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Adsorption of Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride from Aqueous Solution by Iraqi Porcelinaite Adsorbent
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Pharmaceuticals are widely distributed in different applications and also released into the environment. Adsorption of Ciprofloxacin HCl (CIPH) on Porcelinaite was studied at ambient conditions. The adsorption isotherms can be well described using the Freundlich and Temkin equations. The pH of the solution influences significantly the adsorption capacity of Porcelinaite, the adsorption of CIPH increased from the initial pH 1.3 and then decreased over the pH rang of 3.8-9. The adsorption is sensitive to the change in ionic Strength, which indicate that electrostatic attraction is a significant mechanism for sorption process. The enthalpy change (ΔH) for the adsorption of CIPH onto Porcelinaite signifies an endothermic adsorption. The ΔG value is negative at all studied temperatures, inferring that, the adsorption of CIPH onto porcelinaite will follow a spontaneous trend. The ΔG value decreased when the temperature increased from 15 oC to 37.5 oC, suggesting increase in adsorption of CIPH with increasing temperature. The positive value of ΔS reflects the affinity of porcelinaite towards drug and also suggests increased randomness at the solid-solution interface.

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Publication Date
Tue May 01 2012
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Using remote sensing techniques to monitoring and evaluate the water cover in AL_Razzaza lake: Iraq at deferent periods
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Multi-spectral satellite images of the Landsat satellite by the tow sensitive Thematic Mapper (TM) and Thematic Mapper Enhancement (ETM+), which covered the study area located south east of Iraq. In this research; used the sixth thermal spectral band (Thermal Band) for study the water cover in the Al-Razzaza Lake located within the province of Karbala. We intended to study the cover a case of the study area, used satellite images showing the status of region during the period from 1990 to 2001 and 2007. From this study we conclude that cover the water of the study area change in sequence case to decrease during these years.

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 31 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
CFD Application on Shell and Double Concentric Tube Heat Exchanger
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This work is concerned with the design and performance evaluation of a shell and double concentric tubes heat exchanger using Solid Works and ANSY (Computational Fluid Dynamics).

Computational fluid dynamics technique which is a computer-based analysis is used to simulate the heat exchanger involving fluid flow, heat transfer. CFD resolve the entire heat exchanger in discrete elements to find: (1) the temperature gradients, (2) pressure distribution, and (3) velocity vectors.  The RNG k-ε model of turbulence is used to determining the accurate results from CFD.

The heat exchanger design for this work consisted of a shell and eight double concentric tubes. The number of inlets are three and that of o

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Wed Mar 27 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Fuzzy Survival and Hazard Functions Estimation for Rayleigh distribution
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In this article, performing and deriving the probability density function for Rayleigh distribution by using maximum likelihood estimator method and moment estimator method, then crating the crisp survival function and crisp hazard function to find the interval estimation for scale parameter by using a linear trapezoidal membership function. A new proposed procedure used to find the fuzzy numbers for the parameter by utilizing (     to find a fuzzy numbers for scale parameter of Rayleigh distribution. applying two algorithms by using ranking functions to make the fuzzy numbers as crisp numbers. Then computed the survival functions and hazard functions by utilizing the real data application.

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 29 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Multi-Stage Hydraulic Fracturing Completion Design Based on Ball-and-Sleeve Method
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This paper proposes a completion that can allow fracturing four zones in a single trip in the well called “Y” (for confidential reasons) of the field named “X” (for confidential reasons). The steps to design a well completion for multiple fracturing are first to select the best completion method then the required equipment and the materials that it is made of. After that, the completion schematic must be drawn by using Power Draw in this case, and the summary installation procedures explained. The data used to design the completion are the well trajectory, the reservoir data (including temperature, pressure and fluid properties), the production and injection strategy. The results suggest that multi-stage hydraulic fracturing can

