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An experiment was carried out in a field in Husayniyah sub-district of the Holy Karbala Governorate. The research included studying the impact of the plowing depth and soil moisture on some technical indicators when using the disc plow. The 80 hp New Holland tractor was used in this experiment. Two factors were studied, the first factor is the soil moisture (12- 9%), (16-13%) and (20-17%) and the second factor was the depth of tillage (10-13) cm, (15-18) cm and (20-23) cm, which represented the secondary blocks. Bulk density, percentage of slippage and drawing force were studied. The field trials was conducted according to Split blocks in a randomized complete block design in three replicate. Consequences showed (according to the conditions of the experiment) that soil moisture of 17-20% outperformed in obtaining the lowest average bulk density of 1.25 g cm-3 whereas soil moisture of 12-9% recorded the lowest rate of slippage of 8.72% and the lowest rate of the net drawing of 1310.39 (kg.N). The plowing depth of 10-13 cm outperformed in obtaining the lowest average of bulk density of 1.25 g cm-3, the lowest slippage percentage of 7.19%, and the lowest rate of net drawing of 1013.84 (kg. N). The results also showed that soil moisture of 9-12% and plowing depth of 10-13 cm outperformed in obtaining the best interaction in most of the studied traits

Publication Date
Sat Apr 29 2023
Journal Name
Research Journal Of Pharmacy And Technology
Assessment of Serum Neopterin Levels in patients hospitalized with severe COVID-19

Background: COVID-19 has caused a considerable number of hospital admissions in China since December 2019. Many COVID-19 patients experience signs of acute respiratory distress syndrome, and some are even in danger of dying. Objective: to measure the serum levels of D-dimer, Neutrophil-Lymphocyte count ratio (NLR), and neopterin in patients hospitalized with severe COVID-19 in Baghdad, Iraq. And to determine the cut-off values (critical values) of these markers for the distinction between the severe patients diagnosed with COVID‐19 and the controls. Materials and methods: In this case-control study, we collect blood from 89 subjects, 45 were severe patients hospitalized in many Baghdad medical centers who were diagnosed with COVID

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 06 2021
Journal Name
Karbala International Journal Of Modern Science
Efficiency of +IDonBlender Photogrammetric Tool in Facial Prosthetics Rehabilitation – An Evaluation Study

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Publication Date
Tue Apr 26 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Health Sciences
narrative review of nutritional status among iraqi adults with type 2 diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is a global public health problem especially in middle east countries and Iraq has not spared from this pandemic. The prevalence in Iraq. and rank in Middle East. Beside increasing in prevalence- also poor glucose control. Nutrition plays a critical role. This paper narratively review variables that affect  reduce the incidence of T2DM in Iraq and affect nutritional status among Iraqi withT2DM. The factors contribute  to T2DM were high rates of obesity and overweight, as well as levels of body fat indicate a high prevalence of poor glycemic control. Likewise, levels of physical activity are low among older Iraqis.

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Clinical And Diagnostic Research
Immunohistochemical Expression of HER2/neu Receptors in Iraqi Patients with Endometrioid Carcinoma

Introduction: With the advent of era of targeted cancer therapy, the serious side effects of chemoradiotherapy have been minimised. Considering the success story of anti-HER2/neu drugs in breast cancer oncology, the present study was conducted. The study evaluates the immunohistochemical expression of HER2/neu in endometrioid cancer among Iraqi patients. Aim: To assess the immunohistochemical expression of HER2/neu in endometrioid carcinoma of uterus and to find the relationship of this expression with FIGO stage and grade and with patient age. Materials and Methods: In this cross sectional study, formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue blocks of 62 hysterectomy specimens that were diagnosed as endometrioid carcinoma in the teaching labora

