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Effect of Coefficient of Variation on the Reliability of Collapse Potential's Equation Predicted by ANNs

In this paper, the Reliability Analysis with utilizing a Monte Carlo simulation (MCS) process was conducted on the equation of the collapse potential predicted by ANN to study its reliability when utilized in a situation of soil that has uncertainty in its properties. The prediction equation utilized in this study was developed previously by the authors. The probabilities of failure were then plotted against a range of uncertainties expressed in terms of coefficient of variation. As a result of reliability analysis, it was found that the collapse potential equation showed a high degree of reliability in case of uncertainty in gypseous sandy soil properties within the specified coefficient of variation (COV) for each property. When the COV ranges (0-100) for each soil properties under study, it was found also that the collapse potential equation is very well in predicting the collapse potential of gypseous sandy soils for all values of the COV lies between (0-100) % for initial water content and degree of saturation, and for values of the COV not exceed 11%, 19% for the initial dry unit weight and specific gravity respectively, as well as for the values of the COV not exceed 80%, 97% for the initial voids ratio and gypsum content respectively.

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal

This study was conducted in Animal Resources Department , College of Agriculture to estimate the effect of chemical and biological treatments to improve the nutritive value of poor quality roughages ( corn cobs and wild reed ) . The feeds were treated chemically with 4% NaoH solution ,whereas Aspergillus niger was used to ferment corn cobs and wild reed samples . The chemical analysis showed that protein percentages of corn cobs and wild reed was increased significantly (P<0.05) from 6.05% to 10.51% and 17.70% and from 3.10 %to 6.50% and 9.96% for both chemical and biological treatments respectively. The crude fiber percentages decreased significantly (P<0.05) from 29.19% and 26.10% to 23.60% and 20.10% for chemical treatment and was 20

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 27 2024
Journal Name
Tem Journal
Preparing the Electrical Signal Data of the Heart by Performing Segmentation Based on the Neural Network U-Net

Research on the automated extraction of essential data from an electrocardiography (ECG) recording has been a significant topic for a long time. The main focus of digital processing processes is to measure fiducial points that determine the beginning and end of the P, QRS, and T waves based on their waveform properties. The presence of unavoidable noise during ECG data collection and inherent physiological differences among individuals make it challenging to accurately identify these reference points, resulting in suboptimal performance. This is done through several primary stages that rely on the idea of preliminary processing of the ECG electrical signal through a set of steps (preparing raw data and converting them into files tha

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Human Sport And Exercise - 2019 - Spring Conferences Of Sports Science
The effect of continuous training on myoglobin muscle and on some specific fitness elements and basic skills of badminton players

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effect of the fungus Metarhizumanisopliae (Metchnikoff) Sorokin and actelic insecticide in the protection of bean seeds packaged in bag from infection by cowpea beetle

this study was perform to defined the effect of fungus Metarhiziumanisopliae Sorokin with concentrations 5x101, 5x103 and 5x105 spore/ ml and Actelic insecticide with concentration 0.001% in in rate of germinate treated string bean seeds also study effect of packed bags in two different type: jute and polypropylene bags which treated with fungal suspension pervious mention and insecticide in rate infested the string bean seeds packed in it.Results of the study showed the following: Lower rate of weight loss of cowpea seeds appear in poly propylene bags 4.41, 5.95% after six months of treatment with 5x 105 spore/ ml and Actelic insecticide respectively compared with 15.08% to control treatment. The fungal concentrations and insecticide not

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Publication Date
Sat Aug 01 2020
Journal Name
Jordan Journal Of Physics
Theoretical Simulation of Backscattering Electron Coefficient for SixGe1-x/Si Heterostructure as a Function of Primary Electron Beam Energy and Ge Concentration

