The research talks about the concept of investment allocations, showing its linguistic and idiomatic meaning, as well as the objectives for which the investment allocations are based, as well as the benefits of these allocations since it shows types of investment contracts, including: current and fixed assets and commitment allocations.
The research has been concluded with several results, including the protection of the banks and the investor. The contracting parties focus on specific dates that both parties are obliged to abide by, the research also shows the jurisprudence provisions for investment allocations, each ruling according to the specific branch.
... Show MoreThe research talks about the most important challenges facing Muslim youth of their ideological, social and economic types, and the youth is facing several problems, the most important of which are the intellectual and social invasion to which the Islamic nation has been exposed and ways to address them from a Quranic perspective and find solutions to these problems and these challenges in accordance with Islamic Sharia and the texts of the Holy Quran. From three topics and several demands, during which the researcher tried to find solutions to each challenge through the verses of the Noble Qur’an.
esearch Summary
Holidays and occasions in Islamic societies have a legal character and origin. Some of them are proven by the words and actions of the legislator, and some are within the scope of custom that is regulated by the honorable Sharia, and others are approved by scholars and people because of their connection, piety and charity. It has a kind of good.
One of the purposes of the noble Sharia is to glorify the honorable times associated with the blessed events, so that lessons and lessons may be recalled in them, and to activate the legitimate gifts in those events that develop in the individual, the family and the community the meanings of goodness and honor and all that is good and good. Accord
... Show MoreResearch summary
Islam protects the environment and civilians in peace and war, and in international humanitarian law protection of the environment and civilians in international conflicts only. As for wars and internal conflicts, it is not within the jurisdiction of international humanitarian law. In Islamic law, the principles of protecting the environment and civilians are fixed in all wars and conflicts, whether internal or external, local. or international.
Islam laid down moral principles in war, including:
- Preserving the environment and avoiding corruption in the land by burning trees and killing animals unnecessarily.
- Not to be exposed to non-combatants, including women, boys, the elderly, the disa
... Show Moreفإن مسألة التعارض بين الرواية، والفتوى، من المسائل المشهورة عند الأصوليين والفقهاء، وهي من مباحث السنة عند الأصوليين، والتي تبنى عليها مسائل متعددة، وهي من أسباب اختلاف الفقهاء، فإذا ما روى أحد الرواة حديثاً معيناً، ثم عمل بخلاف ما روى، فللعلماء في ذلك خلاف، مبني على أن العبرة بروايته
Takbiratul Ehram "The First Takbeer to Start Prayer" means: the words that the worshiper says to start his prayers, and refrain from anything invalidates it. the findings revealed that the four school jurists agreed that the prayer is not valid without Takbiratul Ehram "The First Takbeer to Start Prayer", and they disagreed on its description, so the majority of jurists said that it is a pillar, and some of them called it an obligatory, but Hanafi made it a condition. Likewise, the four jurists agreed that the one who articulates Takbiratul Ehram "The First Takbeer to Start Prayer" with the word: “Allahu Akbar,”; his Takbeer is correct, and they disagreed about the one who adds a word, or replaced it with another, where the m
... Show Moreملخّص البحث
تكمن مشكلة البحث في الاكتشاف المبكر لسوء صحة الطلبة النفسية و محاولة ايجاد الحلول اللازمة لها في سنوات الدراسة الجامعية من حيث استخدام المواد الدراسية او اساليب التعامل او اسس العلاج الفردي المتبع من قبل الاساتذة مع الطلاب الذين يعانون من اي خلل نفسي او سلوكي، و ذلك لاهمية الحالة النفسية لمعلمي المستقبل و تاثير سلوكياتهم و انعكاسها على التدريس وعلى الطل
... Show MoreThe theory of Pilgrims in the Magra is based on Dekru's view that the mgha is considered a pilgrim, and that the pilgrims are pilgrims
Tujia purely exposes the abstract temptation structure, and that the discharge of the Mfezouz Mfarouz is through factors
This theory tends to highlight the role of pilgrim function as a language
There is no preservation unless directed towards a particular outcome. Gemma can include morphine blindness
Or formulas that allow for the presentation of a pilgrimage to a writer in addition to the content of the news, and the guidance of the recipient
In one direction or another.
The orbital masses are one of these morphines and functional components that achieve function
The Togolese
The people lived under Mamluk rule, distress, poverty, famines, oppression of princes, rulers, And their domination and he always wished for a just ruler to relieve his misery, and remove the injustice
from him, so they found in Al-Nasser Mohammed tend to establish justice.
When Al-Nasser ascended the throne of the Sultanate, there was a rise or fall in prices, so he pursued Prices will end and punish those
who come out for it. And you talk about this search for a relationship
Sultan Al-Nasser with the poor classes in society and his keenness to pursue their affairs was compassionate On them, mer
... Show MoreAre the actions and rulings of God Almighty justified by intentions and purposes or not? This is a matter of the minutes of the science of theology in which there was a wide difference between the Islamic groups, especially the verbal ones.
