Asphalt binder is a thermoplastic material that conducts as an elastic solid at lower service temperatures or throughout fast loading rate. At a high temperature or slow rate of loading, asphalt binder conducts as a different liquid. The classical duplication generates a required to assess the mechanical properties of asphalt concrete at the anticipated service temperature to reduce the stress cracking, which happens at lower temperatures, fatigue, and the plastic deformation at higher temperatures (rutting). In this study, an achievement was made to assess the effect of temperature on the mechanical characteristics of asphalt concrete mixes. A total of 132 asphalt concrete samples were attended utilizing two asphalt cement grades (40-50) and (60-70), and one aggregate gradation (type III A for wearing course) SCRB (R/9, 2003). The specimens were then tested at five different temperatures represented by 5, 15, 25, 40, and 60̊C to estimate their mechanical characteristics, including resilient modulus (Mr), permanent deformation, and fatigue features as Marshall features. The average resilient modulus (Mr), which belongs to a temperature of 5°C, was 328036 psi revealing an approximate loss of 88% of its strength in resilient modulus when there is an increase in temperature over 60°C. Meanwhile, there is an increase in the permanent deformation accumulation rate (slope value) of about three folds as the temperature changes from (5- 60) °C whereas the fatigue life reduces 32 % with the rise in temperature from (5-25) °C.