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Removal of diclofenac from aqueous solution on apricot seeds activated carbon synthesized by pyro carbonic acid microwave
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Pharmaceuticals have been widely remaining contaminants in wastewater, and diclofenac is the most common pharmaceutical pollutant. Therefore, the removal of diclofenac from aqueous solutions using activated carbon produced by pyrocarbonic acid and microwaves was investigated in this research. Apricot seed powder and pyrophosphoric acid (45 wt%) were selected as raw material and activator respectively, and microwave irradiation technique was used to prepare the activated carbon. The raw material was impregnated in pyrophosphoric acid at 80◦C with an impregnation ratio of 1: 3 (apricot seeds to phosphoric acid), the impregnation time was 4 h, whereas the power of the microwave was 700 watts with a radiation time of 20 min. A series of experiments were conducted at constant mixing speed (300 revolutions per minute) to evaluate the effect of experimental factors likes, adsorption time, pH of diclofenac solution, diclofenac initial concentration, and dosage of activated carbon on removal efficiency. The design of experiments (version 13 Stat-Ease) was implemented using the central composite method to define the optimum effect of the process factors on the removal efficiency. The analysis of variance showed that the quadratic model for the experiment was significant with a very low probability value (P- value < 0.0001). The adjusted R2 of the model was 0.9826 and the predicted R2 was 0.9574. Whereas the optimum conditions suggested by the model for the process variable were found to be 150 min, 3.25 pH, 30 mg/L, 0.267g, for adsorption time, pH of diclofenac solution, diclofenac initial concentration, a dosage of activated carbon, respectively and the maximum removal efficiency was found to be 94.6%. The data obtained from the experiments were fitted with Langmuir and Freundlich models and the results show that the data was well fitted Langmuir model with R2 = 0.9685 as compared to the Freundlich model which has R2 = 0.93249. Likewise, the data was analyzed by pseudo first and second-order kinetic models and the results show that the adsorption on apricot-activated carbon was well adequate with the pseudo-second-order model.

Publication Date
Mon Jun 05 2023
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Removal of Malachite Green from Aqueous Solution using Ficus Benjamina Activated Carbon-Nonmetal Oxide synthesized by pyro Carbonic Acid Microwave
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Activated carbon derived from Ficus Binjamina agro-waste synthesized by pyro carbonic acid microwave method and treated with silicon oxide (SiO2) was used to enhance the adsorption capability of the malachite green (MG) dye. Three factors of concentration of dye, time of mixing, and the amount of activated carbon with four levels were used to investigate their effect on the MG removal efficiency. The results show that 0.4 g/L dosage, 80 mg/L dye concentration, and 40 min adsorption duration were found as an optimum conditions for 99.13% removal efficiency. The results also reveal that Freundlich isotherm and the pseudo-second-order kinetic models were the best models to describe the equilibrium adsorption data.


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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Sat Mar 31 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Effect of Process Variables, Adsorption Kinetics and Equilibrium Studies of Hexavalent Chromium Removal from Aqueous Solution by Date Seeds and its Activated Carbon by ZnCl2
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The adsorption of hexavalent chromium by preparing activated carbon from date seeds with zinc chloride as chemical activator and granular date seeds was studied in a batch system. The characteristics of date seeds and prepared activated carbon (ZAC) were determined and found to have a surface area 500.01 m2/g and 1050.01  m2/g , respectively and  iodine number of 485.78 mg/g and 1012.91  mg/g, respectively. The effects of PH value (2-12), initial sorbate concentration(50-450mg/L), adsorbent weight (0.004-0.036g) and contact time (30-150 min) on the adsorption process were studied . For Cr(VI) adsorption on ZAC, at 120 min time contact, pH solution 2 and 0.02  adsorbent  weight  will ach

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 28 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Removal of Lead (II) from Aqueous Solution Using Chitosan Impregnated Granular Activated Carbon
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The use of biopolymer material Chitosan impregnated granular activated carbon CHGAC as adsorbent in the removal of lead ions  pb.2+   from aqueous solution was studied using batch adsorption mode. The prepared CHGAC was characterized by Scanning Electronic Microscopy (SEM) and atomic-absorption  pectrophotometer. The adsorption of lead ions onto Chitosan-impregnated granular activated carbon was examined as a function of adsorbent weight, pH and
contact time in Batch system. Langmuir and Freundlich models were employed to analyze the resulting experimental data demonstrated that better fitted by Langmuir isotherm model than Freundlich model, with good correlation coefficient. The maximum adsorption capacity calculated f

