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The current study aimed to isolate and diagnose Candida spp yeasts that cause candidiasis with a PCR device from patients reviewed for some hospitals in Baghdad city and by 190 samples, the study recorded 123 isolates and the total percentage of infection was 64.7% .Samples were taken from different clinical cases of the vagina, blood and mouth and the Candida spp were (70.37%, 41.26%, 86.95%) respectively. Five types of yeasts were isolated and diagnosed, namely C. albicans, C. tropicalis, C. parapsilosis, C. krusei and C.glabarta. They were confirmed by PCR device and the most notable were yeast C. albicans, where 91 isolates were found, 73.98%, while the lowest infection was recorded. C.glabartawith 3 isolates, at 2.43%, significant differences at P  0.001.The C. albicans showed the ability to form a Grem tube and Chlamydospore formation. Cultivation on the differential medium, chromo agar, showed that the yeast of C. albicans in a light green color, C.tropicalis in a metallic blue and C.parapsilosis in a creamy white color as the C .krusei was light pink in color, while C.glabrata was pinkish-purple in color. Isolation and diagnosis of these species have been confirmed by the Vitek2 Compact System. Four types of antifungal agents, Nystatin, Amphotericin, Clotrimazole and Ketoconazole, were used, The results showed a different effect of antifungals on Candida spp. The results of the PCR using the fungi starter pair (ITS1, ITS4) showed that they produced different molecular sizes ranging from (510-870) bp where the type of C. albicans was 535 bp and C. krusie was bp 510 and C.tropicalis was bp 524 and C. parapsilosis was bp520 and C.glabrata were bp 870

Publication Date
Sun Nov 15 2020
Journal Name
​​​​arabian Journal Of Scientific Research
Isolation and characterization of Candida glabrata from clinical specimens in some hospitals in Baghdad
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This study aimed for isolation and identification of Candida glabrata and identifying some virulence factors. The distribution of patients with candidemia thrush showed that the age group 50-65 years old recorded the highest incidence of candidiasis in female and male with leukemia by 50% and 37.9 % respectively compared to the lowest incidence of candidiasis in the age group under 17 years old in female and male 8.8% and 13.5%, respectively. While the age group between 5-8 years was high, reaching 18 cases of oral candidiasis and 42% of children with leukemia compared with the age group, which was the least, that reached 9 cases, 21%. The highest incidence of C. glabrata was 59 isolates of females and males with leukemia, while C. kefyer w

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 07 2010
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Isolation and Idintification of candida albicans from vagina and Study of some Virulance Factors
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197 vaginal swabs were collected from women of different ages. (60) Isolates of Candida albicans (30.4%) were obtained, and the other species of Candida represent (18.27%). Bacterial infections showed (41.11%), and infection with Trichomonas vaginalis was (2.03%). Ten isolates of C. albicans were chosen randomly for farther study which include two virulence factors tendency of adhesion wich showed a percentage of (52%) to(32%) , and the ability to produce phospholipaze enzyme and it’s activity which showed (50%) of the isolates have the ability to produce the enzyme in different degrees .

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 27 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Isolation and Identification of Some Intestinal Parasites Eggs, Cysts and Oocysts From two Species of Diptera: Calliphoridae in Baghdad
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  This study documented the role of blowfly Chrysomya  albiceps and Chrysomya megacephala  as carriers of 15 species of intestinal parasites eggs, cysts and Oocysts  as a primary effort of Iraq, by external and internal techniques: 10 species of different parasites were reported in this study that transmitted mechanically by Calliphoridae fly ,eight of them are nematode eggs (Ancylostoma duodenal, Ascaridia sp., Ascaris lumbricoides, Parascaris equirum, Strongyloides stericoralis , Strongylus sp., Trichostrongylus  sp. and Toxocara canis)and cysts of  two species of protozoa ( Entamoba sp.and  Iodomaba butschlii).  Internal technique by stained the fluid gut of flies with Zael Nelson stain, was app

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 20 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Isolation and identification of some bacterial isolates from soil contaminated with crude oil and Testing Their Effectiveness
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Bacterial strains were isolated from oil-contaminated soil, in 2018, these isolates were identified, and with the aim of finding out the ability of these isolates to degrede the oil compounds, the color change of medium which added to it isolates was read by the method of Pacto Bushnell Hans. Then the change in the petroleum compounds was read by gas chromatography, for the most effective isolates.

