جاء تقسيم البحث على ثلاثة مباحث رئيسة يسبقها تمهيد وتعقبها خاتمة ، وتناول المبحث الواحد مطالب متسلسلة بالأرقام ، ثم قائمة بمصادر البحث ومراجعه. تناول التمهيد نظرة تاريخية للأعيان عند الأقوام ، ولاسيما عند العرب في الجاهلية، وتعريف المصطلحات التي تشكل عنوان البحث تناول المبحث الأول ، وعنوانه (الأعيان في الديانة اليهودية) ، عدد تلك الأعياد، شرح الأسباب الموجبة لكل عيد ، وتاريخ الاحتفال به وأسلوبه؛ وغير ذلك مما يتصل بها ، ووثقت تلك الأعيان بنصوص التوراة وكذا المصادر الأخرى. وخصص المبحث الثاني، وعنوانه (الأعيان عند المسيحيين) ، وذكرت فيه الأسلوب المتبع في المبحث الأول من حيث تاريخ الاحتفال بالأعياد وأسلوبه ومدى العلاقة بين أعياد الديانتين ، كون الثانية استمراراً للأولى. وجاء المبحث الأخير من البحث وعنوانه (الأعياد الإسلامية)، وجرى الحديث عن عددها وأسلوب الاحتفال بها ، ووثقته بنصوص القرآن الكريم والحديث الشريف. وذكرت في الخاتمة أبرز ما توصلت إليه من نتائج
جاء الكتاب في اربع فصول تناول الفصل التمهيدي نظرة عامة حول تعريف الدين والعبادة والديانة البوذية والفصل الأول تناول الصلاة في الديانة البوذية والديانات السماوية الثلاث وتناول الفصل الثاني الزكاة في الديانة البوذية والديانات السماوية الثلاث وتناول الفصل الثالث الصيام في الديانة البوذية والديانات السماوية الثلاث وتناول الفصل الرابع الحج في الديانة البوذية والديانات السماوية الثلاث وختم البحث بقائمة
... Show Moreيهدف هذا البحث إلى تأصيل الإستدلال بالقاعدة العقائدية، وبيان ضوابطه، وإبراز نماذج من أهم تطبيقاته المعاصرة، وقد أعتمد مناهج من أهمها المنهج الإستقرائي والمنهج المقارن ، وتناول البحث التعريف لقصص النبوة فى الأديان السماوية ، وعرض بعض الدراسات السابقة التى تناولت نفس الموضوع ، ثم تطرق البحث لذكر نماذج من قصص الأنبياء من الديانات السماوية الثلاث ، وتوصل البحث الى أن الأديان السماوية رغم بعض الإختلاف
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The Islamic religion approach Rabbani urges and seeks to bring happiness to people, as Allah says: ((We sent thee not all people glad tidings and a warner, but most people do not know)) Spa: State 28
Islam looks at the concept of educational values through positive behavior derived emerging through formal and informal education. The Islamic approach works on the basis of a systematic and clear rule in the form of an integrated system includes multiple areas. As the lead actor role as the desired position.
The research tagged with (similar rulings in the holy heavenly books - the Holy Qur’an and the Bible) highlights that there are a number of rulings in the heavenly books that are similar to each other in terms of content, meaning and significance and did not change from one prophet to another because they relate to the basic interests on which social relations are built. Documenting ties, preserving rights, preventing abuse, etc. These are among the divine purposes in clarifying rulings in order to reach their goals and achieve their goals. Therefore, by combining these rulings, many problems and incidents that are the subject of disagreement and doubt between the two religions can be achieved and addressed. Those who want reform, righ
... Show MoreDivine laws are policies that Allah runs his servants, people are different in the accord-ing to the difference of periods .Each period has its kind of conduct and furtune of kindness and their own interest . As every nation has a kind of conduct to be applicable to them even if it will be decay in the rights of the others . For this meaning it would be permitted to meet two prophets in the same period according to the difference of their interest.
The prophecy of Mohamad has been demonstrated and his message was famous according to his miracles and decisive signs. And people from other religions tried to deny his message . As the Christians tried to deny his message by making nobody believe his signs and miracles .
And as the Jews
The research is presented according to an objective study on the ideological problems, especially the distortions that the divine scriptures have been subjected to under a false pretext that does not pertain to religion, namely that the heavenly books of the Torah and the Bible have been damaged or lost as a result of apostasy and persecution, and the writing of these books has been entrusted by people who have been bestowed Holiness, they have the testimony of the Church, so they distorted and omitted it in a manner suitable for securing their good and worldly gains, and the Holy Qur’an mentioned this explicitly, and they continued later, especially the Jews, in distorting the verses of the Holy Qur’an. This researc
... Show MoreThis research is a new reading of some of the words in the Holy Quran, which is very old. It is a human reading in which religions are intertwined by recognizing the relationship between man and his fellow man in the unity of existence and the unity of the source of religions and the unity of language. The importance of this research in comparing some of the Arabic words has been contained among books believed by followers that it is from the one God Sunday.
When words are spoken in one way in the form of one creature, from the beginning of creation to the present day, this indicates the single origin of the languages..
The research tools were books of heavenly religions, the Quran, dictionaries and interpretations.
... Show Moreesearch Summary
Holidays and occasions in Islamic societies have a legal character and origin. Some of them are proven by the words and actions of the legislator, and some are within the scope of custom that is regulated by the honorable Sharia, and others are approved by scholars and people because of their connection, piety and charity. It has a kind of good.
One of the purposes of the noble Sharia is to glorify the honorable times associated with the blessed events, so that lessons and lessons may be recalled in them, and to activate the legitimate gifts in those events that develop in the individual, the family and the community the meanings of goodness and honor and all that is good and good. Accord
... Show Moreتعد الصهيونية المسيحية الداعم الابرز للسيادة الصهيونية اليهودية على القدس، ويستند هذا الموقف الذي تتخذه الصهيونية المسيحية الى مجموعة من المعتقدات التي يشكل الاعتقاد بالعودة الثانية للمسيح وتأسيسه لمملكة سعيدة تدوم لالف عام محورها، ليصبح الاهتمام بمستقبل الشعب اليهودي احد الاركان الاساسية لمعتقدات الاصوليون المسيحيون لاسيما الصهيونية المسحية، فالتفسير الحرفي للكتاب المقدس قادهم الى اعتقاد مفاده: ان عو
... Show MoreThe laws of the three religions tend to extend the rules and foundations of coexistence, and this is achieved in achieving the values and principles that these laws have nourished in all societies.
Our research deals with a major problem that has broken out in our societies, namely (disturbing the balance of values and behavioral standard between people), and perhaps one of the greatest causes of the problem is to move away from the correct divine discourse and sound approach, as well as corruption of common sense and the violation of its rules and found principles in the hearts of people.