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Experimental study of temperature effect on the mechanical tensile fatigue of hydrated lime modified asphalt concrete and case application for the analysis of climatic effect on constructed pavement
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Previous experimental studies have suggested that hot mixed asphalt (HMA) concrete using hydrated lime (HL) to partially replace the conventional limestone dust filler at 2.5% by the total weight of all aggregates showed an optimum improvement on several key mechanical properties, fatigue life span and moisture susceptibility. However, so far, the knowledge of the thermal response of the modified asphalt concrete and thermal influence on the durability of the pavement constructed are still relatively limited but important to inform pavement design. This paper, at first, reports an experimental study of the tensile fatigue life of HMA concrete mixes designed for wearing layer application. Tests were conducted under three different temperatures for five mixes of different HL contents and one with no use of HL. On the experimental data, temperature effect on material fatigue was characterized in terms of the S-N curve modelling parameters. At last, numerical modelling, set at a climatic scenario in the UK, was performed to analyse and compare the seasonal climatic thermal influence on the fatigue life of two pavement structures using and not using the HL modified HMA concrete. Both the experiment and modelling have demonstrated that the 2.5% HL HMA concrete largely enhances the fatigue life of the material and the constructed pavement.

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 29 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
High AdiponectinHormone Modulation ofBlood Erythroid Parameters and its Relation with Erythropoietin in Patients with Diabetic Nephropathy
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Background: Serum adiponectin is a hormone of adipose tissue that activateslipid metabolism and exertsphysiological functions. Its level usually fluctuates in several metabolic diseases,including renal insufficiency and diabetes; it loses its protective role against diseases and becomes a potentially risk factor for erythroid abnormalities.

Objectives: The study was designed to assess the association between adiponectin  hormone, blood erythroid and various parameters in groups of patients.

Method:The study included 130 patientsand 42 healthy subjects. Parameters of serum adiponectin, erythropoietin (EPO), red blood cells (RBC), hemoglobin (Hb), hematocrit (Hct), ren

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Wed Apr 25 2018
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Using Approximation Non-Bayesian Computation with Fuzzy Data to Estimation Inverse Weibull Parameters and Reliability Function
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        In real situations all observations and measurements are not exact numbers but more or less non-exact, also called fuzzy. So, in this paper, we use approximate non-Bayesian computational methods to estimate inverse Weibull parameters and reliability function with fuzzy data. The maximum likelihood and moment estimations are obtained as non-Bayesian estimation. The maximum likelihood estimators have been derived numerically based on two iterative techniques namely “Newton-Raphson” and the “Expectation-Maximization” techniques. In addition, we provide compared numerically through Monte-Carlo simulation study to obtained estimates of the parameters and reliability function i

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 30 2019
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Imam Ahmed bin Mohammed bin Yazid                Bin Harun Abu Bakr Alkhalal             And his jurisprudence in transactions
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The message of our Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) was the most complete of the messages, and the conclusion of the messages and completed by the mercy of this nation. Al-Khalal al-Baghdadi al-Hanbali (may Allaah have mercy on him) was a scholar who updated his writings. And The Nha Brhnha and became an independent and arranged doctrine Such a world of Galilee Hambali must show his character and his knowledge and its impact on the Islamic arena.

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 28 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
A Review: Protein Identification by LC-MS: Principles, Instrumentation, and Applications: Protein Identification by LC-MS
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This review will focus on protein and peptide separation studies of the period 1995 to 2010. Peptide and protein analysis have developed dramatically after applying mass spectrometry (MS) technology and other related techniques, such as two-dimensional liquid chromatography and two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. Mass spectrometry involves measurements of mass-to-charge ratios of the ionized sample. High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) is an important technique that is usually applied before MS is conducted due to its efficient separation. Characterization of proteins provides a foundation for the fundamental understanding of biology aspects. In this review, instrumentation, principle, applications, developments, and accuracy o

