Information Name : Ahmed Jumaa Zboon Ali Date of birth: Iraq 1975 Scientific rank: Assistant Professor Doctor (08/31/2016) General Specialization: PhD in Fine Arts The address of the workplace: College of Fine Arts University of Baghdad Languages: Arabic\ English Mobile: 009647729555900 - 009647804443366 mail : [email protected]
Educational Rehabilitation Course (248) - University of Baghdad - Continuing Education Center Arabic Language Course (222) - University of Baghdad - Continuing Education Center A course on how to fill out the Google Scholar registration form - University of Baghdad - Continuing Education Center Research Gate network course for academic and research communication - University of Baghdad - Continuing Education Center Educational Counseling and Psychological Guidance Course - College of Fine Arts - Continuing Education Unit Course (83) Google Classroom - University of Baghdad - Ibn Sina Center Course - University of Baghdad - Center for Continuing Education IIE-SRF Distance Learning Initiatives live lecture on "Doing your Literature Revew" TOT Training of Trainers Course - University of Baghdad - Continuing Education Center Ministerial Session - Quality Assurance and Improvement - Deans Committee of Faculties of Fine Arts Still Life Drawing and Portrait Watercolor Course - College of Fine Arts - Continuing Education Unit A course on mechanisms for building systems for analyzing plastic artwork in master's theses and doctoral dissertations - Faculty of Fine Arts - Continuing Education Unit
I teach with the title of Assistant Lecturer I teach with the title of teacher A faculty member with the title of Assistant Professor Primary studies course Postgraduate course Director of the Media and Informatics Unit Website manager Director of the Continuing Education Unit
- Member of the Iraqi Artists Syndicate.
- Member of the Association of Iraqi Plastic Artists.
- Member of the Iraqi Calligraphers Association.
- Member of the "Iraqi Artists" gathering.
- Founder of the "Iraq Sculptor Community."
- Founding member of "Essen - Iraqi Center for Art Studies and Research"
- Founder of the "(Arab Aesthetics) International Foundation" grouping.
- Member of the Iraqi Center for Media Development.
- Member of the Federation of Iraqi Strategic Experts.
- Founder of the Federation of Arab Sculptors.
- Founder of the Arab Aesthetic Critics Union.
Philosophy of Art - Aesthetics art history Art criticism
1- BSC: University of Baghdad, College of Fine Arts, (2001-2002 ) 2- Masters: University of Baghdad, College of Fine Arts,( 2006 ) 3- PhD: University of Baghdad, College of Fine Arts, (2012 )
1 Graduation Research Fourth Stage - Sculpture 2 Fundamentals of scientific research, the third stage - all branches, sculpting, drawing, ceramic, graphic 3 History of Modern Sculpture and Contemporary Formation Stage Four - Sculpture 4 History of Greek art, the second stage - the branch of sculpture and ceramics 5 Planning - practical first stage 6 Relief Sculpture - Practical Phase III - Sculpture 7 Wall Sculpture - Practical Stage Four - Sculpture 8 Methods of writing a postgraduate dissertation - Ph.D 9 Fundamentals of Scientific Research Postgraduate Studies - Master 10 Studies in Iraqi and Arab Sculpture, Graduate Studies - Masters Seminar (scientific panel discussion) - postgraduate studies - master's degree
1 . Thaer Hussein Ali Hassoun Al-Karkoushi / Self-discourse in contemporary global sculpture - industrial and technological scrap sculptures as a model 2 . Muhannad Abdullah Attia Al-Majidi / The Aesthetic Variable in Contemporary Kinetic Sculpture - Digital Sculpture as a Model 3 . Yasser Abdul Hakim Hussein / Political Employment of the Aesthetic Image in Contemporary Formation 4 . Ahmed Adnan Muhammad / The Role of Aesthetic Theories in Contemporary Sculptural Formation 5 . Hadeel Ali Gesture / Aesthetic References for Abstract Forms in Contemporary Iraqi Sculpture
تبحث هذة الدراسة واحداً من العناصر المهمة في تكوين المنجز النحتي الا وهي الحركة, ويرصد البحث التطور الحاصل في عملية تجسيدها وتوظيفها في العمل الفني عموماً والنحتي بشكل خاص وفقاً للمتغير الإسلوبي والتقني في تجسيدها. وقد حددت مشكلة البحث بالتساؤل الأتي: ماالأساليب والتقنيات التي إتبعها الفنان في تجسيد الحركة ضمن تكوين المنجز الجمالي؟ وهدف البحث إلى الكشف عن الإسلوب وتطور التقنية الحاصلة في ذلك المجال.
