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Survey on distributed denial of service attack detection using deep learning: A review
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Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks on Web-based services have grown in both number and sophistication with the rise of advanced wireless technology and modern computing paradigms. Detecting these attacks in the sea of communication packets is very important. There were a lot of DDoS attacks that were directed at the network and transport layers at first. During the past few years, attackers have changed their strategies to try to get into the application layer. The application layer attacks could be more harmful and stealthier because the attack traffic and the normal traffic flows cannot be told apart. Distributed attacks are hard to fight because they can affect real computing resources as well as network bandwidth. DDoS attacks can also be made with smart devices that connect to the Internet, which can be infected and used as botnets. They use Deep Learning (D.L.) techniques like Convolutional Neural Network (C.N.N.) and variants of Recurrent Neural Networks (R.N.N.), such as Long Short-Term Memory (L.S.T.M.), Bidirectional L.S.T.M., Stacked L.S.T.M., and the Gat G.R.U.. These techniques have been used to detect (DDoS) attacks. The Portmap.csv file from the most recent DDoS dataset, CICDDoS2019, has been used to test D.L. approaches. Before giving the data to the D.L. approaches, the data is cleaned up. The pre-processed dataset is used to train and test the D.L. approaches. In the paper, we show how the D.L. approach works with multiple models and how they compare to each other.

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 07 2010
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Synthesis of New Heterocyclic Derivatives from 4-(3, 5-Dimethyl-1-phenyl-1H-pyrazol-4-ylazo)- benzoic acid
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In this work pyrazolin derivatives were prepared from the diazonium chloride salt of 4-aminobenzoic acid. Azo compounds were prepared from the reaction of an ethanolic solution of sodium acetate and calculated amount of active methylene compound namely, acetyl acetone to obtain the corresponding hydrazono derivative (1). Cyclocondensation reaction of compounds (1) with hydrazine hydrate and phenyl hydrazine in boiling ethanol affording the corresponding pyrazoline-5-one derivatives of 4-aminobenzoic acid (2,3). Then compound (3) was reacted with thionyl chloride to give the corresponding acid chloride derivative(4), followed by conversion into the corresponding acid hydrazide derivative (5) carboxylic acid thiosemicarbazide (11), esters

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 28 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Levels of Some Metal Contents in the Soil and Leafy Vegetables Collected From Al-Qanat Highway/ Baghdad City
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      The aim of the present study is to estimate the levels of some essential and non-essential metals content of soil and seven leafy vegetable species, in the field 30m away from the Al-Qanat highway in Baghdad using X-ray fluorescence analysis. The results showed that soil and leafy vegetables had higher levels of macro elements, and that Ca in rocket and purslane was the highest. The average content of trace elements in soil and leafy vegetables has been close to the minimum than the range of permissible limits recommended by WHO and FAO/WHO except Fe, Cr and Ni in soil have exceeded the concentration of the threshold limit (13728.8 mg/kg Dw for Fe, 183.361mg/kg Dw for Cr, and 124.01mg/kg Dw for Ni) value as well for leafy vege

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Anaerobic Digestion and Codigestion of Chlorella Vulgaris Microalgae Biomass with Wastewater Sludge and Dairy Manure for Biogas Production
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Anaerobic digestion process of organic materials is biochemical decomposition process done by two types of digestion bacteria in the absence of oxygen resulting in the biogas production, which is produced as a waste product of digestion. The first type of bacteria is known as acidogenic which converts organic waste to fatty acids. The second type of bacteria is called methane creators or methanogenic which transforms the fatty acids to biogas (CH4 and CO2). The considerable amounts of biodegradable constitutes such as carbohydrates, lipids and proteins present in the microalgae biomass make it a suitable substrate for the anaerobic digestion or even c

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Publication Date
Mon May 22 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The Study of Serum GOT(Glutamic Oxalacetic Transaminase) Activity and Some kinetic Parameters in Patient with Pulmonary Tuberculosis
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   In the present study, serum GOT(Glutamic Oxalacetic Transaminase) was purified, the purified enzyme showed the maximum activity at 37ºC and pH 7.5. During purification of serum GOT ion exchange chromatography lead to four separate forms (termed I, II, III and IV). GOT II with  the highest specific activity was pure after chromatography on Sephacryl S300. . S.GOT levels were investigated in serum samples from patient with pulmonary tuberculosis .The S.GOT levels were determined at and 37ć .The study revealed that the serum GOT activity was higher in patient of tuberculous pulmonary than in control subjects.The mean serum GOT activity in the patients group was(90±8 IU/L) as compared to control group (27±0.65I

