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New Combined Technique for Fingerprint Image Enhancement
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This paper presents a combination of enhancement techniques for fingerprint images affected by different type of noise. These techniques were applied to improve image quality and come up with an acceptable image contrast. The proposed method included five different enhancement techniques: Normalization, Histogram Equalization, Binarization, Skeletonization and Fusion. The Normalization process standardized the pixel intensity which facilitated the processing of subsequent image enhancement stages. Subsequently, the Histogram Equalization technique increased the contrast of the images. Furthermore, the Binarization and Skeletonization techniques were implemented to differentiate between the ridge and valley structures and to obtain one pixel-wide lines. Finally, the Fusion technique was used to merge the results of the Histogram Equalization process with the Skeletonization process to obtain the new high contrast images. The proposed method was tested in different quality images from National Institute of Standard and Technology (NIST) special database 14. The experimental results are very encouraging and the current enhancement method appeared to be effective by improving different quality images.

Publication Date
Thu Sep 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Interactive Effects of Status Judgments and Individualism -Collectivism Orientation on Organizational Identification
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يهدف البحث الحالي الى استكشاف علاقات التفاعل والتاثير بين الاحتكام للمكانة والتوجه للفردية– الجماعية والدمج التنظيمي مستنداً على مزج اختلاف القيم الشخصية مع افكار نظرية الهوية الاجتماعية لبلورة نموذج البحث. وفي ضوء هذا تم صياغة عدد من الفرضيات التي توضح علاقات التفاعل ما بين ابعاد الاحتكام للمكانة والتوجه للفردية– الجماعية للتنبؤ بوجود الدمج التنظيمي. جمعت البيانات باستخدام استمارة الاستبيان ووزع

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 03 2017
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Network Self-Fault Management Based on Multi-Intelligent Agents and Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI)
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This paper proposed a new method for network self-fault management (NSFM) based on two technologies: intelligent agent to automate fault management tasks, and Windows Management Instrumentations (WMI) to identify the fault faster when resources are independent (different type of devices). The proposed network self-fault management reduced the load of network traffic by reducing the request and response between the server and client, which achieves less downtime for each node in state of fault occurring in the client. The performance of the proposed system is measured by three measures: efficiency, availability, and reliability. A high efficiency average is obtained depending on the faults occurred in the system which reaches to

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Mon Dec 28 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Pre-Islamic Features in the Poetry of Al-Raei Al-Nawmiri: أسيل عبود جاسم
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This research is dedicated to study Al-Ra’ee Al-Numayri, a distinctive poetic character, to find out the most important (artistic) pre-Islamic features that contributed to its formation. It is further dedicated to know the influence of these features on his literature in the literary arena. After surveying his poetic texts and reading them according to the analytical and investigative methods, the art of the researcher was limited to the  field of  traditionalists. He was following the footsteps of the ancients by adhering to the traditional Arabic poetry style and the traditional poetic image. Despite that, he had his own imprints and  unique style of interrogating times and places with its people, animals and plants. H

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2015
Journal Name
International Journal Of Engineering And Advanced Technology (ijeat)
Optimization Process Parameters of Submerged Arc Welding Using Taguchi Method
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Submerged arc welding (SAW) process is an essential metal joining processes in industry. The quality of weld is a very important working aspect for the manufacturing and construction industries, the challenges are made optimal process environment. Design of experimental using Taguchi method (L9 orthogonal array (OA)) considering three SAW parameter are (welding current, arc voltage and welding speed) and three levels (300-350-400 Amp. , 32-36-40 V and 26-28-30 cm/min). The study was done on SAW process parameters on the mechanical properties of steel type comply with (ASTM A516 grade 70). Signal to Noise ratio (S/N) was computed to calculate the optimal process parameters. Percentage contributions of each parameter are validated by using an

