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Investigating the current environmental situation in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region during the third wave of COVID-19 pandemic: urban vs. rural context
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Abstract<sec> <title>Background

Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic led to a massive global socio-economic tragedy that has impacted the ecosystem. This paper aims to contextualize urban and rural environmental situations during the COVID-19 pandemic in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Region.


An online survey was conducted, 6770 participants were included in the final analysis, and 64% were females. The majority of the participants were urban citizens (74%). Over 50% of the urban residents significantly (p < 0.001) reported a reduction in noise, gathering in tourist areas, and gathering in malls and restaurants. Concerning the pollutants, most urban and rural areas have reported an increase in masks thrown in streets (69.49% vs. 73.22%, resp.; p = 0.003). Plastic bags and hospital waste also increased significantly with the same p-value of < 0.001 in urban areas compared with rural ones. The multifactorial logistic model for urban resident predictors achieved acceptable discrimination (AUROC = 0.633) according to age, crowdedness, noise and few pollutants.


The COVID-19 pandemic had a beneficial impact on the environment and at the same time, various challenges regarding plastic and medical wastes are rising which requires environmental interventions.

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Enzymatic Assay of Immobilized β-D-Galactosidase Enzyme on Magnetite Nanoparticle
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     According to the high operational costs, low stability, and reusability of enzymes, immobilization by nanoparticle gathering has increased in recent years. Iron oxide nanoparticles (magnetite nanoparticles, Fe₃O₄) have been prepared by mixing one volume of iron dioxide ions and two volumes of iron trioxide ions with HCl via the precipitation of iron salts by NH₄OH. The features of magnetic nanoparticles have been studied by Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM), X-Ray Diffraction (XRD), Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy, and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). The prepared Fe3O4 was used in the adsorption method to immobilize the galactosidase enzyme. The immobilized enzyme has been compared wi

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Publication Date
Tue May 23 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
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In the present work advanced oxidation process, photo-Fenton (UV/H2O2/Fe+2) system, for the treatment of wastewater contaminated with oil was investigated. The reaction was influenced by the input concentration of hydrogen peroxide H2O2, the initial amount of the iron catalyst Fe+2, pH, temperature and the concentration of oil in the wastewater. The removal efficiency for the system UV/ H2O2/Fe+2 at the optimal conditions and dosage (H2O2 = 400mg/L, Fe+2 = 40mg/L, pH=3, temperature =30o C) for 1000mg/L load was found to be 72%.

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 19 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Improvement of Soil by Using Polymer Fiber Materials Underneath Square Footing
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The change in project cost, or cost growth, occurs from many factors, some of which are related to soil problem conditions that may occurs during construction and/or during site investigation period. This paper described a new soil improvement method with a minimum cost solution by using polymer fiber materials having a length of (3 cm) in both directions and (2.5 mm) in thickness, distributed in uniform medium dense .
sandy soil at different depths (B, 1.5B and 2B) below the footings. Three square footings has been used (5,7.5 and 10 cm) to carry the above investigation by using lever arm loading system design for such purposes.
These fibers were distributed from depth of (0.1B) below the footing base down to the investigated dep

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2022
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
PRESS COVERAGE OF CRISES: (A Research Drawn from a Doctoral Thesis)
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Media is one of the main and effective factors; and it is a tool of crisis management equipment. Media is one of the most dangerous, effective and decisive weapons in modern conflicts; a tool for making events and influencing their events and trends as a means of reporting as the enormous capabilities of media which help media to move very quickly, and cross borders; and overcome obstacles, through many means of audio, reading and visual. As its ability, moreover, to influence the psychological and intellectual control of communities, and behaviors.

Intelligent media is, then, used in crises management and coverage. Crises have been existed with the presence of man on Earth. Thei

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Mon Sep 11 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Thermogravimetric Method for Accurate Determination of Thermodynamic Quantities at High Temperatures
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This researd exhibit's a method to  determine the change in Gibbs function,(enthai py,entropy.     and     specific     heat     capacity)      tor monovariant   heterogeneous   equilibria   .The  thermodynamical quan.tities were obtained jndirectly with m the measurment  of temperature dependent on eql,lilibrium system.

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 11 2018
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Experimental Estimation of Critical Buckling Velocities for Conservative Pipes Conveying Fluid
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Conservative pipes conveying fluid such as pinned-pinned (p-p), clamped–pinned (c-p) pipes and clamped-clamped (c-c) lose their stability by buckling at certain critical fluid velocities. In order to experimentally evaluate these velocities, high flow-rate pumps that demand complicated fluid circuits must be used.

     This paper studies a new experimental approach based on estimating the critical velocities from the measurement of several fundamental natural frequencies .In this approach low flow-rate pumps and simple fluid circuit can be used.

Experiments were carried out on two pipe models at three different boundary conditions. The results showed that the present approach is more accurate for est

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 01 2008
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Interlaminar fracture toughness of some polymer blends reinforced by fiber glass
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The interlaminar fracture toughness of polymer blends reinforced by glass fiber has
been investigated. Epoxy (EP), unsaturated polyester(UPE), polystyrene (PS),
polyurethane (PU) and their blends with different ratios (10%PS/90%EP),
(20%PS/80%EP), (20%PU/80%EP) and (20%PU/80%UPE) were chosen as a matrices A
sheet of composites were prepared using hand lay -up method, these sheet were cut as the
double cantilever beam (DCB) specimen to determine interlaminar fracture toughness of
these composites .Its found that, blending of EP,UPE with 20% of PU will improve the
interlaminar fracture toughness ,but the adding of 10% PS, 20%PS to EP will decrease
the interlaminar toughness of these composites.

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 01 2020
Journal Name
Acta Polytechnica
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In cognitive radio system, the spectrum sensing has a major challenge in needing a sensing method, which has a high detection capability with reduced complexity. In this paper, a low-cost hybrid spectrum sensing method with an optimized detection performance based on energy and cyclostationary detectors is proposed. The method is designed such that at high signal-to-noise ratio SNR values, energy detector is used alone to perform the detection. At low SNR values, cyclostationary detector with reduced complexity may be employed to support the accurate detection. The complexity reduction is done in two ways: through reducing the number of sensing samples used in the autocorrelation process in the time domain and through using the Slid

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 06 2009
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Antimicrobial activity of grape fruit seed crude extract on microbial growth
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Antimicrobial and antiyeast activity of ethanolic and aqueous extract of grape fruit seed (Citrus paradise ; Rutaceaa) was examined against 10 bacterial and 2 yeast strains. The level of the antimicrobial effects was established using an in vitro agar assay and minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC). In general ethanolic extract were more effective on gram positive bacteria than gram negative bacteria and strongest antimicrobial effect against Streptococcus pyogenes and Salmonella entritidis. Other tested bacteria and yeasts were sensitive to extract ranging from 4 to 16 mg/ml and more.

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 30 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Welding of Low Alloy Steel DIN 15Mo3 by MIG/MAG Spot
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This research deals with the effects of welding variables using MIG/MAG spot by using Argon (Ar) gas and CO2 to show their effect on the mechanical characteristics and microstructure of low alloy steel type DIN15Mo3 and determine the optimum condition for the process of welding ; current & time. The results show the possibility of using CO2 and also Ar in low alloy steel welding with a little decrease in the shear force of not more than 13% for 4mm thickness and time 2sec. The shear force increased when using Ar instead of CO2 to be , The shear force reach 36KN when using Ar at 2mm thickness  time of 8 sec and current of 220 Amp. , when used CO2 instead of Ar d

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