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Thu Mar 06 2025
Journal Name
Journal Mustansiriyah Of Sports Science
Self-Efficacy and its Relationship to Psychological Adjustment among Table Tennis Players with Disabilities Special Needs
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The introduction and importance of the research included that physical education and its various activities are important for the disabled. The exercise of physical activities by the disabled effectively contributes to raising their level of fitness and reducing diseases caused by lack of movement. Disabled people often suffer from psychological and social problems, and this feeling may be accompanied by a high level of anxiety, a lack of self-esteem and a loss of self-confidence. Psychological adaptation is one of the concepts of sports psychology interconnected with the psychological climate, as the process that the player seeks to meet his demands and needs. Adaptation includes the pursuit of emotional balance between the individual play

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 01 2020
Journal Name
Indian Journal Of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology
Prothrombotic changes in patients with end-stage renal disease and its relation to thrombotic cardiovascular complication
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There is a great risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) and vascular thrombosis in patients with End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD). These patients exhibit numerous abnormalities in coagulation, fibrinolytic, inhibitory protein abnormalities in multiple levels. The study aimed to assess hypercoagulable changes by measuring the levels of antithrombin, plasma fibrinogen and FXII activity in patients with ESRD, and to find their correlation with Hemoglobin (Hb) level, WBC count, reticulocyte percentage and platelet count. This study was conducted at Al-Hayat center, Al Karama Teaching Hospital on 50 ESRD patients aged < 60 years of both genders. In addition, 20 apparently healthy individuals were included as a control group. The mean Hb level, total

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 03 2015
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Correlation between magnetic resonance imaging and intra-operative findings in disc herniation at lumbo-sacral region
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Background: Prolapsed intervertebral disc is an important and common cause of low backache. MRI has now become universally accepted investigation for prolapsed intervertebral disc. We, however, regularly come across situations, when MRI shows diffuse disc bulges, even at multiple levels, which cannot be correlated clinically and when such cases are operated, no significant disc prolapse is found resulting in negative exploration. Objective: To evaluate the role of M.R.I. finding not only for diagnosis of disc herniation at lumbar region but also for localization the level of herniation Methods: A prospective study on seventy five symptomatic low backache and MRI confirmed prolapsed intervertebral disc patients at lumbo-sacral region were op

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Publication Date
Thu May 04 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Indian Association Of Biomedical Scientists
“Relationship between Cathepsin K and Total oxidative state in diabetes mellitus Iraqi Women patients with osteoporosis
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Introduction and Aim: Diabetes mellitus patients almost always struggle with a metabolic condition known as chronic hyperglycemia. According to the World Health Organization, osteoporosis is a progressive systemic skeletal disorder that is characterized by decreasing bone mass and microstructural breakdown of bone tissue that increases susceptibility to fracture and increased risk of breaking a bone. Here, we aimed to compare the levels of CatK and total oxidative state in patients with diabetes and osteoporosis among the female Iraqi population and study the possible relationship between them. Materials and Methods: This study included 40 females with diabetes (Group G1), 40 with diabetes and osteoporosis (Group G2) and 40 normal healthy f

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Developing a multi-areas model in strategic thinking (Departments in private banking, health and education sectors)
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The study discussed three areas in strategic thinking, namely, (patterns elements, outcomes) , this study aimed to measure extent to which strategic leaders have the type or types of patterns of strategic thinking, and measure the extent of their use of the elements of strategic thinking, and measurement of strategic thinking outcomes for managers at various levels , And to know the relationship between the modes of strategic thinking, elements and outcomes in organizations. the study included five banks and four hospitals and four colleges and universities, has been a research sample consisted of 168 individuals, distributed in positions (Director General , Director of Directorate , Director of

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 15 2019
Journal Name
Virtual Reality Technology and its Uses in Industrial Product Design: فلاح حسن هادي -صلاح نوري محمود
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The research (Virtual Reality Technology and its Uses in Industrial Product Design) is interested in the virtual reality technology used in the industrial product design and consequently knowing the functions achieved in the industrial product according to the data of that technology which participates in activating the mental and imaginary image of the user which show the parameters of the technical transformation of that product. The terms used in the research have been defined to guide the reader. The second chapter, the theoretical framework consisted of three sections the first is concerned with technology in the industrial design. The second is concerned with the virtual environment and the virtual reality. The thirds chapter consi

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