Pharmaceuticals are widely distributed in different applications and also released into the environment. Adsorption of Ciprofloxacin HCl (CIPH) on Porcelinaite was studied at ambient conditions. The adsorption isotherms can be well described using the Freundlich and Temkin equations. The pH of the solution influences significantly the adsorption capacity of Porcelinaite, the adsorption of CIPH increased from the initial pH 1.3 and then decreased over the pH rang of 3.8-9. The adsorption is sensitive to the change in ionic Strength, which indicate that electrostatic attraction is a significant mechanism for sorption process. The enthalpy change (ΔH) for the adsorption of CIPH onto Porcelinaite signifies an endothermic adsorption. The ΔG value is negative at all studied temperatures, inferring that, the adsorption of CIPH onto porcelinaite will follow a spontaneous trend. The ΔG value decreased when the temperature increased from 15 oC to 37.5 oC, suggesting increase in adsorption of CIPH with increasing temperature. The positive value of ΔS reflects the affinity of porcelinaite towards drug and also suggests increased randomness at the solid-solution interface.
The charge density distributions (CDD) and the elastic electron scattering form
factors F(q) of the ground state for some odd mass nuclei in the 2s 1d shell, such
as K Mg Al Si 19 25 27 29 , , , and P 31
have been calculated based on the use of
occupation numbers of the states and the single particle wave functions of the
harmonic oscillator potential with size parameters chosen to reproduce the observed
root mean square charge radii for all considered nuclei. It is found that introducing
additional parameters, namely; 1 , and , 2 which reflect the difference of the
occupation numbers of the states from the prediction of the simple shell model leads
to very good agreement between the calculated an
In this paper, estimation of system reliability of the multi-components in stress-strength model R(s,k) is considered, when the stress and strength are independent random variables and follows the Exponentiated Weibull Distribution (EWD) with known first shape parameter θ and, the second shape parameter α is unknown using different estimation methods. Comparisons among the proposed estimators through Monte Carlo simulation technique were made depend on mean squared error (MSE) criteria