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 01 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Linear and Non-Linear Optical Properties for Organic Semiconductor (CuPc) Thin Films
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Thin films of CuPc of various thicknesses (150,300 and 450) nm have been deposited using pulsed laser deposition technique at room temperature. The study showed that the spectra of the optical absorption of the thin films of the CuPc  are two bands of absorption one in the visible region at about 635 nm, referred to as Q-band, and the second in ultra-violet region where B-band is located at 330 nm. CuPc thin films were found to have direct band gap with values around (1.81 and 3.14 (eV respectively. The vibrational studies were carried out using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR). Finally, From open and closed aperture Z-scan data non-linear absorption coefficient and non-linear refractive index have been calculated res

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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Sun Dec 06 2015
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Some Results on Pure Submodules Relative to Submodule
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Let R be a commutative ring with identity 1 and M be a unitary left R-module. A submodule N of an R-module M is said to be pure relative to submodule T of M (Simply T-pure) if for each ideal A of R, N?AM=AN+T?(N?AM). In this paper, the properties of the following concepts were studied: Pure essential submodules relative to submodule T of M (Simply T-pure essential),Pure closed submodules relative to submodule T of M (Simply T-pure closed) and relative pure complement submodule relative to submodule T of M (Simply T-pure complement) and T-purely extending. We prove that; Let M be a T-purely extending module and let N be a T-pure submodule of M. If M has the T-PIP, then N is T-purely extending.

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 02 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Performance Improvement for Wireless Sensor Networks
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In this paper, we prove that our proposed localization algorithm named Improved
Accuracy Distribution localization for wireless sensor networks (IADLoc) [1] is the
best when it is compared with the other localization algorithms by introducing many
cases of studies. The IADLoc is used to minimize the error rate of localization
without any additional cost and minimum energy consumption and also
decentralized implementation. The IADLoc is a range free and also range based
localization algorithm that uses both type of antenna (directional and omnidirectional)
it allows sensors to determine their location based on the region of
intersection (ROI) when the beacon nodes send the information to the sink node and
the la

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 30 2016
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Deep Vein Thrombosis Predisposing Factors Analysis Using Association Rules Mining
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Background: DVT is a very common problem with a very serious complications like pulmonary embolism (PE) which carries a high mortality,and many other chronic and annoying complications ( like chronic DVT, post-phlebitic syndrome, and chronic venous insufficiency) ,and it has many risk factors that affect its course, severity ,and response to treatment. Objectives: Most of those risk factors are modifiable, and a better understanding of the relationships between them can be beneficial for better assessment for liable pfatients , prevention of disease, and the effectiveness of our treatment modalities. Male to female ratio was nearly equal , so we didn’t discuss the gender among other risk factors. Type of the study:A cross- secti

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Recycled Concrete Aggregated for the use in Roller Compacted Concrete: A Literature Review
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The using of recycled aggregates from construction and demolition waste (CDW) can preserve natural aggregate resources, reduce the demand for landfill, and contribute to a sustainable built environment. Concrete demolition waste has been proven to be an excellent source of aggregates for new concrete production. At a technical, economic, and environmental level, roller compacted concrete (RCC) applications benefit various civil construction projects. Roller Compacted Concrete (RCC) is a homogenous mixture that is best described as a zero-slump concrete placed with compacting equipment, uses in storage areas, dams, and most often as a basis for rigid pavements. The mix must be sufficiently dry to support

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Crossref (3)
Publication Date
Sun Jul 02 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Performance Improvement for Wireless Sensor Networks
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In this paper, we prove that our proposed localization algorithm named Improved
Accuracy Distribution localization for wireless sensor networks (IADLoc) [1] is the
best when it is compared with the other localization algorithms by introducing many
cases of studies. The IADLoc is used to minimize the error rate of localization
without any additional cost and minimum energy consumption and also
decentralized implementation. The IADLoc is a range free and also range based
localization algorithm that uses both type of antenna (directional and omnidirectional)
it allows sensors to determine their location based on the region of
intersection (ROI) when the beacon nodes send the information to the sink node and
the la

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