The research aims at recognition of The rate of performing tasks done by the scientific committees in the scientific departments in the University of Baghdad, within the evaluative perspective of the departments’ Heads. To find any statistically significant differences in the responses of the research sample to the rates performance of the scientific committees in scientific departments in the University of Baghdad, within the evaluative perspective of the departments’ Heads, according to the two variables of the social gender; male and females, and field of specialization of Scientific and Humanities. The research sample consisted if (107) heads of the scientific department in the University of Baghdad. The researchers designed a questionnaire as the research instrument. The results showed that the rates of the performance are high according to the questionnaire that included the tasks of the committees. Also, there are no differences in the responses of the research sample to the rates of performance of scientific committees in the scientific departments in the University of Baghdad, according to the variables of social gender; male and females, on one hand, and the field of specialization of Scientific and Humanities, on the other. Consequently, the research came up with a number of recommendations and proposals.
The aim of the current study is to identify the level of goal conflict with twelfth-grade students in South Sharqiah/ Sultanate of Oman according to gender and specialization. The study used the descriptive method. A scale of (28) items was developed and divided into six dimensions: time pressure, goal achievement, limit of power, limit of budget, incompatible strategies, and unclear task. To validate the scale, it was piloted (40) students. The scale was administered to a sample of (402) students (209) males in the Governorate of South Sharqiah. The results showed that the conflict level was high in “unclear task”, and an average conflict level in “limit of power”. Other dimensions (goal achievement, time pressure, limit of powe
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The Andalusi did not leave any poetic art without expressing his psychological and sentimental emotions and the depth of emotions and it sincerity. We found Andalusian translated his emotions into poetry and in many different subjects. The Poetic images and the analogies were plentiful in their poetry.
لما كانت الوظيفة الأساسية للغة هي الوظيفة التواصلية ، أو التبادل الكلامي بين المخاطب والمستمع ، فكان لا بد لهذه الوظيفة من آليات – لغوية وبلاغية – يستعملها المتكلم أو المرسل للخطاب الأدبي لتوجيه ذهن السامع أو المخاطب نحو ما يطرحه من أفكار ، ورؤى ، واقناعه عن طريق التواصل ، بمضمون الخطاب واستلزام سرعة الانجاز ، وتأسيساً على ذلك جاء هذا البحث لبيان هذه الآليات في الخطاب القرآني متمثلاً في سور الطور
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