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ABSTRACTObjective: The objective of this study is to develop a controlled release matrix tablet of candesartan cilexetil to reduce the frequency of administration,enhance bioavailability and improve patient compliance; a once daily sustained release formulation of candesartan cilexetil is desirable.Methods: The prepared tablets from F1 to F24 were evaluated with different evaluation parameters like weight variation, drug content, friability,hardness, thickness and swelling ability. In vitro release for all formulas were studied depends on the type and amount of each polymer, i.e. (16 mg,32 mg and 48 mg) respectively beside to the combination effect of polymers on the release of the drug from the tablet.Results: In vitro release showed that formula 13 had the faster release (100% after 4 h) which contained acacia (1:1) and the lowest sustain releasewas showed for F7 (73% after 8 h) which contained HPMC K100M (1:1). Formula 1 was an 89 % release after 8 h which contain eudragit RS100; F4was a 100 % release after 5 h which contain Na CMC, F10 was a 100% after 8 h which contain xanthan gum and F16 was a 100 % release after 5 hwhich contain tragacanth polymer. Formula 9 had a lower release than F7 and F8 respectively. Formula 7 can be used for sustain oral drug delivery ofcandesartan cilexetil while Formula 13 can be used in contrary as fast release tablets for faster response.Conclusion: Controlled drug delivery system is promising for less dosing and higher patient compliance.Keywords: Angiotensin II receptor antagonist, Hypertension, Matrix system, Control release.

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Oral And Maxillofacial Surgery, Medicine, And Pathology
Rhinocerebral mucormycosis: An Iraqi experience of 16 consecutive cases followed up for up ten years
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Publication Date
Thu May 23 2019
Journal Name
The International Journal Of Artificial Organs
Real-time classification of shoulder girdle motions for multifunctional prosthetic hand control: A preliminary study
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In every country in the world, there are a number of amputees who have been exposed to some accidents that led to the loss of their upper limbs. The aim of this study is to suggest a system for real-time classification of five classes of shoulder girdle motions for high-level upper limb amputees using a pattern recognition system. In the suggested system, the wavelet transform was utilized for feature extraction, and the extreme learning machine was used as a classifier. The system was tested on four intact-limbed subjects and one amputee, with eight channels involving five electromyography channels and three-axis accelerometer sensor. The study shows that the suggested pattern recognition system has the ability to classify the sho

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Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Tue Jan 31 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Geological Journal
Geological Model for Jeribe/Euphrates Formation, Tertiary Reservoir in Qaiyarah Oil Field, North of Iraq
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Visualization of subsurface geology is mainly considered as the framework of the required structure to provide distribution of petrophysical properties. The geological model helps to understand the behavior of the fluid flow in the porous media that is affected by heterogeneity of the reservoir and helps in calculating the initial oil in place as well as selecting accurate new well location. In this study, a geological model is built for Qaiyarah field, tertiary reservoir, relying on well data from 48 wells, including the location of wells, formation tops and contour map. The structural model is constructed for the tertiary reservoir, which is an asymmetrical anticline consisting of two domes separated by a saddle. It is found that

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 24 2023
Journal Name
Materials Research Innovations
Surface modification of poly(methyl methacrylate)-sulphadiazine complexes as self photostabilizer against Ultraviolet (UV) Irradiation
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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2019
Journal Name
Civil Engineering Journal
Structural Behavior of High Strength Laced Reinforced Concrete One Way Slab Exposed to Fire Flame
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In this study, an experimental investigation had conducted for six high strength laced reinforced concrete one-way slabs to discover the behavior of laced structural members after being exposed to fire flame (high temperature). Self-compacted concrete (SCC) had used to achieve easy casting and high strength concrete. All the adopted specimens were identical in their compressive strength of ( , geometric layout 2000 750 150 mm and reinforcement specifics except those of lacing steel content, three ratios of laced steel reinforcement of (0.0021, 0.0040 and 0.0060) were adopted. Three specimens were fired with a steady state temperature of  for two hours duration and then after the specimens were cooled suddenly by spraying water. The

