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Subsurface Structural Image of Galabat Field, North East of Iraq Using 2D Seismic Data
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This research had been achieved to identify the image of the subsurface structure representing the Tertiary period in the Galabat Field northeast of Iraq using 2D seismic survey measurements. Synthetic seismograms of the Galabat-3 well were generated in order to identify and pick the reflectors in seismic sections. Structural Images were drawn in the time domain and then converted to the depth domain by using average velocities. Structurally, seismic sections illustrate these reflectors are affected by two reverse faults affected on the Jeribe Formation and the layers below with the increase in the density of the reverse faults in the northern division. The structural maps show Galabat field, which consists of longitudinal Asymmetrical narrow anticline of Fatha and Jeribe formations, where the Southeastern limb is steeper than the Northeastern limb. The seismic interpretation shows that Galabat Field has a positive inverted structure, it is an anticline at the level of the Tertiary Period. The direction of the anticline axis and the major reverses faults are Northwest -Southeast. It is concluded from the study that reverse faults originated due to Zagros tectonism which is widespread in the area are a major conduit that channeled petroleum flow from source to Miocene traps. In addition, these faults were caused by the presence of salt accumulation within the Fatha Formation and led to high variation in the thickness in the crest and limbs of the Galabat structure.

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