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Design and Analysis of the Hexagonal-Shaped Antenna with Multi-Band Feature for WLAN, WiMAX, and LTE Applications
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Developing and researching antenna designs are analogous to excavating in an undiscovered mine. This paper proposes a multi-band antenna with a new hexagonal ring shape, theoretically designed, developed, and analyzed using a CST before being manufactured. The antenna has undergone six changes to provide the best performance. The results of the surface current distribution and the electric field distribution on the surface of the hexagonal patch were theoretically analyzed and studied. The sequential approach taken to determine the most effective design is logical, and prevents deviation from the work direction. After comparing the six theoretical results, the fifth model proved to be the best for making a prototype. Measured results rep

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Sovereign wealth funds have their role in reducing the price shocks of crude oil With reference to Iraq
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            Sovereign wealth funds are an important tool for achieving economic stability and avoiding the local economy from external shocks, including the shocks of international oil prices. The spread of these funds is the result of large current account surpluses in many Asian and oil-exporting economies. These surpluses are due to higher commodity prices Has led to a rapid accumulation of foreign assets in central banks. Many countries with rent economies face the problem of their dependence on non-renewable natural resources, especially the oil countries, including Iraq. Oil revenues are more than 97% of oil exports, so they suffer from structural imbal

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 13 2024
Journal Name
Al-rafidain Journal Of Medical Sciences ( Issn 2789-3219 )
Association of the MDR1 Variants (rs2032582 and rs2032583) with Steroid Response in Iraqi Children with Idiopathic Nephrotic Syndrome
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Background: Several studies linked the development of steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome (SRNS) to genetic variations in the multidrug resistance 1 (MDR1) gene, though a disparity in findings was underlined among children with different ethnic origins. Objective: This study examined the relationship between MDR1 variants (rs2032582 and rs2032583) and the risk of developing SRNS in Iraqi patients with idiopathic nephrotic syndrome (INS). Methods: This case-control study included children with steroid-sensitive INS (SSNS; n=30) and SRNS (n=30) from the Babylon Hospital for Maternity and Pediatrics. Sanger sequencing was used to determine the participants’ genotypes. Results: The rs2032582 genotypes and alleles were not associated

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 10 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Assessment of some salivary enzymes levels in type 2 diabetic patients with chronic periodontitis (Clinical and biochemical study)
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Background: Diabetic patients have been reported to be more susceptible to gingivitis and periodontitis than healthy subjects. Many intracellular enzymes like (alkaline phosphatase- (ALP), aspartate aminotransferase- (AST) and alanine aminotransferase- (ALT) that are released outside cells into the gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) and saliva after destruction of periodontal tissue during periodontitis. This study was conducted to determine the periodontal health status and the levels of salivary enzymes (ALP, AST and ALT) of the study and control groups and to correlate the levels of these enzymes with clinical periodontal parameters in each study group. Subjects, Materials and Methods: One hundred subjects were enrolled in the study, with a

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 28 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Evaluating the Efficiency of the Entomopathogenic Fungus Beauveria bassiana to Control the Brown Banded Cockroach Supella longipalpa F.
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      Entomopathogenic fungi can be ideal for the biocontrol of cockroaches since it is environment-friendly microbial pesticide. Susceptibility of second and fourth instar of nymphs and adults of the brown banded cockroach, Supella longipalpa (F.) (Blattodea: Blattellidae) to the entomopathogenic fungi Beauveria bassiana (Bals.) Vuill. at two concentrations 1x 107 and 1x 108 spore/ml was evaluated. Fungus was tested by using two different methods: bait and direct contact. Mortality was monitored after 3, 5 and 7 days’ post exposure. Direct contact of B. bassiana at concentration 1x 107 spore/ml produced mortality on adults 82.76% and for fourth and second instar of nymphs 82.76 and 93.10% after 7 daysâ

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Local Food Crisis in Iraq Between Thoughts of the Malthusian Theory and the Agricultural Section Regression Reality
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Most countries in the world particularly developing countries, including Iraq,  facing  extremely dangerous problem with social and political dimensions, which is the emergence of the food crisis  problem ,the decrease in domestic food production in Iraq isn't meet the needs of its population food, due to the fact that the agricultural sector suffers from multiple natural ,economic  and human   problems .It is still below the level required to meet the needs of the population  of  food ,since food  at the forefront of priorities needed by the human . This represents indispensable  basic  necessity , so the responsibility of its availability permanently  in appropriate&nb

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