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A reversed phase high performance liquid chromatography method for the determination of fumonisins B1 and B2 in food and feed using monolithic column and positive confirmation by liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry
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The development of a reversed phase high performance liquid chromatography fluorescence method for the determination of the mycotoxins fumonisin B1 and fumonisin B2 by using silica-based monolithic column is described. The samples were first extracted using acetonitrile:water (50:50, v/v) and purified by using a C18 solid phase extraction-based clean-up column. Then, pre-column derivatization for the analyte using ortho-phthaldialdehyde in the presence of 2-mercaptoethanol was carried out. The developed method involved optimization of mobile phase composition using methanol and phosphate buffer, injection volume, temperature and flow rate. The liquid chromatographic separation was performed using a reversed phase Chromolith® RP-18e column (100 mm × 4.6 mm) at 30 °C and eluted with a mobile phase of a mixture of methanol and phosphate buffer pH 3.35 (78:22, v/v) at a flow rate of 1.0 mL min−1. The fumonisins separation was achieved in about 4 min, compared to approximately 20 min by using a C18 particle-packed column. The fluorescence excitation and emission were at 335 nm and 440 nm, respectively. The limits of detections were 0.01–0.04 μg g−1 fumonisin B1 and fumonisin B2, respectively. Good recoveries were found for spiked samples (0.1, 0.5, 1.5 μg g−1 fumonisins B1 and B2), ranging from 84.0 to 106.0% for fumonisin B1 and from 81.0 to 103.0% for fumonisin B2. Fifty-three samples were analyzed including 39 food and feeds and 14 inoculated corn and rice. Results show that 12.8% of the food and feed samples were contaminated with fumonisin B1 (range, 0.01–0.51 μg g−1) and fumonisin B2 (0.05 μg g−1). The total fumonisins in these samples however, do not exceed the legal limits established by the European Union of 0.8 μg g−1. Of the 14 inoculated samples, 57.1% contained fumonisin B1 (0.16–41.0 μg g−1) and fumonisin B2 (range, 0.22–50.0 μg g−1). Positive confirmation of selected samples was carried out using liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry, using triple quadrupole analyzer and operated in the multiple reaction monitoring mode.

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 07 2017
Journal Name
Spe Symposium: Production Enhancement And Cost Optimisation
Wettability Alteration of Carbonate Rocks via Nanoparticle-Anionic Surfactant Flooding at Reservoirs Conditions
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Nanofluids, liquid suspensions of nanoparticles (NPs) dispersed in deionized (DI) water, brine, or surfactant micelles, have become a promising solution for many industrial applications including enhanced oil recovery (EOR) and carbon geostorage. At ambient conditions, nanoparticles can effectively alter the wettability of the strongly oil-wet rocks to water-wet. However, the reservoir conditions present the greatest challenge for the success of this application at the field scale. In this work, the performance of anionic surfactant-silica nanoparticle formulation on wettability alteration of oil-wet carbonate surface at reservoir conditions was investigated. A high-pressure temperature vessel was used to apply nano-modification of oil-wet

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Corrosion Inhibition Efficiency Investigation of Yttrium Oxide Nanoparticles Coated on Carbon Steel Alloy
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Metal oxide nanoparticles demonstrate uniqueness in various technical applications due to their suitable physiochemical properties. In particular, yttrium oxide nanoparticle(Y2O3NPs) is familiar for technical applications because of its higher dielectric constant and thermal stability. It is widely used as a host material for a variety of rare-earth dopants, biological imaging, and photodynamic therapies. In this investigation, yttrium oxide nanoparticles (Y2O3NPs) was used as an ecofriendly corrosion inhibitor through the use of scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Fourier transforms infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), UV-Visible spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction (XRD), and energy dispersive X-ray spe

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 23 2022
Journal Name
Structural Efficiency of Non-Prismatic Hollow Reinforced Concrete Beams Retrofitted with CFRP Sheets
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Non-prismatic reinforced concrete (RC) beams are widely used for various practical purposes, including enhancing architectural aesthetics and increasing the overall thickness in the support area above the column, which gives high assurance to services that this will not result in the distortion of construction features and can reduce heights. The hollow sections (recess) can also be used for the maintenance of large structural sections and the safe passage of utility lines of water, gas, telecommunications, electricity, etc. They are generally used in large and complex civil engineering works like bridges. This study conducted a numerical study using the commercial finite element software ANSYS version 15 for analysing RC beams, hol

