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Novel isolation and optimization of anti-MRSA bacteriophages using plaque-based biokinetic methods
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Background: MRSA (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus) is a global health problem. Many people are looking for new ways to combat MRSA, for example by using bacteriophages (phages). It has been extremely challenging to isolate a sufficient quantity of lytic anti-MRSA phages. Therefore, new techniques for separating, refining, and reworking anti-MRSA phages were sought in this study.

Methods: Of 437 S. aureus isolates, nine clinical MRSA isolates were obtained from three hospitals in Baghdad, Iraq and two ATCC MRSA strains were used to separate wild anti-MRSA phages from sewage, filth, and hospital settings. The wild phage was optimized using plaque-based biokinetic methods. The resulting highly lytic and specific anti-MRSA phages were subjected to novel physico-chemical phage redesign protocols using agents to weaken the bacterial cell wall to allow phages to enter into host bacteria and acquire the specificity of the new host. Three protocols were tested using different combinations of benzethonium chloride (BZT-CH), alkaline ethanol, and chlorhexidine gluconate.

Results: Five newly redesigned, transiently stable, anti-MRSA phages were produced using the BZT-CH and ethanol–alkali methods, albeit at varying rates.

Conclusion: Although the resulting designed anti-MRSA phages are transiently stable, they represent a rare opportunity and an excellent endless source of lytic anti-MRSA phages from which a large number of permanent phage lysins can be separated and purified.

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Publication Date
Mon May 01 2023
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Earth And Environmental Science
Screening and optimization of a novel gallic acid and tannase production under semi quantitative and quantitative methods
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Abstract<p>Tannin acyl hydrolase as the common name of tannase is an inducible extracellular enzyme that causes the hydrolysis of galloyl ester and depside bonds in tannins, yielding gallic acid and glucose. The main objective of this study is to find a novel gallic acid and tannase produced by <italic>Acinetobacter Baumannii</italic>. A number of optimization steps were followed in order to improve the highest production of gallic acid and tannase. In present study, <italic>A. baumannii</italic> were isolated from ICU burn. <italic>A. baumannii</italic> was examined by microscopic examination, morphological and biochemical assay including oxidase and catalase. The </p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Sun Mar 13 2016
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
Isolation and Identification of food Probiotic Saccharomyces boulardii by using traditional methods, Vitek 2 system and molecular identification methods.: Isolation and Identification of food Probiotic Saccharomyces boulardii by using traditional methods, Vitek 2 system and molecular identification methods.
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This study was aimed to isolate and identify Saccharomyces boulardii from Mangosteen fruits (Garcinia mangostana L.) by traditional and molecular identification methods To get safe and healthy foods probiotics for use, The isolates and two commercial strains were subjected to cultural, morphological and biochemical tests, The colonies of the isolates were spherical, smooth, mucoidal, dull and white to cream colour on SD agar media .The shape of cells was globose to ovoid and sometimes with budding, in a single form or clustered like a beehive. The isolates and two commercial strains were unable to metabolized galactose and lactose , Results shows that all isolates were unable to utilize potassium nitrate and not grow in the presence of (

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Indian Journal Of Public Health Research &amp; Development
A 4-Day Plaque-Regrowth Anti-Plaque Effect of a Combination of Green Tea and Salvadora Persica L.: A Randomized Controlled Crossover Clinical Trial
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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2023
Journal Name
Applied Sciences
Multiobjective Optimization of Stereolithography for Dental Bridge Based on a Simple Shape Model Using Taguchi and Response Surface Methods
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Stereolithography (SLA) has become an essential photocuring 3D printing process for producing parts of complex shapes from photosensitive resin exposed to UV light. The selection of the best printing parameters for good accuracy and surface quality can be further complicated by the geometric complexity of the models. This work introduces multiobjective optimization of SLA printing of 3D dental bridges based on simple CAD objects. The effect of the best combination of a low-cost resin 3D printer’s machine parameter settings, namely normal exposure time, bottom exposure time and bottom layers for less dimensional deviation and surface roughness, was studied. A multiobjective optimization method was utilized, combining the Taguchi me

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 06 2024
Journal Name
Multimedia Tools And Applications
Text classification based on optimization feature selection methods: a review and future directions
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A substantial portion of today’s multimedia data exists in the form of unstructured text. However, the unstructured nature of text poses a significant task in meeting users’ information requirements. Text classification (TC) has been extensively employed in text mining to facilitate multimedia data processing. However, accurately categorizing texts becomes challenging due to the increasing presence of non-informative features within the corpus. Several reviews on TC, encompassing various feature selection (FS) approaches to eliminate non-informative features, have been previously published. However, these reviews do not adequately cover the recently explored approaches to TC problem-solving utilizing FS, such as optimization techniques.

