The combination of high protein content and a soft seed coat makes the wheat-rye hybrid Triticale (Triticosecale) vulnerable to attack by rice weevils. Drying triticale grain to moisture contents safe for storage can prevent infestation by rice weevils, but if grain is being stored for seed, high drying temperatures can affect seed germination. Grain can be effectively dried at low temperatures, but low-temperature drying is difficult in hot, humid regions such as the Gulf Coast. This study nvestigated the effects of drying temperatures from 35°C to 45°C on triticale seed germination and found no statistical differences between the germination rates of the seed at any of the drying temperatures and the germination rates of controls. Final moisture contents after drying ranged from 7.9% wet basis (w.b.) at 45°C for 48 h to 9.7% w.b. at 35°C for 24 h. New generations of rice weevils appeared in the control samples maintained at 23°C and 13.8% or 13.9% w.b. but were not observed in grain dried at any of the drying treatments. The results of this study showed that triticale seed can be dried to moisture contents that effectively control rice weevil infestation in hot, humid climates without significantly affecting germination rate.