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 15 2023
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Cytotoxic potential activity of quercetin derivatives on MCF-7 breast cancer cell line
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Many previous investigations have found quercetin to be a powerful antioxidant and antitumor flavonoid, but its poor bioavailability has limited its use. This current study investigated the effects of two newly synthesized Quercetin Schiff bases containing 2-amino thiadiazole-5-thiol (Q1), and its benzyl derivatives (Q2) on MCF-7 human breast cancer cells. Cell viability and apoptosis were assessed to determine the toxic effects of Q1 and Q2. Cytotoxicity valuation showed that both compounds inhibited MCF-7 cell growth, and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) activity increased in a dose-dependent aspect compared to the control group. Comet assay results observed that Q1 and Q2 induce more serious DNA damage than the control (untreated cell

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2022
Journal Name
Results In Engineering
Behavioral nonlinear modeling of prestressed concrete flexural members with internally unbonded steel strands
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Publication Date
Sat Aug 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Computation of Critical Submergence Depth to Avoid Surface Vortices at Vertical Pumps Intakes
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The pumping station became widely used in many fields. Free surface vortices at intakes of pumps are not favorable. It may cause noise, excessive vibration, damage to the pumping structure, reduction in efficiency and flow for hydro-turbines, etc. One of the important problems encountered during the pump intake design is the depth of submergence and other design parameters to avoid strong free-surface vortices formation. This study aims to compute the critical submergence depth with some geometrical and hydraulic limitations by using Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) package. The mathematical model was validated with a laboratory model that had been conducted. The model of three intake pipes was investigated under five d

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 02 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Subsurface Investigation of Merjan oil field Depending on 3D Seismic Reflection Central Iraq
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The study deals with 3D seismic reflection in the central Iraq within Merjan oil field which is located approximately (130 km) to the southwest Baghdad and south of Razaza. The 3D seismic survey was interpreted; the results showed that the oil is found within Hartha Formation as stratigraphic traps and with the absence of structural traps. The major normal faults picked are trending N-S direction. There are also minor faults observed using the instantaneous phase and frequency sections, they proved the presence of the faults and showed that the ending of the Safawi reflector toward the north and northeast to the south and southeast and near the western border of fault because of the facies change in the area. The reflector shows a struct

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Publication Date
Mon May 08 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
External Morphological Study of Diplacodes Triviales Rambure(Odonata :Libellulidae)New Record to Iraq
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External Morphologicalstudy of species DiplacodestrivialesRambure of family :
Libellulidae from suborder Anisoptera of the order Odonata which were collected from
Maisan Governorate 2010.
such study was included : Detailed description of most body parts (Head,
Thorax,Abdomen and their appendages), identification and recognition of species, study male
and female genitalia. The species Diplacodes Triviales Rambure was new record to Iraqi
fauna of Odonata.

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Numerical Modeling of Water Movement from Buried Vertical Ceramic Pipes through Coarse Soils
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Problem of water scarcity is becoming common in many parts of the world.  Thus to overcome this problem proper management of water and an efficient irrigation systems are needed.  Irrigation with buried vertical ceramic pipe is known as a very effective in management of irrigation water.  The two- dimensional transient flow of water from a buried vertical ceramic pipe through homogenous porous media is simulated numerically using the software HYDRUS/2D to predict empirical formulas that describe the predicted results accurately.   Different values of pipe lengths and hydraulic conductivity were selected.  In addition, different values of initial volumetric soil water content were assumed in this simulation a

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Relation & effect of Human resources management strategic with at work stress : Explorative study
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The mine object for this research is determine the nature of the relation and effect between Human resources management strategic to less the  work stress , Human resources management strategic represent a set of procedures and practices to manage the human resources   at the organization. the stress of work effect on the performance of the human resources , al rasheed bank select to applied the qustioneer on the 32 person the work on the sebaa branch , using the qustioneer as a tool to collect data that is design  according some of the standards and make the validity and stability. to analyses this data by using spss for computation " percentage , mean , standard , deriation

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