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ABSTRACTObjective: The objective of this study is to develop a controlled release matrix tablet of candesartan cilexetil to reduce the frequency of administration,enhance bioavailability and improve patient compliance; a once daily sustained release formulation of candesartan cilexetil is desirable.Methods: The prepared tablets from F1 to F24 were evaluated with different evaluation parameters like weight variation, drug content, friability,hardness, thickness and swelling ability. In vitro release for all formulas were studied depends on the type and amount of each polymer, i.e. (16 mg,32 mg and 48 mg) respectively beside to the combination effect of polymers on the release of the drug from the tablet.Results: In vitro release showed that formula 13 had the faster release (100% after 4 h) which contained acacia (1:1) and the lowest sustain releasewas showed for F7 (73% after 8 h) which contained HPMC K100M (1:1). Formula 1 was an 89 % release after 8 h which contain eudragit RS100; F4was a 100 % release after 5 h which contain Na CMC, F10 was a 100% after 8 h which contain xanthan gum and F16 was a 100 % release after 5 hwhich contain tragacanth polymer. Formula 9 had a lower release than F7 and F8 respectively. Formula 7 can be used for sustain oral drug delivery ofcandesartan cilexetil while Formula 13 can be used in contrary as fast release tablets for faster response.Conclusion: Controlled drug delivery system is promising for less dosing and higher patient compliance.Keywords: Angiotensin II receptor antagonist, Hypertension, Matrix system, Control release.

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 30 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Removing of Methylene Blue Dye from its Aqueous Solutions Using Polyacrylonitrile/Iron Oxide/Graphene Oxide
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      Organic contaminants are used to be found in industrial wastewater treatment procedures, and heavy metal ion removal is difficult. Photo Fenton reaction activity was exploited in this study to decompose organic contaminants using a functional composite hydrogel. Polyacrylonitrile (PAN), Fe3O4 particles, and graphene oxide make up the hydrogel (GO). It is made from GO/ Fe3O4 and is made using the precipitation technique. GO is made from graphite using the Hummers process. And it has exceptional mechanical strength and Photo-Fenton activity as a result of various breakdown data that were influenced differently, such as H2O2 concentration, dye concentration, temper

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
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Systematic Reviews In Pharmacy
Synthesis of New Ibuprofen Derivatives Containing (Oxothiazolidin-3-yl) Amino Moiety with Expected Biological Activity
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Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are drugs that help reduce inflammation, which often helps to relieve pain. In this research new ibuprofen oxothiazolidnone derivatives were synthesized from the reaction of Schiff base derivatives of Ibuprofen with mercapto acetic acid VI a-c, to improve the potency and to decrease the drug's potential side effects, a new series of 4-thiazolidinone derivatives of ibuprofen was synthesized VI a-c . The characterizations of the compounds were identified by using FTIR, 1HNMR technique and by measuring the physical properties.

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 31 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
An Investigation of Seismic Velocity Variation through a Tectonic Boundaries-Case Study in Central Iraq
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      A 3D velocity model was created by using stacking velocity of 9 seismic lines and average velocity of 6 wells drilled in Iraq. The model was achieved by creating a time model to 25 surfaces with an interval time between each two successive surfaces of about 100 msec.  The summation time of all surfaces reached about 2400 msec, that was adopted according to West Kifl-1 well, which penetrated to a depth of 6000 m, representing the deepest well in the study area. The seismic lines and well data were converted to build a 3D cube time model and the velocity was spread on the model. The seismic inversion modeling of the elastic properties of the horizon and well data was applied to achieve a corrected veloci

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2016
Journal Name
Computational Intelligence And Neuroscience
A New Artificial Neural Network Approach in Solving Inverse Kinematics of Robotic Arm (Denso VP6242)
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This paper presents a novel inverse kinematics solution for robotic arm based on artificial neural network (ANN) architecture. The motion of robotic arm is controlled by the kinematics of ANN. A new artificial neural network approach for inverse kinematics is proposed. The novelty of the proposed ANN is the inclusion of the feedback of current joint angles configuration of robotic arm as well as the desired position and orientation in the input pattern of neural network, while the traditional ANN has only the desired position and orientation of the end effector in the input pattern of neural network. In this paper, a six DOF Denso robotic arm with a gripper is controlled by ANN. The comprehensive experimental results proved the appl

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
Ndt & E International
Porosity evaluation of in-service thermal barrier coated turbine blades using a microwave nondestructive technique
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Publication Date
Sun Oct 30 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Using Sequencing Technique for Diagnostic Different Species of Genus Rhizobium Which Isolated from Legume Plants
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      Samples of the root nodules were collected to isolate different species of the genus Rhizobium from several leguminous plants; Trigonella  foenum-graecum, Medicago sativa, Lens culinaris, Vigna mungo, Vicia faba,  Phaseolus vulgaris, and Cicer arietinum, and based on their morphological, cultural, and biochemical characteristics, in addition to the identification of each isolate at the species level by amplified polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and using the sequencing of the nitrogenous bases of the 16S rRNA gene, it was identified as Sinrhizobium meliloti, Sinrhizobium meliloti, Bradyrhizobium elkanii, Rhizobium leguminosarium biovar viciae, Rhizobium leguminosarium biovar phaseoli and Mesorh

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 01 2022
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Earth And Environmental Science
Effluent Quality Assessment Monitoring of Al-Rustamiya Sewage Treatment Plant Using Geographical Information System (GIS)
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Abstract<p>Water quality assessment offers a scientific basis for water resource development and management. This research aims to assessment of Al-Rustamiya sewage treatment plant depending on annually changes and produces maps that declare changes on parameter during a period (2015-2018). Based on prior Government Department Baghdad Environment data which annually feature changes for samples from Northern Rustamiya have been estimated as a working model. Drawn a map of the Diyala River shows annual changes in the characteristics of the Diyala River, based on northern and southern Rustamiya effluent samples, and Diyala River samples. The characteristics that research focused on were biochemical</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Mon Dec 24 2018
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Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
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    This study identified the genus Coelastrella Chodat, 1922 which was isolated from a sediment sample taken from the Tigris river in Baghdad Governorate, Iraq. The alga was isolated and cultured in modified Chu 10 media and the morphological features of the isolated algae were observed in light microscopy (LM); it showed some characteristic features of this genus, such as its ellipsoidal or lemon- shaped cells, a visible pyrenoid and the chloroplast parietal. To ensure correct identification of the isolated alga, a molecular analysis using 18S rRNA gene and DNA sequencing revealed a match with C. terrestris (Reisigl) Hedewald & N. Hanagata 2002. This species is a new record in Iraq

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 19 2021
Journal Name
Archives Of Civil And Mechanical Engineering
Push-out test of steel–concrete–steel composite sections with various core materials: behavioural study
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Steel–concrete–steel (SCS) structural systems have economic and structural advantages over traditional reinforced concrete; thus, they have been widely used. The performance of concrete made from recycled rubber aggregate from scrap tires has been evaluated since the early 1990s. The use of rubberized concrete in structural construction remains necessary because of its high impact resistance, increases ductility, and produces a lightweight concrete; therefore, it adds such important properties to SCS members. In this research, the use of different concrete core materials in SCS was examined. Twelve SCS specimens were subjected to push-out monotonic loading for inspecting their mechanical performance. One specimen was constructed from co

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Energy Conversion And Management
Improved PCM melting in a thermal energy storage system of double-pipe helical-coil tube
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