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages
A Phono-stylistic Analysis of Utterance Stress in Steve Harvey's talk show

patterns of utterance stress in discourse direct attention to specific themes and reactions, controlling the flow and coherence of conversation. this study examines the utterance stress in Steve Harvey's selected episodes from a phono-stylistic perspective. this study is hoped to improve understanding of linguistic mechanism in talk show communication, highlighting the importance of phonetic features in transmitting meaning and increasing broadcast conversation participation. the researcher concentrates on the types of focus functions of utterance stress of some episodes available on YouTube. to conduct the analysis, the researcher adopts (Carr, 2013; Davenport& Hannahs 2005) to analyze utterance stress and Leech and Short (2007

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages
Dylan Thomas:The vision of Death as a Prologue to a New Life

Dylan Thomas (1914-1953) is a modern poet belongs to the apocalyptic movement of the 1940's.This movement is influenced by the doctrines and techniques of surrealism. Poetry for him should not be primarily concerned with man in society, but with the celebration of spiritual truth. It should bring to light the hidden causes, hence his personal interest is to strip darkness and explore the inward motives. To do this he uses a cluster of images: a constant building up and breaking down of images. His poetry depends on the romantic spontaneity, suggestiveness of the Symbolists and the the surrealists' mysterious liberation of the unconsciousness and the emotional involvement in the dynamics of life. In "Light Breaks

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 12 2022
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An assessment of serum interleukin - 39 in rheumatoid arthritis patients from Iraq

Introduction and Aim: The pro-inflammatory cytokine IL-39, a member of the IL-12 family plays a key role in the inflammatory response by modulating immune cell activity and inflammation. A literature search shows no study undertaken for the effect of IL-39's on arthritis so far. Hence, the purpose of this study was to investigate the role of IL-39 in rheumatoid arthritis. Materials and Methods: This study involved 80 patients with rheumatoid arthritis registered at the Rheumatology Clinic at Baghdad teaching hospital. The patients were divided into three groups based on treatments received. Group 1 included patients who were not on any treatment for arthritis, Group 2 with patients on hydroxychloroquine and or prednisone treatment,

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 15 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Juridical And Political Science
Civil Liability Arising from Children Abuse. A Comparative Study of American Law

Researchers are interested in the issue of children abuse and they look for its cause in the past and present. Their interest is limited to identifying penal liability which is caused by children abuse away from focusing on civil liability. So, the study is going to clarify the parents' responsibility for children abuse rather than civil liability of the medic in case he wouldn’t notify the authorities about the case according to the American law rules and the attitude of Iraqi law rather than some judicial application of civil cases that were exposed to American judiciary concerning children abuse.

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 30 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Deter1nination of Adenosin De Aminase (ADA) enzyme activity in patients with Salmonellosis

!'hi_,  i1rycsligation  was  carried   ou1 dn J)Ct'iphcral  blom.l s_amplc:s.

wl1ich wendrawi·1  ih)rl1 patients  w.ith  l)1).hoid !'ever. Fifteen  palic111 nging ]5- 45 years old .<iS vvdl as ten sample::.  w:cr: c·ollec ted from healthy   persons-al     the  same   range  of   age.   Sera   were   used   t'or csti niation   the  act i vity  and   sp ci fie  activity  of  t\LJ.A.  The   resuJts sho:«"'d            sig11ltl'c u1t  increase i11&

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Role of Extracted Nano-metal Oxides From Factory Wastes In Medical Applications

       Nanometal oxides were extracted from cement factories wastes and were employed to proliferate skin cancer cells using MTT (Methyl Thiazolyl Tetraolium) assay. MTT assay results for skin cancer cell line A375,for CaO NPs the best concentration was 200 μg/mL,The viability was reduced to 57.28% while the IC50 was (69.66) g/mL for A375 and normal cell WRL68 was significantly higher (231.2 g/mL). The cytotoxicity results of CaO: MgO: Fe2O3 NPs, at higher concentrations (200 and 400) μg/mL showed a significant difference. The IC50 was (106.4) μg/mL for A375and normal cell WRL68 was significantly higher (173.3) μg/ml CaO:MgO:Fe2O3 NPs. The nanometal oxides, calci

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