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Religious and Psychological guidance in the Qur’an and Sunnah, a descriptive study

God saw his servants with truth and light, and made him easy for them, and he commanded those who help them, including a counselor, guide and preacher, so if a Muslim sees deficiencies or defects, he must help him to reform and refine it. That it was in the hands of the prophets, God Almighty created the human being together straight, then melted on those scholars and researchers in all religions on psychological counseling and religious sychotherapy, stressing the importance of religious values in the process of understanding man in the process of psychotherapy and in controlling human behavior. A lot of research and studies have been published. I dealt with the religious approach in the process of treating mental disorders and the aim of this study is to liberate the troubled person from feelings of guilt and sin that aim at psychological security and help him to accept himself and satisfy the need for security and psychological peace. Which are stipulated by the divine religions, and in view of this great importance of religious guidance, we decided to discuss this guiding aspect, indicating (its definitions, objectives, importance, the foundations that Islam affirmed in the indicative process and the seriousness of the guide’s failure to apply what he says and other topics that are enriched by this research marked (Religious Guidance In light of the enlightening book and the Sunnah of al-Hadi al-Bashir).