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2023
Journal Name
Bulletin Of Electrical Engineering And Informatics
A novel data offloading scheme for QoS optimization in 5G based internet of medical things
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The internet of medical things (IoMT), which is expected the lead to the biggest technology in worldwide distribution. Using 5th generation (5G) transmission, market possibilities and hazards related to IoMT are improved and detected. This framework describes a strategy for proactively addressing worries and offering a forum to promote development, alter attitudes and maintain people's confidence in the broader healthcare system without compromising security. It is combined with a data offloading system to speed up the transmission of medical data and improved the quality of service (QoS). As a result of this development, we suggested the enriched energy efficient fuzzy (EEEF) data offloading technique to enhance the delivery of dat

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2023
Journal Name
Bulletin Of Electrical Engineering And Informatics
A novel data offloading scheme for QoS optimization in 5G based internet of medical things
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The internet of medical things (IoMT), which is expected the lead to the biggest technology in worldwide distribution. Using 5th generation (5G) transmission, market possibilities and hazards related to IoMT are improved and detected. This framework describes a strategy for proactively addressing worries and offering a forum to promote development, alter attitudes and maintain people's confidence in the broader healthcare system without compromising security. It is combined with a data offloading system to speed up the transmission of medical data and improved the quality of service (QoS). As a result of this development, we suggested the enriched energy efficient fuzzy (EEEF) data offloading technique to enhance the delivery of dat

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 25 2024
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
SBOA: A Novel Heuristic Optimization Algorithm
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A new human-based heuristic optimization method, named the Snooker-Based Optimization Algorithm (SBOA), is introduced in this study. The inspiration for this method is drawn from the traits of sales elites—those qualities every salesperson aspires to possess. Typically, salespersons strive to enhance their skills through autonomous learning or by seeking guidance from others. Furthermore, they engage in regular communication with customers to gain approval for their products or services. Building upon this concept, SBOA aims to find the optimal solution within a given search space, traversing all positions to obtain all possible values. To assesses the feasibility and effectiveness of SBOA in comparison to other algorithms, we conducte

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 16 2018
Journal Name
International Journal Of Pharmaceutical Quality Assurance
Effects of Bacterocin from MRSA and Nigella Sativa (seed oil) against Biofilm from MRSA
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A many risk challenge in (settings hospital) are multi- bacteria are antibiotic-resistant. Some type strains that ability adhesion surface-attached bio-film census. Fifteen MRSA isolates were considered as high biofilm producers Moreover all MRSA isolates; M3, M5, M7 and M11 produced biofilms but the thickest biofilm seen M7strain. The MIC values of N. sativa oil against clinical isolates of MRSA were between (0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0) μg/ml While MRSAcin (50, 75, 100, 125) µg\ ml. All biofilms treated with MRSAcin and Nigella sativa developed a presence of live cells after cultured on plate agar with inhibition zone between MIC (18 – 15) and (14- 11)mm respectively.Yet, results showed that MRSA supernatant developed a inhibitory ef

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
A Novel Invasive Weed Optimization Algorithm (IWO) by Whale Optimization Algorithm(WOA) to solve Large Scale Optimization Problems
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  In this work, two algorithms of Metaheuristic algorithms were hybridized. The first is Invasive Weed Optimization algorithm (IWO) it is a numerical stochastic optimization algorithm and the second is Whale Optimization Algorithm (WOA) it is an algorithm based on the intelligence of swarms and community intelligence. Invasive Weed Optimization Algorithm (IWO) is an algorithm inspired by nature and specifically from the colonizing weeds behavior of weeds, first proposed in 2006 by Mehrabian and Lucas. Due to their strength and adaptability, weeds pose a serious threat to cultivated plants, making them a threat to the cultivation process. The behavior of these weeds has been simulated and used in Invas

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