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 31 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Preparation Activated Carbon from Scrap Tires by Microwave Assisted KOH Activation for Removal Emulsified Oil
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In this paper activated carbon adsorbents produced from waste tires by chemical activation methods and application of microwave assisted KOH activation. The influence of radiation time, radiation power, and impregnation ratio on the yield and oil removal which is one of the major environmental issues nowadays and considered persistent environmental contaminants and many of them are suspected of being carcinogenic. Based on Box-Wilson central composite design, polynomial models were developed to correlate the process variables to the two responses. From the analysis of variance the significant variables on each response were identified.  Optimum conditions of 4 min radiation time, 700 W radiation power and 0.5 g/g impregnation ratio

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2022
Journal Name
Chemical Data Collections
Removal of an anionic Eosin dye from aqueous solution using modified activated carbon prepared from date palm fronds
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Publication Date
Wed Sep 20 2023
Journal Name
Environmental Progress &amp; Sustainable Energy
Production and characterization of composite activated carbon from potato peel waste for cyanide removal from aqueous solution
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Abstract<p>This research presents a response surface methodology (RSM) with I‐optimal method of DESIGN EXPERT (version 13 Stat‐Ease) for optimization and analysis of the adsorption process of the cyanide from aqueous solution by activated carbon (AC) and composite activated carbon (CuO/AC) produced by pyro carbonic acid microwave using potato peel waste as raw material. Pyrophosphate 60% (wt) was used for impregnation with an impregnation ratio 3:1, impregnation time of 4 h at 25°C, radiant power of 700 W, and activation time of 20 min. Batch experiments were conducted to determine the removal efficiency of cyanide from aqueous solution to evaluate the influences of various experimental parameters su</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2009
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Adsorption of Cd(II) and Pb(II) Ions from Aqueous Solution by Activated Carbon
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Heavy metal consider as major environmental pollutants. Many of industrial wastewater effluents contain a wide range of these heavy metals. The adsorption of Cd2+ and Pb2+ metal ions from aqueous solution by activated carbon was studied. The results showed that maximum adsorption capacity occurred at 486.9×10-3 mg/kg for Pb2+ ion and 548.8×10-3 mg/kg for Cd2+ ion. The adsorption in a mixture of the metal ions had a balancing effect on the adsorption capacity of the activated carbon. The adsorption capacity of each metal ion was affected by the presence of other metal ions rather than its presence individually. The study showed the presence of other heavy metals attribute to the reduction in the activated carbon capacity, and the adsorp

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 01 2019
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Adsorption of Heavy Metals from Aqueous Solution onto Sawdust Activated Carbon
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In this study, sawdust as a cheap method and abundant raw material was utilized to produce active carbon (SDAC). Physiochemical activation was utilized where potassium hydroxide   used as a chemical activating agent and carbon dioxide was used as a physical activating agent. Taguchi method of experimental design was used to find the optimum conditions of SDAC production. The produced SDAC was characterized using SEM to investigate surface morphology and BET to estimate the specific surface area. SDAC was used in aqueous lead ions adsorption. Adsorption process was modeled statistically and represented by an empirical model. The highest specific surface area of SDAC was 688.3 m2/gm. Langmuir and Freundlich isotherms were used to

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 30 2014
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Optimization of Activated Carbon Preparation from Date Stones by Microwave Assisted K2CO3 Activation
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The preparation of activated carbon (AC) from date stones by using microwave assisted K2CO3 activation was investigated in this paper. The influence of radiation time, radiation power, and impregnation ratio on the yield and methylene blue (MB) uptake of such carbon were studied. Based on Box-Wilson central composite design, two second order polynomial models were developed to correlate the process variables to the two responses. From the analysis of variance the significant variables on each response were identified. Optimum coditions of 8 min radiation time, 660 W radiation power and 1.5 g/g impregnation ratio gave 460.123 mg/g MB uptake and 19.99 % yield. The characteristics of the AC were examined by pore structure analysis, and scan

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 01 2009
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Removal of Sulfate from Waste Water by Activated Carbon
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Activated carbon was Produced from coconut shell and was used for removing sulfate from industrial waste water in batch Processes. The influence of various parameter were studied such as pH (4.5 – 9.) , agitation time (0 – 120)min and adsorbent dose (2 – 10) gm.

The Langmuir and frandlich adsorption capacity models were been investigated where showed there are fitting with langmmuir model with squre regression value ( 0.76). The percent of removal of  sulfate (22% - 38%) at (PH=7) in the isotherm experiment increased  with adsorbent mass increasing. The maximum removal value of sulfate at  different pH experiments is (43%) at pH=7.

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