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The reality of the moral climate and its relationship to the decision-making of boxing referees from the standpoint of coaches
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The purpose of this paper is to identifying the relationship between the moral climate and the decision-making of boxing referees from the standpoint of the coaches, and the research problem lies through the work of the researchers in training and managing the teams. It was noted that the role of the referees is one of the most important roles played by the workers to achieve the objectives of the federation, and that the moral climate that prevails among the administrative body the union and the referees on the one hand and between the referees and coaches on the other hand are among the factors of the success of everyone’s work and the survival and strengthening of confidence in their work and thus the continuity of success and production and the achievement of goals, hence the desire to conduct this study, and the researchers used the descriptive approach in the manner of correlations to suit it with the nature of the research problem, The study population consisted of (160) coaches and referees in the Boxing Federation. As for the research sample, it was divided into a sample of adapting the moral climate scale, which consisted of (70) judges. As for the building sample for the decision-making scale, it consisted of (90) coaches. The standards (moral climate) were modified and built. for the administrative body, decision-making for the referees), the measures were applied to the research sample in order to extract the results of the research and achieve the goal of the research, which is to identify the relationship between the moral climate and decision-making for boxing referees from the point of view of the coaches and it was found that they are at an above average level in the moral climate and decision-making as well That there is a direct relationship between the two research variables (moral climate and decision-making), that is, the greater the moral climate, the greater the decision-making.

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 27 2008
Journal Name
Arabian Journal Of Geosciences
Upper Cretaceous carbonate hosted zinc–lead–barite deposits in Northern Thrust Zone, northern Iraq: petrography and geochemistry
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Publication Date
Fri Jul 01 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
X.K.N: A Proposed Method for Data Encryption Using XOR and NOT Logical Gates with LFSR Generated Keys
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In this paper, a method for data encryption was proposed using two secret keys, where the first one is a matrix of XOR's and NOT's gates (XN key), whereas the second key is a binary matrix (KEYB) key. XN and KEYB are (m*n) matrices where m is equal to n. Furthermore this paper proposed a strategy to generate secret keys (KEYBs) using the concept of the LFSR method (Linear Feedback Shift Registers) depending on a secret start point (third secret key s-key). The proposed method will be named as X.K.N. (X.K.N) is a type of symmetric encryption and it will deal with the data as a set of blocks in its preprocessing and then encrypt the binary data in a case of stream cipher.

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Publication Date
Tue Apr 14 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Physical Education
Analyze study for basic shooting kind in basketball and it relation with teams rank for youth players
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The levels of shooting in basketball not very good appears un healthy phenomenon for age stages especially youth players on Iraq and therefore there is lower level in skills especially shooting that seems the players represent their players not good levels which cause difficult in choosing players for youth national team. The research sample were youth teams in Baghdad for season 2012-2013 their birth 1996 and the number teams (7) and after getting results and treat it statically the important ones were : there is a large number of failure attempts on success ones in basic shooting in basketball for youth teams in Baghdad teams (2012-2013) season and basic shooting have effective participation (positive relation) in youth teams ranking in B

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 05 2010
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Composition operator induced by ?(z) = sz + t for which |s|?1, |t|<1 and |s|+|t|?1
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We study in this paper the composition operator that is induced by ?(z) = sz + t. We give a characterization of the adjoint of composiotion operators generated by self-maps of the unit ball of form ?(z) = sz + t for which |s|?1, |t|<1 and |s|+|t|?1. In fact we prove that the adjoint is a product of toeplitz operators and composition operator. Also, we have studied the compactness of C? and give some other partial results.

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Publication Date
Sun May 10 2015
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Functionalizing Location's Indications and Aesthetic Elements in Novel Film"(Pianist Film as an example): منير طه سلمان
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Cinema artist work has not been achieved without location indications ; places are of cultured indications and its effect on behaviors and trends. Location is an important element as to convey meanings via its interaction with the personality about which it has been written may studies. Despite location occupies huge spaces within social and philosophical Drama branches , but it has a strong connection with the art world since it reflects reality of global theories in different fields. Audio and visual speech in Cinema have connected with the environmental effectiveness resulted from location which the sensual understanding interacts with in a way that suits Movie. Location consists of mixing elements of Movie and it in return interacts

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 29 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Estimation Pore and Fracture Pressure Based on Log Data; Case Study: Mishrif Formation/Buzurgan Oilfield at Iraq
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Prediction of the formation of pore and fracture pressure before constructing a drilling wells program are a crucial since it helps to prevent several drilling operations issues including lost circulation, kick, pipe sticking, blowout, and other issues. IP (Interactive Petrophysics) software is used to calculate and measure pore and fracture pressure. Eaton method, Matthews and Kelly, Modified Eaton, and Barker and Wood equations are used to calculate fracture pressure, whereas only Eaton method is used to measure pore pressure. These approaches are based on log data obtained from six wells, three from the north dome; BUCN-52, BUCN-51, BUCN-43 and the other from the south dome; BUCS-49, BUCS-48, BUCS-47. Along with the overburden pressur

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2012
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Sttudy tthe oriienttattiion and diisttance ffacttors effffectts on tthe llower usablle ffrequency ((LUF)) over miiddlle eastt regiion
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In this research, the influence of the orientation and distance factors on the lowest usable frequency (LUF) parameter has been studied theoretically. The calculations of the (LUF) parameter have been made using the (VOACAP) international communication model for the connection links between the capital Baghdad and many other locations that distributed on different distances and directions over the Middle East region. The results shown in this study indicate there is a slight affection of the link direction (orientation) on the LUF parameter, while the influence of the distance factor is more significant on the values of the LUF parameter. The day/night effect appears for the long distance HF links (i.e. more than a 500 Km)

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 04 2021
Journal Name
Al-rafidain Journal Of Medical Sciences ( Issn: 2789-3219 )
Association between Lipid Profile and Glycemic Status in Iraqi patients with Acromegaly Receiving Depot Long-Acting Octreotide
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Background: Treatment modalities of acromegaly and disease control impact differently on glucose homeostasis and lipid changes, and consequently on cardiometabolic risk. Aim: To investigate the possible association of lipid profile changes with the glycemic control status in acromegaly patients treated with octreotide LAR. Methods: This cross-sectional study included 52 Iraqi patients with acromegaly treated with octreotide LAR and not using statins. Demographic, anthropometric, and clinical data were collected, as well as the duration of Octreotide LAR administration. The glycemic state was assessed and classified as DM, prediabetes, or normal. Plasma levels of triglycerides, LDL cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, and non-HDL were evalu

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2017
Journal Name
Medical Journal Of Babylon
His- Ventricle (HV) Interval And Syncope As Predictor For Pacemaker Implantation In Patients With Bifascicular Block (BFB)
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Transient drop in the heart beat or transient heart block (AVB) may be consider the main cause of syncope or presyncope inpatients with bifascicular block and syncope According to the Guidelines for cardiac pacing pacemaker consider part of treatment. Aims of our study were to evaluate whether there is role for EPS in patients BFB and to evaluate the symptoms after pacing. 42 patients were enrolled in this study, with mean age value (63.4± 12.2years), suffer from interventricular conductive defect and syncope; patients underwent EPS on admission time, and pacemaker implantation accordingly and programmed follow up for the device in the last four years. Our patients were 25 (59.5%) male and 17 (40.5%)female, all of them with syncope o

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 27 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Prosthodontics
A Three-Dimensional Finite Element Analysis for Overdenture Attachments Supported by Teeth and/or Mini Dental Implants
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