The nine isolated bacterial showed different degrees of color change, and the isolates (Pseudomonas, Bacillus, Micrococcus) outperformed the color change amount (78, 78, 77) %, respectively, compared to the control, and the three isolates together showed the best color change of 90.7. % Compared to the control, and the

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Scopus (3)
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Publication Date
Sun Jun 05 2016
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Identification of Candida species Isolated From Vulvovaginal Candidiasis Patients by Chromgen agar and PCR-RFLP Method
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This study focuses on diagnosis of Candida species causing Vulvovaginal Candidiasis using phenotype and genotype analyzing methods, and frequencies of candida species also using Vulvovaginal Candidiasis patients. 130 samples (100 from patients and 30 from non infected women) were collected and cultured on biological media. Identifying the yeasts, initially some phenotypic experiments were carried out such as germ tube, from motion of pseudohyphae and clamydospores in CMA+TW80 medium, API20 candida and CHROMagar Candida. Genomic DNA of all species were extracted and analyzed with PCR and subsequent Polymerase Chain Reaction - Restriction Fragments Length Polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) methods. Frequency of C. albicans, C. krusei, C. tropicalis , C.

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 27 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Extraction of volatile oils and evaluation some features of volatile oil from the leaves of some local Eucalyptus spp trees and comparing them with volatile oil of some foreign species
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 This study included the extraction of volatile oils from the leaves of some local Eucalyptus trees (i.e.(1)E.camldulensis ,(2) E.camldulensis , E.microtheca , E.globules , E.sideroxylem , E.krusianin. by the water distillation method. As well as exploring some of their physical properties.       The results of this study reveald that the local eucalyptus trees gave a good rate of volatile oil equals to some global kinds and to the rate in India pharmacopeia.       Also the results revealed that there had been concurrence between the percentages of volatile oils and refractive index and specific gravity of the plants on which the study was made to study and those included i

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 15 2023
Journal Name
Evaluation of the Drinking water in some Hospitals in Baghdad
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Due to the significance of hospital drinking water, a study was done to assess the water in three hospitals in Baghdad (Al-Yarmouk Teaching Hospital, Ibn Sina Hospital, and Ibn-Al-Nafis Hospital) for its nature and quality, compare it to other hospitals in terms of its physical, chemical, and bacterial specifications, and compare it to international standards. According to Iraqi standards from 2009 and WHO standards from 2011, Chemical factors were measured, which included pH, Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), and Calcium Ion (Ca+2). Reported readings are all within acceptable ranges for drinking water. In contrast, turbidity, total hardness (T.H.), chlorides (Cl-), magnesium (Mg+2), the number of aerobic plates (APC), total coliform (T

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2023
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Earth And Environmental Science
Survey of some Fish Species from Different Localities in Baghdad
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Abstract<p>This study is concerned with a survey of seven species belonging to seven genera under two families and two orders found in some different areas of the Tigris River, especially since these areas have not been surveyed for a long time, and an attempt to identify the existing species at the present time after the recent water scarcity of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers and all water bodies interior of Iraq and the impact of this scarcity on the fish diversity found in some areas of the Tigris River in Baghdad.</p>
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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Wed Dec 01 2010
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
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Twelve species of Tubuliferous thrips, of the family Phlaeothripidae had been reported from Iraq. Two of these were reported previously, Haplothrips cerealis Priesner, by El-Haidari and Daoud 1971 and Haplothrips tritici kurdjumov by Al-Ali 1977 and the rest were recorded for the first time: these are Haplothrips hukkineni Priesner; Haplothrips subtilissimus (Haliday); Haplothrips reuteri Karny; Haplothrips jasonis Priesner; Haplothrips sallloumensis Priesner; Haplothrips pharao Priesner; Phlaeothrips sycomri Priesner; Karnyothrips flavipus (Jones); Karnyothrips melaleucus (Bagnall); Dolicholepta micrurus (Bagnall). Number of insec

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 01 2007
Journal Name
Journal Of The Faculty Of Medicine Baghdad
Isolation of some microorganisms from Iraqi patients with chronic maxillary sinusitis.
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