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Analaysis of the lmpacyt fiscal policy in Iraq on stabilization and economic growth for the period (2003-2010)
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The vision and philosophy of the economic system in Iraq after 2003 were not clear-cut because of overlapping internal factors was the novelty of the political system and the lack of political and economic decision makers to understanding and conviction full need shaping a new administration for the Iraqi economy is able to succeed economic development programs, and external factors was determinedly organizations international application of shock reforming style and contrary to the social reality and the security which reflected negatively on the work and consistency Lisseeash financial balance between stability and growth and raise the level of consumer spending and the importance of research lies in the ability of fiscal policy to achieve this balance in Traffic overlap both factors internal and external. as researcher believes that fiscal policy entered in basic contradictions including reconciling role stability and development on the one hand and the search for stabilizers dynamic wide spectrum of the public budget and avoid external shocks by raising levels of GDP non-oil and therefore taxation and collection of savings at the expense of maximizing consumption on other hand in the absence of the clear economic approach and the effecting independence of monetary authority which impact negatively on the financial and monetary stability, and economic and economic development plans .so The policy directions of the current financial sacrifice stability and growth and fueling inflationary trends favoring consumption over production and investment, in addition to the negligence of the new resources that provide general budget through a mechanism created from Central oil sources during the positive shock of Foreign supply positive for use the above was not devoid the models of equitable distribvion of what was done the fiscal policy in Iraq, which represents Based economic life and axes orientations of the beauties when embraced nearly half of the Iraqi labor force unemployed and in record time.

Publication Date
Sat Dec 11 2021
Journal Name
Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research
Post-Fire Behavior of Non-Prismatic Beams with Multiple Rectangular Openings Monotonically Loaded
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The main objective of this paper is to study the behavior of Non-Prismatic Reinforced Concrete (NPRC) beams with and without rectangular openings either when exposed to fire or not. The experimental program involves casting and testing 9 NPRC beams divided into 3 main groups. These groups were categorized according to heating temperature (ambient temperature, 400°C, and 700°C), with each group containing 3 NPRC beams (solid beams and beams with 6 and 8 trapezoidal openings). For beams with similar geometry, increasing the burning temperature results in their deterioration as reflected in their increasing mid-span deflection throughout the fire exposure period and their residual deflection after cooling. Meanwhile, the existing ope

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 30 2014
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Discrimination of Malignant from Acute Benign Compression Spinal Fractures with Magnetic Resonance imaging
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Background: Differentiation between malignant and benign vertebral compression fracture is often problematic. This is precisely difficult in elderly who are predisposed to benign compression caused by osteoporosis .Establishing correct diagnosis is of great importance in determining the treatment andprognosis.A study was performed to determine which magnetic resonance imaging findings are useful in discrimination between metastatic and acute osteoporotic compression fractures of the spine. Recently MRI is being increasingly used for evaluation of these fractures.Objectives: The aim of this study is to establish the correct diagnosis of malignant and benign compression vertebral fracture by MRI to determine treatment and prognosis.Methods

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Hydrodesulfurization of Iraqi Atmospheric Gasoil by Ti-Ni-Mo/γ-Al2O3 Prepared Catalyst
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This study investigates the improvement of Iraqi atmospheric gas oil characteristics which contains 1.402 wt. % sulfur content and 16.88 wt. % aromatic content supplied from Al-Dura Refinery by using hydrodesulfurization (HDS) process using Ti-Ni-Mo/γ-Al2O3 prepared catalyst in order to achieve low sulfur and aromatic saturation gas oil. Hydrodearomatization (HDA) occurs simultaneously with hydrodesulfurization (HDS) process. The effect of titanium on the conventional catalyst Ni-Mo/γ-Al2O3 was investigated by physical adsorption and catalytic activity test.Ti-Ni-Mo/γ-Al2O3 catalyst was prepared under vacuum impregnation condition to ensure efficient pr

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 23 2019
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Primary Hydatid Cyst of Parotid Gland: A Rare Case Diagnosed by Computed Tomography
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Hydatid disease is a zoonotic infection caused by Echinococcus species. The cystic form of this infection mostly involves liver and lung. Hydatid disease of the parotid gland even in endemic regions is a very rare entity that may be easily overlooked in daily practice. Herein, I present a case report of a 60-year-old Iraqi female patient who presented with a progressively painless mass in her right parotid. It was diagnosed radiologically as a hydatid cyst and was excised successfully. Histopathologic examination of the resected specimen confirmed the hydatid cyst. This case emphasizes the importance of considering hydatidosis in the differential diagnosis of any parotid mass, especially in endemic countries.