... Show MoreThe research tagged with the controversy of aesthetic interpretation between the sculptures and their titles in contemporary Iraqi sculpture, “Exhibition of Experiments in Contemporary Iraqi Sculpture as a Model”, and it is one of the new research that contributes to strengthening the critical path in the Iraqi fine movement, as the first chapter dealt with the research problem stemming from the question: What is the impact of the aesthetic hermeneutic controversy between the title and the title in contemporary Iraqi sculpture?, and do the titles of the sculptural works help to understand or enhance their contents?, The research objective included: To identify the controversy of the aesthetic interpretation of sculptures and their ti
... Show MoreThe current research deals with spatial relations as a tool to link urban landmarks in a homogeneous composition with monumental sculptures, by identifying these landmarks and the extent of their impact on them, which constitutes an urgent need to evaluate the appropriate place and its effects on them, so that this analytical study is a critical approach adopted in artistic studies of monumental models in Arabcapitals .The current research came in four chapters, the first chapter of which dealt with the research problem, its importance and the need for it, then its objectives that were determined in revealing the spatial relations and their impact on
... Show Moreالمنطق منهجا نقديا - دراسة في قراءة الشكل الجمالي كتاب (المنطق منهجا نقدياً – دراسة في قراءة الشكل الفني) يهتم الكتاب بدراسة التصورات المنطقية في الفنون التشكيلية وهو يقع في اربعة فصول خصص الاول منها لبيان المنهجية والفكرة العامة عن علاقة المعرفة بالقواعد الفكرية والقواعد المنطقية موضحا ذلك في (مدخل عام) وتعلق الفصل الثاني بالمفاهيم المنطقية وما كتبه علماء المنطق في عرض شامل ومكثف تناول فيه المؤلف مفهوم ال
... Show MoreThe deviation in the formal idiomatic circulation of the body is nothing more than a response to the new currency; The (things) that surround us mean that they represent the new interests that the artist transforms into meanings and symbols after he invests them as aesthetic visual formations. Art establishes a reality other than the one that was established by (the body), which is always subject to a system of deliberative relations, and in general we can diagnose it in three paths, it is either linked to what represents the changing objective reality with the change of general systems or causes them, or it is a subject to the logic of general thought in its changing space-time limits, or it is a subject to the principle of benefit and ad
... Show Moreاهتم في الربع الأول بالمفاهيم النظرية للمناهج التي تقع في النقاط الخمس ، النقطة الأولى تتعلق بمفهوم الخطاب والخطاب المادي ، وقلنا أن الرسالة كانت مبنية على الجسد من البداية ، حتى قبل ذلك هناك ستكون فلسفة أو معرفة المنظمة. أما النقطة الثانية فتتعلق بالمفهوم الفينومينولوجي للخطاب ، ونحن في هذه المرحلة أهم الركائز التي قام عليها (إدموند هوسرل) في بناء مفهوم وصفي ضعيف. في النقطة الثالثة نكشف عن الظواهر المتعلقة ب
... Show MoreReduction has been linked visually in art since man began making functional and aesthetic forms, and this beginning can be identified with cave paintings. Reduction is one of the clearest indications of intellectual presence in aesthetic experience. Modernism was greatly supported by the great transformations that the intellectual movement witnessed in the world in general and in Europe in particular. There, and their transfer of European artistic experiences, and the reflection of this influence in their aesthetic sculptures, and for this reason the researchers find that the study of the aesthetic references of the reductive forms in the Iraqi sculptural experience represents a great importance in the study of the history of contem
... Show Moreملخص البحث: تناول البحث الحالي:(أنظمة التكوين الجمالي للكتابات والنصوص في النحت العربي المعاصر)، عددا من الأفكار الأساسية التي تمثل المادة النظرية لتفسير ظاهرة الكتابة في الفن بشكل عام وفي فن النحت بشكل خاص، ولكشف أنظمة التكوين الجمالي وأنواعها المتعددة من خلال فحص بعض النصوص البصرية للفنانين العرب المعاصرين، فقد جاء هذا البحث في أربعة فصول. خصص الفصل الأول: الإطار المنهجي للبحث لبيان مشكلة البحث، وأهم
... Show More