الخلفية: تتضمن بروتينات الطور الحاد بروتين سي الفعال والهبتاكلوبين اللذين يرتبطان مع امراض التهابية مثل العدوى، امراض القلب الوعائية والسمنة. تقدير مؤشر تعصد البلازما كمؤشر للتعصد يرتبط مع عدة امراض.
الهدف: اجريت هذه الدراسة لتقصي تركيز بوتين سي الفعال والهبتاكلوبين عند مرضى الشريان التاجي العراقيين وكذلك حساب مؤشر تعصد البلازما الذي يتنبأ بهذا المر
... Show MoreIn this study a pyloroplasty technique was designed by using a single layer simple interrupted extra-mucosal suture pattern on pyloric region in dogs. Nine adult dogs were used to induce longitudinal surgical incision in the pyloric region under general anesthesia using a combination of 15mg/kg B.W. ketamine hydrochloride 5% and 5 mg/kg B.W Xylazine hydrochloride 2%. The incision was closed by pyloroplasty technique (longitudinal incision for whole layers with transverse suturing) using single layer simple interrupted extra mucosal technique. The examination achieved by daily clinical observation, radiological finding, at the end of 21st day post operation, macroscopical and histopathological examination at
... Show MoreThis study was designed to explain the anatomy and histology of kidneys and salt glands in Great Flamingos. Eight adult healthy Great Flamingos of both sexes have been used. The results showed that the kidneys in Great Flamingos consist of three separated lobes. The right kidney was longer 8.9±0.3 mm than the left kidney 8.4±0.4mm. The ratio of the kidneys weight to the total body weight was 0.39%. The salt gland was very large crescent shape, and occupied the supraorbital fossa and has 20.8±0.2mm long and 3.9±0.2mm in diameter. The volume of cortex was 60-70% and the medulla was 30-40%. Within the middle region of cortex there were numerous large corpuscles (mammalian type) and few of small corpuscles (repti
... Show MoreThe current research aimed at obtaining principal data on the morphological developmental changes that could occur during the post hatching periods in the female genital system of the Indigenous Mallard ducks and to conduct that twenty (immature and mature) ducks were used. Gross findings have revealed that the left ovary in 4 weeks sold ducklings appeared small triangular in shape, located at the dorsal part of coelom in contact caudally with the cranial division of the left kidney and cranially with left lung. In 8 and 12 weeks the left ovary has enlarged showed prominent granular surface. The left oviduct appeared as thin, translucent straighten tube with unapparent regions fixed by a thin doubled folds of oviductal ligame
... Show Moreصممت هذه الدراسة لتقييم الدور الملطف للبيتين (betaine) على الخلل الوظيفي للكبد والكلية المستحدث بأستخدام الاكريلامايد (acrylamide) في أناث الجرذان. تم تقسيم (32) من أناث الجرذان البالغة عشوائيا" وبالتساوي الى أربع مجاميع ) G3, G2, G1و G4) وعوملت كالأتي لمدة (65) يوم: مجموعة السيطرة (G1)، مجموعة (G2) جرعت فمويا" البيتين 250 ملغم/كغم من وزن الجسم، في حين جرعت حيوانات المجموعة الثالثة (G3) الاكريلامايد فمويا" 1 ملغم/كغم من وزن الجسم، وج
... Show MoreKlebsiella pneumoniae causes lethal nosocomial infections, mostly affecting patients with severe burns. More than 80% of its isolates have shown resistance to routinely used antibiotics in parallel with increased infection rates. The study aimed to determine the molecular typing and genetic relatedness of K. pneumoniae. Therefore, 20 multidrug resistant (MDR) K. pneumoniae already isolated from infected burned wounds in two major hospitals of Al-Kut city east Iraq were subjected to genotyping analysis. The random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD)-based polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique was used along with three oligonucleotide primers (P13, OPX-04, and OPY-01). The amplicons’ patterns of the electrophoresis-gel were analyzed by the
... Show Moreالخلفية: -التهاب المفاصل الروماتويدي (RA ) هومرض مزمن من الامراض الانضداديةالتي تهاجم المفاصل مسببةالتهابات وتدميرالغضروف المفصلي والعظام.
الهدف من الدراسة: - لتقيم مؤشر الاجهاد التاكسدي بقياس المالوندايالديهايدوقيلس السعة
المضادة للاكسدة في مصل مرضىالتهابالمفاصلالروماتويدي بالإضافةإلىحمض اليوريك مقارنة يالافرادالاصحاء .
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