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Solid waste recycling and management cost optimization algorithm
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Solid waste is a major issue in today's world. Which can be a contributing factor to pollution and the spread of vector-borne diseases. Because of its complicated nonlinear processes, this problem is difficult to model and optimize using traditional methods. In this study, a mathematical model was developed to optimize the cost of solid waste recycling and management. In the optimization phase, the salp swarm algorithm (SSA) is utilized to determine the level of discarded solid waste and reclaimed solid waste. An optimization technique SSA is a new method of finding the ideal solution for a mathematical relationship based on leaders and followers. It takes a lot of random solutions, as well as their outward or inward fluctuations, to find the optimal solution. This method also included multiple adaptive and random variables to guarantee that the solution space was explored and used in various optimization tasks. When all criteria are considered, the results of this study show that the SSA is efficient for least-distance path allocation. The simulation findings reveal a significant improvement over the well-known particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm, with recycling and disposal costs decreasing by 10% to 30%.

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Experimental Study of Optimum Chilled Water Distribution Configuration in Air Conditioning Terminal Unit Using RSM Technique
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The distribution of chilled water flow rate in terminal unit is an important factor used to evaluate the performance of central air conditioning unit. A prototype of A/C unit has been made, which contains three terminal units with a complete set of accessories (3-way valve, 2-way valve, and sensors) to study the effect of the main parameters, such as total water flow rate and chilled water supply temperature with variable valve opening. In this work, 40 tests were carried out. These tests were in two groups, 20 test for 3-way valve case and 20 test for 2-way valve case. These tests were performed at three levels of valve opening, total water flow rate and water supply temperature according to the design matrices establis

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Roughness Effect on Thermo-Elasto-Hydrodynamic Performance of a 170ᵒ -Arc Partial Journal Bearing
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In the current analysis, the effects of circumferential scratches along the inner surface of a 170ᵒ -arc partial journal bearing has been numerically investigated. Their impact on the thermo-elasto-hydrodynamic performance characteristics, including maximum pressure, temperature, deformation, and stress, has been examined thoroughly. The ANSYS Fluent CFD commercial code was employed to tackle the iterative solution of flow and heat transfer patterns in the fluid film domain. They are then applied to the ANSYS Static Structure solver to compute the deformation and stress resulted in the solid bearing zone. A wide range of operating conditions has been considered, including the eccentricity ratio ( ) and scratch depth (

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 20 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Determination of Some Polychlorinated Biphenyls in River Tigris within Baghdad City
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A number of aqueous samples were collected from river Tigris in Baghdad city, enriched ~1000 times using solid phase extraction (SPE), then extracted the trace concentrations of some polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) using an aqueous two-phase system (ATPS) composed of 1Methylpyridinium chloride [MePy]Cl and KH2PO4 salt. High performance liquid chromatography technique coupled with ultraviolet (HPLC-UV) is used for the quantification. Extraction under the optimized conditions of pH, solvent composition, duration and temperature has given with a yield of PCB about 91%. The limit of detection (LOD) and limit of quantification (LOQ) for analyses are 0.11-0.62 µg.L−1 and 2.67–3.43 µg.L−1 respectively with relative stan

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2013
Journal Name
Photonics & Lasers In Medicine
The assessment of pathological changes in cerebral blood flow in hypertensive rats with stress-induced intracranial hemorrhage using Doppler OCT: Particularities of arterial and venous alterations/Die Beurteilung von pathologischen Veränderungen der Hirndurchblutung bei hypertensiven Ratten mit Stress-induzierten intrakraniellen Blutungen mittels Doppler-OCT: Besonderheiten von arteriellen und venösen Veränderungen
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Abstract<p>Hemorrhagic insult is a major source of morbidity and mortality in both adults and newborn babies in the developed countries. The mechanisms underlying the non-traumatic rupture of cerebral vessels are not fully clear, but there is strong evidence that stress, which is associated with an increase in arterial blood pressure, plays a crucial role in the development of acute intracranial hemorrhage (ICH), and alterations in cerebral blood flow (CBF) may contribute to the pathogenesis of ICH. The problem is that there are no effective diagnostic methods that allow for a prognosis of risk to be made for the development of ICH. Therefore, quantitative assessment of CBF may significantly advance the underst</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Tue May 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
Hiding Techniques for Dynamic Encryption Text based on Corner Point
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Hiding technique for dynamic encryption text using encoding table and symmetric encryption method (AES algorithm) is presented in this paper. The encoding table is generated dynamically from MSB of the cover image points that used as the first phase of encryption. The Harris corner point algorithm is applied on cover image to generate the corner points which are used to generate dynamic AES key to second phase of text encryption. The embedded process in the LSB for the image pixels except the Harris corner points for more robust. Experimental results have demonstrated that the proposed scheme have embedding quality, error-free text recovery, and high value in PSNR.

