The CO2-Assisted Gravity Drainage process (GAGD) has been introduced to become one of the mostinfluential process to enhance oil recovery (EOR) methods in both secondary and tertiary recovery through immiscibleand miscible mode. Its advantages came from the ability of this process to provide gravity-stable oil displacement forenhancing oil recovery. Vertical injectors for CO2 gas have been placed at the crest of the pay zone to form a gas capwhich drain the oil towards the horizontal producing oil wells located above the oil-water-contact. The advantage ofhorizontal well is to provide big drainage area and small pressure drawdown due to the long penetration. Manysimulation and physical models of CO2-AGD process have been implemented at reservoir and ambient conditions tostudy the effect of this method to improve oil recovery and to examine the most parameters that control the CO2-AGDprocess. The CO2-AGD process has been developed and tested to increase oil recovery in reservoirs with bottom waterdrive and strong water coning tendencies. In this study, a scaled prototype 3D simulation model with bottom waterdrive was used for CO2-assisted gravity drainage. The CO2-AGD process performance was studied. Also the effects ofbottom water drive on the performance of immiscible CO2 assisted gravity drainage (enhanced oil recovery and watercut) was investigated. Four different statements scenarios through CO2-AGD process were implemented. Resultsrevealed that: ultimate oil recovery factor increases considerably when implemented CO2-AGD process (from 13.5%to 84.3%). Recovery factor rises with increasing the activity of bottom water drive (from 77.5% to 84.3%). Also,GAGD process provides better reservoir pressure maintenance to keep water cut near 0% limit until gas flood frontreaches the production well if the aquifer is active, and stays near 0% limit at all prediction period for limited waterdrive.
Zubair Formation is one of the richest petroleum systems in Southern Iraq. This formation is composed mainly of sandstones interbedded with shale sequences, with minor streaks of limestone and siltstone. Borehole collapse is one of the most critical challenges that continuously appear in drilling and production operations. Problems associated with borehole collapse, such as tight hole while tripping, stuck pipe and logging tools, hole enlargement, poor log quality, and poor primary cement jobs, are the cause of the majority of the nonproductive time (NPT) in the Zubair reservoir developments. Several studies released models predicting the onset of borehole collapse and the amount of enlargement of the wellbore cross-section. However, assump
... Show MoreCoal fines are highly prone to be generated in all stages of Coal Seam Gas (CSG) production and development. These detached fines tend to aggregate, contributing to pore throat blockage and permeability reduction. Thus, this work explores the dispersion stability of coal fines in CSG reservoirs and proposes a new additive to be used in the formulation of the hydraulic fracturing fluid to keep the fines dispersed in the fluid. In this work, bituminous coal fines were tested in various suspensions in order to study their dispersion stability. The aggregation behavior of coal fines (dispersed phase) was analyzed in different dispersion mediums, including deionized-water, low and high sodium chloride solutions. Furthermore, the effect of Sodium
... Show MoreOver the years, the prediction of penetration rate (ROP) has played a key rule for drilling engineers due it is effect on the optimization of various parameters that related to substantial cost saving. Many researchers have continually worked to optimize penetration rate. A major issue with most published studies is that there is no simple model currently available to guarantee the ROP prediction.
The main objective of this study is to further improve ROP prediction using two predictive methods, multiple regression analysis (MRA) and artificial neural networks (ANNs). A field case in SE Iraq was conducted to predict the ROP from a large number of parame