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 09 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Bioremediation of Soil Contaminated with 2,4-D Herbicide Using Bioslurry Reactor
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Ex-situ bioremediation of 2,4-D herbicide-contaminated soil was studied using a slurry bioreactor operate at aerobic conditions. The performance of the slurry bioreactor was tested for three types of soil (sand, sandy loam and clay) contaminated with different concentration of 2,4-D, 200,300and500mg/kg soil. Sewage sludge was used as an inexpensive source of microorganisms which is available in large quantities in wastewater treatment plants. The results show that all biodegradation experiments demonstrated a significant decreases in 2,4-D concentration in the tested soils. The degradation efficiency in the slurry bioreactor decreases as the initial concentration of 2,4-D in the soils increases.A 100 % removal was achieved at initial con

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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Fri Aug 02 2024
Journal Name
Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research
Effects of utilizing Crumb Rubber as Aggregate in Asphalt Mixtures
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Experts have given much attention on the use of waste in asphalt paving because of its significance from a sustainability perspective. This paper evaluated the performance properties of asphalt concrete mixes modified with Crumb Rubber (CR) as a partial replacement for two grade sizes of fine aggregate (2.36, and 0.3 mm) at six replacement rates: 0%, 2%, 4%, 6%, 8%, and 10% by weight. Asphalt concrete mixes were prepared at their Optimum Asphalt Content (OAC) and then tested for their engineering properties. Marshall properties, fatigue, rutting, ideal CT index test, Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), and Energy-Dispersive X-ray (EDX) spectroscopy were deployed to examine the crystalline structure and elemental composition of the C

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Jul 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The healthy personality and its relation to the academic achievement of school and university teacher
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Personality regard as one of the human soul pillars that has been built throughout the life of people, starting from the fertilizing process to different stages of people ages. Over time, numerous scientific studies have shown that fetus has the ability to hear and feel and he is being stereotyped since the first stages of formation. Accordingly, the process of forming human personality set up since that date. Besides, the socialization means that take different resources to enhance human personality such as holy Quran, school, social media, and social environment. The emergence of social media made the world as a small village which gives the chance for all people, over the world, to obtain the knowledge easily and limitless. Thus, the

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 12 2011
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Satellite Images Unsupervised Classification Using Two Methods Fast Otsu and K-means
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Two unsupervised classifiers for optimum multithreshold are presented; fast Otsu and k-means. The unparametric methods produce an efficient procedure to separate the regions (classes) by select optimum levels, either on the gray levels of image histogram (as Otsu classifier), or on the gray levels of image intensities(as k-mean classifier), which are represent threshold values of the classes. In order to compare between the experimental results of these classifiers, the computation time is recorded and the needed iterations for k-means classifier to converge with optimum classes centers. The variation in the recorded computation time for k-means classifier is discussed.

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 06 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Obese Women and Choosing Ready-made Clothes: Difficulties and Choices
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Thisstudy aims to determine the specifications of obese women accordingto the heightand type of obesity. It also aimstoidentify the significance of differences in choosing ready-made clothes for the research sample. Finally, the significance of differences in choosing ready-made clothes according to the variable of binaryclassification ofobesity is also identified.The study sample includes obese women: employees, non-employees and students with the age group (18-50) years.The weights and lengths of the sample have been taken to suit the group of obese women.Aquestionnaire in the form of an open question was distributed among (50) obese womenso as to extract the items of the questionnaire. After that, the questionnaire was distributed amo

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Face-based Gender Classification Using Deep Learning Model
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Gender classification is a critical task in computer vision. This task holds substantial importance in various domains, including surveillance, marketing, and human-computer interaction. In this work, the face gender classification model proposed consists of three main phases: the first phase involves applying the Viola-Jones algorithm to detect facial images, which includes four steps: 1) Haar-like features, 2) Integral Image, 3) Adaboost Learning, and 4) Cascade Classifier. In the second phase, four pre-processing operations are employed, namely cropping, resizing, converting the image from(RGB) Color Space to (LAB) color space, and enhancing the images using (HE, CLAHE). The final phase involves utilizing Transfer lea

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