This study is an attempt to reach the correct opinion or to avoid it, and to clarify the disagreement that took place in this issue, especially in the Ash'ari school of thought, and it is also an attempt to reconcile opinions as much as possible, and to explain what may appear to be disagreements among some.
Therefore, I divided this research into two topics, and issued it with an introduction in which I defined the terms that are related to the explanation.
لقد جاء البحث في مقدمة استعراضية تمثل بها توضيحاً لمفهومات الالحاد العربية، والغربية القديمة والمعاصرة. وبعدها جاء مبحثين : الأول : أنواع الالحاد، ومرتكزاته وأسبابه، حيث بينت جميع المتعلقات بهذهِ الفكرة وبصورة مختصرة، وبعد ذلك جاء المبحث الثاني : ليبين سيرة حياة ستيفن هوكينج، وأفكاره العلمية والفلسفية وآراؤه الالحادية، وبعد كل ذلك أفضى الكلام على الخاتمة، ثم قائمة المصادر والمراجع.
Imam Ibn Abi Shaybah counted in his book classified twenty-five and a hundred recent and impact claimed that Abu Hanifa has violated the provisions required by apparent, and these conversations and effects including with regard to worship and transactions, including with regard to personal status, including with regard to borders and felonies, and collected by Sheikh Muhammad Zahid Al-Kothari in his book funny jokes in talking about the responses of Ibn Abu Shaybah on Abu Hanifa, and these issues we will study in our research.
A legal discourse in the Qur’an and Sunnah is almost devoid of the use of one of the general formulas, and due to its frequent rotation in the tongue of the legislator, the formulas may overlap their members in apparently contradictory provisions, which makes the individual from the general members appear to the beholder to be covered by two contradictory provisions, and this research came to present what might happen to him The legal text interpreter of weighting between the two opposing texts is the strength of the generality that is established by the generality formula, so the two strongest formulas in the inclusion of its members outweigh the weaker of them and precede them, and the research decided that the formulas vary
... Show MoreResearch summary
The scholars of Iraq have rich contributions to enrich this science and other Islamic sciences. Many of them presented the juices of their ideas to build and defend Islamic civilization, and among them are those who took care and carried this scientific trust upon themselves and conveyed it (Sheikh Muhammad Taha Al-Balisani (may God have mercy on him), who was a prominent scholar in His era, where he presented antiquities, opinions, and ideas worthy of attention and study.
He was the author of many books, some of them printed, and some of which are manuscripts, waiting for someone to bring them out to the light of life, verify them and present them to Islamic libraries, because our libraries are i
... Show MoreAbstract:
Research Topic: Ruling on the sale of big data
Its objectives: a statement of what it is, importance, source and governance.
The methodology of the curriculum is inductive, comparative and critical
One of the most important results: it is not permissible to attack it and it is a valuable money, and it is permissible to sell big data as long as it does not contain data to users who are not satisfied with selling it
Recommendation: Follow-up of studies dealing with the provisions of the issue
Subject Terms
Judgment, Sale, Data, Mega, Sayings, Jurists
Praise be to God, who started his book with the praise of himself and prayers and peace be upon those who do not have a prophet after him and his family and companions and those who followed them with charity until the Day of Judgment. Either:
The research examines the meanings of the formulas of the increased verbs that were mentioned in Surat Al-Baqara, at the imam of the imams of the Islamic nation, namely, Al-Fakhri Al-Razi (d. 606 AH), may God Almighty have mercy on him. With the imams of Quranic scholars.
Praise be to God, Lord of the worlds, and the best of prayers. He has completed the delivery of our master Muhammad, his family, and all his companions. O God, bring us out from the darkness of illusion, honor us with the light of understanding, open us with knowledge of knowledge, facilitate our morals with dreams, and make us who listen to the saying and follow their best.
And after ..
