire developed by the resea
... Show MoreBackground: five clinical phases were described in patients with chronic (HBV) infection: HBeAg- positive HBV infection, HBeAg- positive chronic HB, HBeAg negative HBV infection, HBeAg-negative CHB and occult HBV infection. Aim: This study aimed to determine the incidence of the unclassified phase (gray zone) in chronic hepatitis B patients and its significant in the clinical practice. Patients and methods: The study was conducted retrospectively on 109 patients' who have HBsAg positive for more than 6 months. The data recorded include; HbeAg and anti-HBe Ab, ultrasound of the abdomen, HBV DNA load and alanine aminotransferase (ALT), accordingly; we classify the patients to known clinical phases. Patients who were unfit one of these phases
... Show MorePolycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) referring to a syndrome that is recognized as a life-course disease and has both metabolic and reproductive signs; main pathophysiological cause includes insulin resistance, hyperandrogenism, and oxidative stress state. The study aimed to assess the impact of combining Myoinositol and Metformin, the main insulin-sensitizing drugs, on improving clinical, metabolic, and hormonal parameters in females with PCOS. A clinical trial that was prospective, randomized, and comparative on 54 patients (aged 18-40 y) are divided into three groups: group1 patients allocated to receive Myo-inositol(4g), group2 patients assigned to receive Metformin(1g) and group3 patients assigned to receive Myo-inositol(4g) + Metformin
... Show MoreBackgound: Varicoceles defined as abnormally dilated testicular veins (pampiniform plexus) of in the scrotum and it is found in approximately 15% of the general population and associated with adverse effects on the seminal fluid and fertility. According to size of that blood vessels; the varicocele is divided into clinical that are discovered in physical examination and subclinical that are only discovered by Doppler examination. It is well known that clinical varicocele affect the seminal fluid and always treated surgically as a part of treatment of infertility or because of pain or cosmetic purpose but the controversy is about the cases of subclinical varicocele and the indication of surgery and its outcome.
Objective: To assess the