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Immiscible CO2-Assisted Gravity Drainage Process for Enhancing Oil Recovery in Bottom Water Drive reservoir
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The CO2-Assisted Gravity Drainage process (GAGD) has been introduced to become one of the mostinfluential process to enhance oil recovery (EOR) methods in both secondary and tertiary recovery through immiscibleand miscible mode. Its advantages came from the ability of this process to provide gravity-stable oil displacement forenhancing oil recovery. Vertical injectors for CO2 gas have been placed at the crest of the pay zone to form a gas capwhich drain the oil towards the horizontal producing oil wells located above the oil-water-contact. The advantage ofhorizontal well is to provide big drainage area and small pressure drawdown due to the long penetration. Manysimulation and physical models of CO2-AGD process have been implemented at reservoir and ambient conditions tostudy the effect of this method to improve oil recovery and to examine the most parameters that control the CO2-AGDprocess. The CO2-AGD process has been developed and tested to increase oil recovery in reservoirs with bottom waterdrive and strong water coning tendencies. In this study, a scaled prototype 3D simulation model with bottom waterdrive was used for CO2-assisted gravity drainage. The CO2-AGD process performance was studied. Also the effects ofbottom water drive on the performance of immiscible CO2 assisted gravity drainage (enhanced oil recovery and watercut) was investigated. Four different statements scenarios through CO2-AGD process were implemented. Resultsrevealed that: ultimate oil recovery factor increases considerably when implemented CO2-AGD process (from 13.5%to 84.3%). Recovery factor rises with increasing the activity of bottom water drive (from 77.5% to 84.3%). Also,GAGD process provides better reservoir pressure maintenance to keep water cut near 0% limit until gas flood frontreaches the production well if the aquifer is active, and stays near 0% limit at all prediction period for limited waterdrive.

Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Mustansiriyah Journal Of Sports Science
The use of training methods in accordance with special exercises to develop flexibility and perform the skills of shooting from above the chest (abduction) to wrestlers ages (14-15)"
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Evolution has become a feature of this era because of the speed that makes it open multiple horizons and many to identify everything that is new in different areas and also characterized by the competitive position of emotional attitudes changing depending on the positions of winning and defeat, and the use of training methods are the most important pillars of the game of wrestling, The methods contribute to raising the level of the wrestler and refining his physical and skill potential. The problem of the research is that the shooting exercises from above the chest are very important in Roman wrestling and can be terminated by the player. Through very personal interviews for coaches and concluded that there is a weakness in the level of fl

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 31 2024
Journal Name
Mathematical Modelling Of Engineering Problems
Investigating the Effects of Canard Dihedral Angle on the Wing Span Loading in a Forward-Swept Wing Aircraft at Transonic Speeds at Steady State Conditions Using Computational Fluid Dynamics
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Forward-swept wings were researched and introduced to improve maneuverability, control, and fuel efficiency while reducing drag and they are often used alongside canards, to further enhance their characteristics. In this research, the effects of canard dihedral angles on the wing loading of a forward-swept wing in transonic flow conditions were studied, as the wing loading provides a measure of wing’s efficiency (lift/drag). A generic aircraft model from literatures was selected, simulated, and compared to, using CFD software ANSYS/Fluent where the flow equations were solved to calculate the aerodynamic characteristics. The research was carried at two different Mach numbers, 0.6 and 0.9, for five different canard dihedral angles which tra

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 15 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Evaluation of the effectiveness of using platelet rich fibrin (PRF) as a sole grafting material and membrane in augmentation of dehiscence and fenestration defects encountered during dental implant surgery
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Background: Bone regeneration in dehiscence and fenestration defect can be improved with the use of platelet rich fibrin (PRF) that provides a scaffold for new bone regeneration. This study was conducted to assess the effectiveness of PRF as a graft material and membrane in dehiscence and fenestration defects. Materials and Methods: This prospective clinical study included patients who received dental implants that demonstrated peri-implant defects which were augmented using Leukocyte- PRF (L-PRF) or Advanced-PRF (A-PRF). Twenty four weeks postoperatively the defect resolution and the density of regenerated bone were assessed by CBCT and re-entry surgery. The assessment also included measurement of primary and secondary implant stability