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Publication Date
Mon Aug 01 2016
Journal Name
Asian Journal Of Biological And Life Science
Fumigant Toxicity of callistemon viminalis Essential Leaves Oils against Vinegar Fly, Drosophila melanogaster
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Publication Date
Wed Jul 04 2018
Journal Name
Civil Engineering Journal
Finite Element Analysis of Concrete Beam under Flexural Stresses Using Meso-Scale Model
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Two dimensional meso-scale concrete modeling was used in finite element analysis of plain concrete beam subjected to bending. The plane stress 4-noded quadrilateral elements were utilized to model coarse aggregate, cement mortar. The effect of aggregate fraction distribution, and pores percent of the total area – resulting from air voids entrapped in concrete during placement on the behavior of plain concrete beam in flexural was detected. Aggregate size fractions were randomly distributed across the profile area of the beam. Extended Finite Element Method (XFEM) was employed to treat the discontinuities problems result from double phases of concrete and cracking that faced during the finite element analysis of concrete beam. Crac

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Publication Date
Fri Nov 01 2019
Journal Name
Indian Journal Of Public Health Research & Development
Prevalence of β-lactam Resistant Klebsiella Pneumoniae Isolates among Clinical Specimensin Baghdad Hospitals
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One hundred forty three of Klebsiellapneumoniae isolates had been collected from some hospitals in Baghdad city. The isolates were taken from different clinical specimens.Antimicrobial susceptibility test was carried out towards fifteen antimicrobial agents by using Vitek2 system with Antimicrobial susceptibility test cards. The results of antibiogram showed that the local isolates were possess highly resistance towards most antimicrobial agents under study. The high resistance wastoAmpicillin while the low resistance was to Imipenem.Two methods were used for detection of Extended Spectrum Beta Lactamases (ESBLs) production; first methods by using of Vitek2 system,thesecondmethods by using of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique to dis

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 11 2021
Journal Name
Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research
Post-Fire Behavior of Non-Prismatic Beams with Multiple Rectangular Openings Monotonically Loaded
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The main objective of this paper is to study the behavior of Non-Prismatic Reinforced Concrete (NPRC) beams with and without rectangular openings either when exposed to fire or not. The experimental program involves casting and testing 9 NPRC beams divided into 3 main groups. These groups were categorized according to heating temperature (ambient temperature, 400°C, and 700°C), with each group containing 3 NPRC beams (solid beams and beams with 6 and 8 trapezoidal openings). For beams with similar geometry, increasing the burning temperature results in their deterioration as reflected in their increasing mid-span deflection throughout the fire exposure period and their residual deflection after cooling. Meanwhile, the existing ope

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 28 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Biodegradation of Oil-Based Plastic Wastes by Bacteria Isolated from Fish Breeding Tanks
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      Several studies have shown that certain microbes, mainly bacteria may have the ability to digest plastic wastes. The goal of this study was to see how well Bacillus subtilis, Staphylococcus lentus, Aeromonas hydrophila, Sphingomonas paucimobilis and Kocuria paedia degrade three kinds of oil-based plastics: low-density polyethylene (LDPE), polystyrene (PS) and polyvinylchloride (PVC) polymer sheets. The experiment was conducted for 30 days under laboratory conditions with occasional shaking at 180 rpm and 32°C. Biodegradation was measured in terms of weight loss.. Accordingto IR Spectroscopy, the C-H stretch band at 2920cm-1 improved as a result of bacterial degradation of polyethyl

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Dec 30 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Abrasive Wear Characteristics of Composite Material (AA 7075 / SiC) Synthesized by Stir Casting
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Aluminum Metal Matrix Composites (ALMMCs) was prepared by using stir casting technique for AA 7075 aluminum alloy as a matrix reinforced with SiC particles at various percentages (3, 6, 9 and 12 wt. % ) and 75µm in grain size. The prepared composite material can be used for many applications such as aerospace, automobiles and many industrial sectors. Abrasive wear test was carried out by two stages: the first stage was done by changing the emery papers at various grit sizes 180, 320, 500, and 1000µm with constant applied load 15N. While the second stage was carried out by changing the applied loads 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25N with constant emery paper at 320 µm grit size. Microstructure examination, hardness test and roughn

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