Abstract: This study aims to investigate the backscattering electron coefficient for SixGe1-x/Si heterostructure sample as a function of primary electron beam energy (0.25-20 keV) and Ge concentration in the alloy. The results obtained have several characteristics that are as follows: the first one is that the intensity of the backscattered signal above the alloy is mainly related to the average atomic number of the SixGe1-x alloy. The second feature is that the backscattering electron coefficient line scan shows a constant value above each layer at low primary electron energies below 5 keV. However, at 5 keV and above, a peak and a dip appeared on the line scan above Si-Ge alloy and Si, respectively, close to the interfacing line

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 22 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
The Influence of Politics on Architectural Thought A Descriptive and Analytical Study of the Effect of Political Ideology on the Achieved Architecture (Berlin City as an Example)

The research investigates the political effect and its directions on the architectural thoughts and its achievements and how can this political system affect all fields of life in communities including architectural urban design. The problem of the research lies in the ambiguity effects of the ideological national directions of the Nazi Party on the architecture and urban design of the city of Berlin, then determining the aims of the research to discuss the concepts of politics and architecture and their relation to the way of thinking that plays a role in the process of design that works on property and achieving the suitable urban environments for those communities. After that, the Nazi's party's thought would be studied and analyzed,

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
The Effect of SOLO and Sodium Hypochlorite Disinfectant on Some Properties of Different Types of Dental Stone

Dental casts come into direct contact with impression materials and other items that are contaminated by saliva and blood from a patient's mouth, leaving the casts susceptible to cross-contamination. The disinfectant solutions of the impression materials cause various adverse reactions. Therefore, disinfection of dental casts may be effective in preventing cross infection. This study was carried out to evaluate the surface hardness, dimensional accuracy, reproduction of details and surface porosity of type III, type IV and type IV extra hard dental stone after immersion in and spray by using SOLO and Sodium hypochlorite disinfectant solutions. Materials and methods: 240 Stone samples were prepared in rubber rings, A total of 60 test block w

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 03 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Effect of Danials model in concepts Acquisition of Education Principles on Studets at college of Education .

The research aims at identifyiny the effect of (Danials Model) in concepts Acquisition of Education Principles on Students at college at Education The total unmber of Students , is (65) male and female Students distributed in two groups . The First group is the experiemental group which is taught the (Danials Model) and is (34) Students . The second groupe is the control group which is taught the traditional method of teaching and it is (31) Students . The researcher has matcheol between the two groupe by the following variables : the age , (in monthes) their intelligence their parents a cademic leve of education . The research has constructed a test of (20) items of multiple choice test . The reliability of The test has been cal

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 02 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
The effect of SOLO and sodium hypochlorite disinfectant on some properties of different types of dental stone

Background: Dental casts come into direct contact with impression materials and other items that are contaminated by saliva and blood from a patient's mouth, leaving the casts susceptible to cross-contamination. The disinfectant solutions of the impression materials cause various adverse reactions. Therefore, disinfection of dental casts may be effective in preventing cross infection. This study was carried out to evaluate the surface hardness, dimensional accuracy, reproduction of details and surface porosity of type III, type IV and type IV extra hard dental stone after immersion in and spray by using SOLO and Sodium hypochlorite disinfectant solutions. Materials and methods: 240 Stone samples were prepared in rubber rings, A total of 60

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Publication Date
Tue May 15 2018
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Study of the Influence of Annealing Temperature on the Structural and Optical Properties of ZnTe Prepared by Vacuum Thermal Evaporation Technique

   The ZnTe alloy was prepared as  deposited thin films on the glass substrates at a thickness of 400±20 nm using vacuum evaporation technique at pressure (1 × 10-5) mbar and room temperature. Then the thin films under vacuum (2 × 10-3 mbar) were annealing at (RT,100 and 300) °C for one hour. The structural properties were studied by using X-ray diffraction and AFM, the results show that the thin films had approached the single crystalline in the direction (111) as preferred orientation of the structure zinc-blende for cubic type, with small peaks of tellurium (Te) element for all prepared thin films. The calculated crystallite size (Cs) decreased with the increase in the anne

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