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Publication Date
Fri Oct 02 2020
Journal Name
International Journal Of Pharmaceutical Research
Effectiveness of Self-Instructional Strategy and the Traditional Teaching Approach on Nursing Students' Knowledge toward Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation at the College of Nursing in University of Baghdad: Randomized Comparative Trial
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Background: Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is a technique or procedure that combined chest compression and rescue breathing to maintain enough circulation that prevents brain damage until other essential steps are taken to control the main cause of cardiac and respiratory arrest. The health care personnel should be qualified in the performing of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) to improve the survival rate of the victims. Therefore; it is necessary to use new methods for learning [1]. Objectives: the study aims to compare the effectiveness of self-instructional teaching strategy and traditional teaching approach on student’s knowledge toward cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Methods: A randomized comparative trial (RCT) design was ca

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 30 2024
Journal Name
Association Of Arab Universities Journal Of Engineering Sciences
The impact of flexibility in the design of educational interior spaces (University of Baghdad Studio as a model) (أثر المرونة في تصميم الفضاءات الداخلية التعليمية (مراسم جامعة بغداد أنموذجا
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Publication Date
Mon Mar 07 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Evaluating the level of readiness to teach science in the light of the information, media, and technology skills among undergraduate students at the Faculty of Education, King Khalid University
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This research aimed to evaluate the level of readiness to teach science in the light of the information, media, and technology skills among undergraduate students at the Faculty of Edu-cation, King Khalid University. To achieve this goal, a descriptive and analytical approach was used. A list of readiness to teach science was prepared in the light of Information, media, and technology skills, and in the light of this list, a cognitive test, observation sheet, and attitude scale were prepared to assess readiness to teach science in its three aspects, cognitive, behavioral, and emotional. The sample of the research consisted of (42) students enrolled in field training courses at the sixth, seventh and eighth levels. Research tools were app

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Determining ACE-2 Level and Some Relevant Biochemical Parameters and studying the effect of Gender in Iraqi Diabetic Patients with Glomeruli and Renal Tubules Fibrosis as Early Prediction Marker
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     Diabetic kidney disease is an illness of the glomerulus that interferes with the glomerular filtration barrier (GFB), which is worked to enable kidney to selective purification of water and solutes in addition to limiting the movement of large macromolecules such as albumin. In the glomerular endothelium, mesangial cells, foot cells, and the brush border of the proximal tubules, ACE-2 is expressed and that the kidneys represent the highest-expressing region of this enzyme. Thus, the current study aimed to evaluate ACE-2 level in this case compared to healthy condition. The study Conducted with 120 male and female ranging in age (30-65) years old. Ninety patients with type 2 diabetes subdivided into three groups on the basis of A

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Some of Behaviorism Choices that is Availability of Managerial Leaderships an affect of job frustration Management An Opinion Study of Heads Units and Departments In Modern Badoosh Cement Factory
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 Represent choices Behaviorism available to the Managerial leaders one of the prerequisites to run any beginnings of a psychological or dilemmas Managerial barriers to working in the field of work has been varied these options until it had taken several kinds of which contributed to the left different impacts on the alleviation of these problems, which prompted the researcher to raising the problem of study within the framework of questionable content how to contribute to that shown by Choices Behaviorism accredited to the Managerial leaders in the management of frustration

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 10 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Tribal separation and its relation to the organization of the community from the point of view of tribal sheikhs Field study in the City of Baghdad Sadr City model))
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One of topics that occupied alarge area  in Iraqi  society  at the moment is the  issue( of tribal  separation and its  relation  to the organization of  the community ) so we see in the civilizations and heritage  of each community aset  of provisions and laws that take the form of status   customary or religious it is indicative of the great interest in Iraqi society in cotrolling the behavior of individuals to comply with values and social laws and become their behavior is consistent with the behavior of the total and adhere to the social values and be productive individuals within  the subject and this can only be  achieved  from the social co

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 06 2011
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Isolation and Identification of Vibrio cholerae causes Epidemic cholera 2007 in Iraq by Rapid Method (Immunochromatographic one step rapid visual test) and comparing it with the traditional Bacterlogical Methods
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This study was for searching for Cholera Bacteria serotype which causes epidemiology Cholera in the 2007 in a fast method which contains (Rapid Visual Test) (Crystal V.C.) which was used for the first time in Iraq to diagnosis of Cholera Bacteria & compared with the traditional bacteriology method. The Cholera disease is one of the most dangerous epidemiological diseases which lead to death with a percentage of (50 – 70) % in the severe cases for untreated patients . For this purpose, 100 samples of stool from the patients from a (13) hospitals in Baghdad Governorate in the period from August to the end of December. The Cholera was diagnosis in two methods, 1st method was the fast method using the nitrocellulose which is coated with anti-

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