Since ancient times, magic was mentioned in many books in the history of the civilizations of ancient peoples, where the first emergence of human civilizations, the oldest of which is the Mesopotamian civilization, the Chinese civilization, and the Pharaonic civilization in Egypt, where concepts prevailed based on the charlatans and sorcery an
... Show Moreملخـــص البحــــث
لقد شُغِفَ الأدب العربي في مراحله جميعاً بمآثر الامجاد التي سطرها قادة الاسلام عبر حركتهم الإلهية فكان الامام علي(u) يمثل الاشعاع النير الذي جذب قريحة الادباء والمفكرين منذ القرن الاول الهجري الى يومنا هذا وسيبقى حتى يرث الله الارض ومَنْ عليها. ومِن الذين شُغِفَوا حبّاً بتلك السيرة الحاضرة استاذ الفقهاء السيد ابو القاسم الخو
... Show MoreProfiles of indignation and indiscretion in pre-Islamic poetry
The acoustic efforts of the glass were found in the meanings mixed with other linguistic, grammatical and morphological issues, as the glass was not allocated to the detective or separate chapters in the meanings. The glass-walled in the audio lesson according to the doctrine of the optical, has stated so in several places of its meaning. Glass is interested in mentioning the strong qualities that have a great impact in the chorus and replacements such as loudness, dishes, arrogance, whistling, repetition, and richness. Glass was concerned with the phenomenon of diphtheria great care, and explained its purpose of seeking lightness and ease of pronunciation, and Siboe agreed in its origins and issues, and the glass used three criteria in
... Show MoreNarrators who ruled Bukhari weak
In its great history, the small weak
And their strength Abu Hatim narrated by his son in his book wound and amendment
ملخّص البحث
تُعد الحيرة عاصمة إقليم العراق عن الدولة الساسانية, أهم حواضر أرض السواد في تاريخه القديم, استمرت لها مكانتها السياسية الفضلى في أثناء الحقب التاريخية التي مرت بها, وقد تنوعت واختلفت هذه المكانة على مر الزمان على وفق تنوع واختلاف أدوارها التاريخية, فهي واحده من مراكز انطلاقه جيوش التحرير العربية الإسلامية في أثناء الخلافة الراشدة , بالرغم من أفول مك
... Show Moreملخّص البحث
فهذا ما يسّـر الله لي من بحث مسألة ما يدخل في عموم لفظه وما لا يدخل، والأصل أن كل ما ينطبق عليه العام لغة فهو داخل فيه، مشمول بحكمه، لكن وجد علماء أصول الفقه أن بعض ما ينطبق عليه اللفظ لغة غير مقصود في النصوص الشرعية (الكتاب والسنة)، فالمملوك المسلم ينطبق عليه لفظ (المؤمنون)، و(الذين آمنوا) لكنه غير مقصود في بعض الأحكام كالجهاد وصلاة الجمعة .
ومن جانب آخ
... Show MoreFundamentalist detective
On matters of consensus
Of Khala book complete the teacher benefits of Muslim
Judge Ayaz
(May God have mercy on him)
ملخص البحث باللغة الإنجليزية
The concept of the phenomenon of nuns: an analytical ideological study
Dr. Samia bint Yassin Al-Badri
Department of Islamic Doctrine & Contemporary Ideologies
College of Shariʿah & Islamic Studies
Qassim University
The study of concepts is one of the main pillars of doctrinal studies, in order to understand the formation of the concept, and to understand its contexts in religious sources, in order to be systematically criticized; So, this research came with the title:
The concept of the phenomenon of nuns, an analytical doctrinal study
The study concluded with resu
... Show MorePraise be to God, Lord of the worlds, and prayers and peace be upon our master Muhammad and his family and companions until the Day of Judgment.
The words of God Almighty are for the sake of the greatest and greatest speech, and the scholars, may God have mercy on them, raced.
To dive into knowing the word of God and what he intended, so they wrote in it the literature and collected works in it, and explained it to those after them.
And when the noble companions, were extremely eloquent and eloquent, because the Holy Qur’an was revealed in the language of the Quraysh, and all the Arabs knew their language, they understood the Holy Qur’an and applied it p
ملخـــص البحــــث
وضح البحث أهمية العلم وتعلمه وحفظه مستدلا بالآيات القرآنية والأحاديث النبوية، وقد ورد في الحديث فضل من حفظ أربعين حديثا، وتفنن علماء الإسلام في ذكر الأربعين، فمنهم من جعلها في أصول الدين كالأربعين النووية، ومنهم من جعلها في مسألة معينة من مسائل الفقه كالصلاة أو الصيام أو الزكاة أو الحج أو الجهاد أو في فضل قيام الليل وغير ذلك، وهناك ر
... Show MoreThe absurdity of Orientalist thought and its deviation in interpretation
Quranic text
View and critique
research aims: 1- Demonstrating an aspect of the rhetorical miracle of the Qur’an represented in the accuracy of its verses and the consistency of its topics. 2- Clarifying the intent of Surat Al-Ghashiya, and clarifying the link between the topics of the surah and its purpose. 3- Studying the topics included in Surat Al-Gashiya, and highlighting their consistency among them. 4- Referring to the gifts contained in the noble verses.Research Methodology: In preparing this study, I followed the inductive-analytical approach, according to the procedures outlined in the introduction.From the search results: 1- The purpose of Surat Al-Gashiya: Reminding the Hereafter and its scenes of reward
... Show MoreIslamic law has relied on a number of sources in order to denote the rulings issued by them, including what is original and what is sub, and it is known to all scholars, that the Prophet's Sunnah is the second major source after the Koran, which separated the overall and devoted its year and restricted absolute. God Almighty obeyed the owner and his followers, and that his obedience of obedience to God Almighty said: (Who obeys the messenger has obeyed God) (women: 80), and then between the peasant who believes in him and his victory and follow him, he said: (and he said: And the one who was revealed with them were the successful ones (al-A'raf: 157).
It is known that the Sunnah commanded to follow is the