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Crossref (4)
Publication Date
Wed Aug 09 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
A comparison Between Two Etchants Used to Etch Surface of CR-39 Nuclear Track Detector
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    The search included a comparison between two etchands for etch CR-39 nuclear track detector, by the calculation of bulk etch rate (Vb) which is one of the track etching parameters, by two measuring methods (thichness and change mass). The first type, is the solution prepared  from solving NaOH in Ethanol (NaOH/Ethanol) by varied normalities  under temperature(55ËšC)and etching time (30 min) then comparated with the second type the solution prepared from solving NaOH in water (NaOH/Water) by varied normalities with (70ËšC) and etching time (60 min) . All detectors were irradiated with (5.48 Mev) α-Particles from an 241Am source in during (10 min). The results that Vb would increase with the increase of

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 30 2013
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Coronary angiogriphy in left ventricular dysfunction patients with no clinical evidence of ischemic heart disease
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Background : Coronary artery disease is theunderlying cause in approximately two thirds of
patients with systolic heart failure ;
Coronary artery angiogriphy may be useful to
define the presence ,
Anatomical characteristics ,and functional
significance of Coronary artery disease in
selected heart failure patients with or without signs
and aymptoms of Coronary artery disease.
Objectives: to verify the clinical usefulness of
coronary angiography (CA) in congestive heart
failure (CHF) patients with no history of ischemic
heart disease and to identify predictive factors for
performing coronary angiography to patients with
congestive heart failure with no obvious ischemia.
Methods :this is a cross-ses

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Publication Date
Fri Oct 01 2021
Journal Name
Civil Engineering Journal
Steel Fiber Enhancement upon Punching Shear Strength of Concrete Flat Plates Exposed to Fire Flame
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In this study, the effect of fire flame on the punching shear strength of steel fiber reinforced concrete flat plates was experimentally investigated using nine half-scale specimens with dimensions of 1500×1500 mm and a total thickness of 100 mm. The main investigated variables comprised the steel fiber volume fraction 0, 1, and 1.5% and the burning steady state temperature 500 and 600 °C. The specimens were divided into three groups, each group consists of three specimens. The specimens in the first group were tested with no fire effect to be the reference specimens, while the others of the second and third groups were tested after being exposed to fire-flame effect. The adopted characteristics of the fire test were; (one hour) b

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Crossref (3)
Publication Date
Fri Mar 10 2023
Journal Name
Proceedings Of The Pakistan Academy Of Sciences: B. Life And Environmental Sciences
Characterization of Titanium dioxide (TiO2 ) Nanoparticles Biosynthesized using Leuconostoc spp. Isolated from Cow’s Raw Milk
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Nanotechnology is a continually expanding field for its uses and applications in multiple areas i.e. medicine, science, and engineering. Biosynthesis is straightforward, less-toxicity, and cost-effective technology. TiO2 NPs biosynthesis has attained consideration in recent decades. In this study, probiotic bacteria were isolated from cow’s raw milk samples, and then were identified by using the Vitek2 system; as Leuconostoc spp. included Leuconostoc mesenteroides subsp. mesenteroides (Leu.1), Leuconostoc mesenteroides subsp. cremoris (Leu.4), and Leuconostoc pseudomesenteroides (Leu.14). All Leuconostoc spp. isolates showed an ability for TiO2 NPs bio-production, after being incubated at anaerobic conditions (30 o C/ 24 h) in DeM

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Thu Nov 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Mean Square Exponential Stability of Semi-Linear Stochastic Perturbed Differential Equation Via Lyapunov Function Approach
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    In this work, a class of stochastically perturbed differential systems with standard Brownian motion of ordinary unperturbed differential system is considered and studied. The necessary conditions for the existence of a unique solution of the stochastic perturbed semi-linear system of differential equations are suggested and supported by concluding remarks. Some theoretical results concerning the mean square exponential stability of the nominal unperturbed deterministic differential system and its equivalent stochastically perturbed system with the deterministic and stochastic process as a random noise have been stated and proved. The proofs of the obtained results are based on using the stochastic quadratic Lyapunov function meth

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