This research must be thought carefully. This path, though short, carries with it an investigation into the essence of the poetess and, above all, of the woman, a private entity but at the same time an all-encompassing being, who manages through the verses of her poems to convey to the reader a multifaceted personality. The Spirit, Alda Merini is a woman of energetic and explosive temperament who tries to make herself known and accepted by society through poems, proverbs and interviews. At the time mention is made of the Poem for all Women by the Milanese writer from 1988, the work is a true poetic hymn to the strength and fragility of women. Such is the senseless, deceptive sense of guilt that seems to haunt women's history from the birth of Eve, that was in part the driving force behind the female sexuality, and that led her to fight "holy wars of liberation", for rights and sexuality and equality for respect. It is a very honest aspect for all women in terms of contrasting joy and pain, strength and fragility, life and death. This text is deep and revolutionary, a statement of those values that the writer did not stop being a spokesperson for
Publication Date
Fri Sep 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of The Iraqia University
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Lˊincidenza della letteratura femminile sullo scenario italiano.Il caso di Alda Merini
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