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2023
Journal Name
Indonesian Journal Of Electrical Engineering And Computer Science
Intelligence framework dust forecasting using regression algorithms models
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<span>Dust is a common cause of health risks and also a cause of climate change, one of the most threatening problems to humans. In the recent decade, climate change in Iraq, typified by increased droughts and deserts, has generated numerous environmental issues. This study forecasts dust in five central Iraqi districts using machine learning and five regression algorithm supervised learning system framework. It was assessed using an Iraqi meteorological organization and seismology (IMOS) dataset. Simulation results show that the gradient boosting regressor (GBR) has a mean square error of 8.345 and a total accuracy ratio of 91.65%. Moreover, the results show that the decision tree (DT), where the mean square error is 8.965, c

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Usage of non-linear programming in building a mathematical model for production planning according to discount constraints put on bought amount
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 This research deals will the declared production planning operation in the general company of planting oils, which have  great role in production operations management who had built mathematical model for correct non-linear programming according to discounting operation during raw materials or half-made materials purchasing operation which concentration of six main products by company but discount included just three products of raw materials, and there were six months taken from the 1st half of 2014 as a planning period has been chosen . Simulated annealing algorithm  application on non-linear model which been more difficulty than possible solution when imposed restric

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2009
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Prediction of the Point Efficiency of Sieve Tray Using Artificial Neural Network
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An application of neural network technique was introduced in modeling the point efficiency of sieve tray, based on a
data bank of around 33l data points collected from the open literature.Two models proposed,using back-propagation
algorithm, the first model network consists: volumetric liquid flow rate (QL), F foctor for gas (FS), liquid density (pL),
gas density (pg), liquid viscosity (pL), gas viscosity (pg), hole diameter (dH), weir height (hw), pressure (P) and surface
tension between liquid phase and gas phase (o). In the second network, there are six parameters as dimensionless
group: Flowfactor (F), Reynolds number for liquid (ReL), Reynolds number for gas through hole (Reg), ratio of weir
height to hole diqmeter

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 28 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Advances In Information Technology
Enhancement of Recommendation Engine Technique for Bug System Fixes
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This study aims to develop a recommendation engine methodology to enhance the model’s effectiveness and efficiency. The proposed model is commonly used to assign or propose a limited number of developers with the required skills and expertise to address and resolve a bug report. Managing collections within bug repositories is the responsibility of software engineers in addressing specific defects. Identifying the optimal allocation of personnel to activities is challenging when dealing with software defects, which necessitates a substantial workforce of developers. Analyzing new scientific methodologies to enhance comprehension of the results is the purpose of this analysis. Additionally, developer priorities were discussed, especially th

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Publication Date
Mon Nov 21 2022
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Deep Learning-Based Computer-Aided Diagnosis (CAD): Applications for Medical Image Datasets
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Computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) has proved to be an effective and accurate method for diagnostic prediction over the years. This article focuses on the development of an automated CAD system with the intent to perform diagnosis as accurately as possible. Deep learning methods have been able to produce impressive results on medical image datasets. This study employs deep learning methods in conjunction with meta-heuristic algorithms and supervised machine-learning algorithms to perform an accurate diagnosis. Pre-trained convolutional neural networks (CNNs) or auto-encoder are used for feature extraction, whereas feature selection is performed using an ant colony optimization (ACO) algorithm. Ant colony optimization helps to search for the bes

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